Randy Frazee on the Struggle to Understand Scripture

Do you wish you understood the Bible better, but don’t know where to start? You’re not alone—many Christians who genuinely love the Bible still struggle to see the Bible as a unified, coherent text.

If you can relate to that, Randy Frazee’s The Heart of the Story email newsletter is for you. The newsletter, which launched at Bible Gateway last month, consists of short weekly videos by author and pastor Randy Frazee in which he discusses the problem of Biblical illiteracy—and points to ways we can better understand and appreciate Scripture.

To give you an idea of what the newsletter is like, here’s the most recent video, in which Randy uses a popular novel to illustrate a common problem in the modern Christian approach to Scripture:

As you can see, the point is not to condemn anyone for failing to understand all of the Bible’s nuances—it’s to point Christians to a deeper understanding of the Bible. If you found the above video useful, it’s not too late to join the discussion. The next installment of The Heart of the Story goes out later this week, so sign up today!

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.