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Category Archives: Lent

Passion Week Timeline: Wednesday

We’re in the middle of looking at the biblical day-by-day chronology of events of Passion Week, also known as Holy Week. See the events of Monday and Tuesday. For the Infographic detailing the entire week, see our Holy Week Timeline, which we encourage you to download, print, and share with your church or community. Browse […]

Filed under Easter, Holy Week, Lent

Prepare for Easter with Free Email Lent Devotionals

Lent is the season in the church calendar that marks 40 days prior to Easter. It begins in 2018 on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14, and ends on Holy Saturday, Mar. 31. The word Lent is an old English word meaning ‘lengthen.’ The event is observed in spring, when the days begin to get longer. Lent […]

Filed under Devotionals, Discipleship, Easter, Events, Lent

Gain Something For Lent (Don’t Just Give Something Up)

We’re nearly a week into the season of Lent. Did you commit to “give something up” during Lent? It’s a common practice during the Easter season, but it can certainly be a challenge to give up a long-held habit or activity, whether the change is major (giving up a deeply-ingrained habit) or relatively minor (staying […]

Filed under Easter, Lent

How You Can Observe Lent

Now is a great time to take a few minutes and consider how you can draw closer to God’s Word and to Jesus during the Easter season. Not all Christians observe the Lenten season, of course—there’s no command in the Bible to do so. However, Christians around the world and from many different theological traditions […]

Filed under Easter, Lent

What Happened on Good Friday?

Browse resources for Easter in the Bible Gateway Store. Today is Good Friday, the bleakest moment in the Gospel story. Reading the story of Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion today, we have the benefit of knowing that it’s all leading up to the triumph of Easter. But to the Jesus-followers present at the scene, it […]

Filed under Easter, Holy Week, Lent

What Happened on Thursday of Holy Week?

As we approach Easter Sunday, the events of Holy Week intensify. We’ve already looked at what happened on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Easter week. What about Thursday? [Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Infographic: What Happened During Holy Week Day-By-Day. Browse resources for Easter in the Bible Gateway Store. Thursday of Holy Week—also known […]

Filed under Easter, Holy Week, Lent

Devotional Study: Crucifixion and Resurrection

This lesson is part of Mel Lawrenz’ “How to Study the Bible” series. If you know someone or a group who would like to follow along on this journey through Scripture, they can get more info and sign up to receive these essays via email here. One way of studying Scripture is to ponder the […]

Filed under Easter, Holy Week, How to Study the Bible, Lent

What Happened on Wednesday of Holy Week?

Earlier this week, we looked at what happened during Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week. Today, we’ll look at the events of Holy Wednesday. All our references are drawn from the Holy Week Timeline. [Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Infographic: What Happened During Holy Week Day-By-Day] Browse resources for Easter in the Bible Gateway […]

Filed under Easter, Holy Week, Lent

What Happened on Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week?

What happened on each day of Holy Week? This week, we’ll be looking at the biblical events that took place during the week leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion on Good Friday. We’ll base this discussion on our Holy Week Timeline, which you’re welcome to download, print, and share with your church or community. So what […]

Filed under Easter, Holy Week, Lent

Is Easter Based on a Pagan Holiday?

Is the word “Easter” derived from the name of a pagan goddess? Is it appropriate to use that term to refer to the Resurrection day of Jesus Christ—and is the entire Lent season and Easter holiday tainted by association with ancient pagan religion? We’re asked these questions each year during Lent. We’ve asked Mel Lawrenz, […]

Filed under Easter, Lent