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Category Archives: Monday Morning Scripture

Monday Morning Scripture: Genesis 13

Lot’s choice, when it came down to it, was a pretty easy one. He probably didn’t have to spend too much time thinking about it before making his decision. On the one hand: a passable, but not remarkable, section of land in which to settle his family. On the other: a bountiful, irrigated valley as […]

Filed under Monday Morning Scripture

Monday Morning Scripture: Philippians 3:3-14

How good do you have to be to impress God? Does going to church every Sunday improve our standing with God? What about zealously following every religious rule in the book? Or perhaps claiming descent from a long line of religious ancestors? Well, if you think you’re good, let me introduce you to the apostle […]

Filed under Monday Morning Scripture

Monday Morning Scripture: Psalm 25

Sometimes, life is hard. So how should a believer respond to life’s challenges? This week, we look at David’s prayer for help.

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Monday Morning Scripture: The Return of the Prodigal Son

How would you react if someone you loved left you for a life of debauchery… and then returned? That’s what happens in Jesus’ most famous parable.

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Monday Morning Scripture: 1 Timothy 4

How are Christians to live in an age of wickedness, hypocrisy, and false teaching? Although it might seem that modern Christians live in a uniquely sinful age, the ancient church also struggled to live righteously in a culture filled with spiritual darkness. What should be our guiding principle in such times? 1 Timothy 4 The […]

Filed under Monday Morning Scripture

Monday Morning Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12

Do you know what your talents and gifts are? 1 Corinthians 12 offers some useful insights for understanding our spiritual gifts, and their place in the grand picture of God’s church.

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Tuesday Morning Scripture: John 4 and The Other at the Well

Who are the “Others” in your local culture? In John 4, Jesus speaks to a shunned woman—and demonstrates how we should act toward people living on the margins of society.

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Monday Morning Scripture: “Not With Persuasive Words”

What convinces people to believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ? In 1 Corinthians 2, the apostle Paul shares a seemingly counter-intuitive answer.

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Monday Morning Scripture: Ephesians 2 and Your Relationship to God

What, exactly, is mankind’s relationship with God? That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it? Ephesians 2 offers us an answer.

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Monday Morning Scripture: Romans 14 and the Christian’s Conscience

Murder… adultery… theft… you won’t find any Christian who thinks those are God-honoring activities. Between Old Testament law, New Testament guidelines for Christian living, and the many righteous examples set by believers throughout the Bible, Christians generally know how they should (and shouldn’t) behave. But what happens when we don’t know? Christians have devoted huge […]

Filed under Monday Morning Scripture