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Blog / Explore the New Bible Commentary with Bible Gateway Plus

Explore the New Bible Commentary with Bible Gateway Plus

New Bible CommentaryThe New Bible Commentary (InterVarsity Press) is the most recent addition to our growing library of study resources available in the Bible Gateway Scripture sidebar when you sign up for a Bible Gateway Plus membership!

Voted one of Christianity Today‘s Books of the Year, the New Bible Commentary has set the standard for works of its kind for over 40 years. Its quality and clarity has had a lasting impact on many Bible readers. It is one of the leading single-volume commentaries on the entire Bible. Readable and accessible, the volume collects notes from many of the finest scholars of our day to meet the needs of students, teachers, and anyone interested in delving deeper into the scriptural text.

You can now access its notes right alongside Scripture in Bible Gateway Plus! Once you sign up for a free 30-day trial, you’ll be able to find the New Bible Commentary notes in the Commentaries section of your Bible Gateway Plus sidebar. It’s easy to get engrossed by the treasure trove of Study Bibles, encyclopedias, and other commentaries in the Bible Gateway Plus sidebar, but my recommendation is to focus on one helpful resource at a time so you become familiar with it and use it more productively.

So, to explore the New Bible Commentary notes, scroll past the other rich biblical material for now and open its drawer in the Commentaries section. Each sidebar drawer offers notes from that particular resource for the Bible passage that you’re currently viewing on Bible Gateway. In the image below, you can see the New Bible Commentary notes open for Ephesians 4. It looks like there are 6 reference notes for this verse, each of which will help you interpret a specific section from Ephesians 4!

New Bible Commentary Notes

The New Bible Commentary—along with many other valuable resources—is available to you as part of your Bible Gateway Plus membership. Joining is one of the best ways to increase your knowledge and understanding of God’s Word, and it’s all built into the Bible-reading website you already use! To begin benefitting from these award-winning study notes as well as the many other significant resources Bible Gateway Plus has to offer, sign up for your free trial right now.

Filed under Bible Gateway Features, Bible Gateway Plus, Bible Reference, Commentaries