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Blog / Holman Christian Standard Bible Verse of the Day Now Available!

Holman Christian Standard Bible Verse of the Day Now Available!

Our Verse of the Day email is now available in the Holman Christian Standard Bible! Sign up today!

The Verse of the Day email is a daily verse (well, occasionally we cheat and choose a short multi-verse quote) from the Bible sent out each morning. It involves almost no time commitment (just one short verse or quote) and is a great way to get your day started on a positive, Bible-focused note.

The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) is a relatively recent and popular Bible translation that has become a favorite of many Bible Gateway users since we added it to our library of online Bibles. Its translators employed a translation philosophy known as “optimal equivalence” to strike a balance between literary precision and emotive clarity—in other words, it’s an accurate translation of both the words and thoughts behind the Bible text. We’ve talked about the HCSB here on the blog, and you can read about its history and translation philosophy on Bible Gateway.

We hope you enjoy this new Verse of the Day email. Stop by our Email Newsletters page and sign up today!

Filed under Verse of the Day