New Thai Version on Bible Gateway: An Interview with Dr. Jerry Crow

Bible Gateway offers free online access to the Bible in more than 70 languages. One of them is Thai, spoken in the Southeast Asian country of Thailand with a population of over 69 million people and where Buddhism is the prevalent religion. Within that context comes the New Thai Version Bible translation.

Bible Gateway interviewed Dr. Jerry Crow of the New Thai Version Foundation about the NTV.

What is the organization behind the NTV?

Dr. Jerry Crow: The New Thai Version Foundation was formed to be the producer and distributor of the New Thai Version. The NTV is a scholarly and highly readable Bible that’s popular with serious Bible students and readers who want a Bible written in language that’s linguistically beautiful and also accurately reflecting the original Bible texts.

What need did you see that prompted the creation of the NTV?

Dr. Jerry Crow: The producers of the NTV saw a need for a Bible that used words consistently and would be a translation that those who’ve never read the Bible could enjoy reading and be touched by a clear message from God. Thailand is a nation with very few Bible readers so there’s a huge need for a translation that sounds Thai, yet accurately contains the timeless truths of the Bible.

[Read the New Thai Version on Bible Gateway]

How was the NTV created?

Dr. Jerry Crow: The founders of the NTV (one Thai and one American) are a husband and wife team who are seminary trained and are both fluent in Thai, English, and have strong backgrounds in the biblical languages. One of the founders has a doctorate degree with an emphasis on theology and linguistics. Also, many others have helped during this 31 year process of developing the complete NTV. Two highly trained Thai editors, who were both graduates from the best university in Thailand, went through the entire text several times. We employed many proofreaders, pastors, and Bible teachers to give valuable feedback through the years. Thai university professors also gave feedback on various aspects of the Thai language. The founders oversaw the entire 31 year process. Although most of the work was done intentionally by Thai people, we did have various westerners help in specific Bible related technical issues such as Paratext and typesetting.

How does the NTV compare with other Thai Bible translations?

Dr. Jerry Crow: We saw a need for a Bible that didn’t sound foreign and was written in high quality Thai. The NTV also saw a need for a Bible that was done by people who knew the biblical languages and could do all original language research. The translator had to be linguistically gifted in Thai, fluent in English, and also good with the biblical languages. Fortunately we had those key points.

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Describe the dominant religion and spiritual curiosity of Thai-speaking people?

Dr. Jerry Crow: Thailand is a nation of almost 70 million people with a high literacy rate in the national Thai language. Even though the nation is predominately Buddhist, there’s an interest in God, the creator of the universe. Many Thais think all religions are good and similar, but we’re glad there’s a growing interest in finding out that salvation comes through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus.

How has the NTV been received in the Thai church?

Dr. Jerry Crow: The NTV is a new translation, but the New Testament has been out for many years and has been well received by many Thai Christians. It’s also been widely and effectively used for evangelism. We’ve always had very positive feedback and look forward to the complete Bible being widely distributed.

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What are your goals for the NTV?

Dr. Jerry Crow: Our first primary goal was to create a Thai translation that was as free as possible from unnecessary jargon and could be used by all classes of people in Bible study and church services. Our second goal was to reach those who’ve never heard the gospel. Everywhere people travel in Thailand they learn that almost 99% of the people have never heard the truth of the gospel. The only understanding of Christianity is that it’s a foreign religion. In Thailand, religion and nationalism are highly intertwined. This’s why we wanted the NTV to sound very Thai and be written in language that’s polite, beautiful, and touches the hearts of the Thai people. We want them to understand they can still be Thai and at the same time believe in Jesus, the Savior of the world.

Please explain how a school is using the NTV on Bible Gateway.

Dr. Jerry Crow: Many involved in the NTV project have also been leaders in an inductive Bible study program in Thailand. We’re excited to use the Bible Gateway App in teaching as we go through the complete Bible book by book in a nine month course. We do inductive study where students follow the three key steps of inductive study (Observation, Interpretation, and Application). Our NTV project believes that the Bible Gateway format and note taking applications will be perfect for this and we’re currently using it in a Thai Bible school.


What is a favorite Bible passage of yours and why?

Dr. Jerry Crow: “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever,” Isaiah 40:8 (NIV). In the NTV it reads, “ต้นหญ้านั้นเหี่ยวแห้งและดอกร่วงโรย แต่คำกล่าวของพระเจ้าของเราจะยั่งยืนอยู่ตลอดกาล” Isaiah 40:8 (NTV). The NTV believes the Bible has the power to change the world!

What are your thoughts about Bible Gateway and the Bible Gateway App and Bible Audio App?

Dr. Jerry Crow: The NTV team is confident Bible Gateway will be a great resource for serious Thai Bible readers. Also, almost every Thai has a cell phone now so our prayer is that, through the years, many will download the Bible Gateway App on their phones.

We’re currently researching doing an Audio Bible and have the funds set aside for this. Our team will be excited to upload our audio NTV onto Bible Gateway when we’ve completed our audio project. We’re doing research trying to find high quality Thai readers. The NTV would appreciate your prayers in this regard.

Bio: Jerry Crow is the director of the New Thai Version Foundation and has two masters and a doctorate degree from Western Seminary. He has over 30 years of experience as a Bible translator and consultant. He has also taught inductive Bible training around the world in both English and Thai. Charee, Jerry’s wife, is also seminary trained and has been the main translator for the NTV. She is a gifted linguist who is bilingual in Thai and English and has a very strong background in the biblical languages. You can reach them at newthaiversion@gmail.com.

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