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Blog / Experience the Very Best of Writings from Theology Favorites like C. S. Lewis and Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Bible Gateway

Experience the Very Best of Writings from Theology Favorites like C. S. Lewis and Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Bible Gateway

Famous Theologians

The writings of these famous Christian speakers, writers, and teachers contain a treasury of biblical wisdom and are some of Bible Gateway’s most popular devotional material. Find out more about Scripture and the disciple’s walk with Christ from these eminent and godly thinkers.

We’ve put together this series of email devotionals—all in one place—for your convenience, so share this post or the sign-up page with your friends and family. Apart from being excerpted from beloved Christian theologians, these devotionals all focus on the challenge of living humbly and sacrificially in a confused world. Here’s what you can choose from:

  • 40-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer: This devotional will challenge you to live a life of intentional service and sacrifice. Bonhoeffer—murdered by the Nazis for standing up against Hitler—knew what it meant to follow Christ no matter the cost. His words are powerful and important for Christ-followers today.
  • C. S. Lewis Daily Devotional: Experience the very best of Lewis’ writing. Each day, you’ll receive a selected excerpt from Lewis’ work—his novels, personal letters, and nonfiction. Whether you’re completely new to Lewis’ work or are a lifetime fan, there’s no better way to read the best of C. S. Lewis.
  • Dallas Willard Devotions: Beloved author and philosopher Dallas Willard wrote much about how to find peace in Christ despite all the distractions and setbacks that life throws at us. This devotional collects his best and most inspiring devotional writing.
  • Charles Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening: Filled with thoughts and Scripture-commentary from the eminently quotable preacher. This daily devotional remains one of our longstanding favorites, and for good reason!

Click or tap here to sign up for one or more of these devotions. All of them are free email devotionals that you can read at your leisure. And we hope that you’ll take the words of wisdom as inspiration to spend more time reading the Bible!

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Filed under Bible Gateway, Devotionals, Newsletters