Welcome back to Bible Gateway’s weekly Look at the Book series of short blog posts and infographics introducing you to the books of the Bible. Finally… we’re back from the 70-year Babylonian exile, the temple is rebuilt, and Ezra is here to tell us about it.
Scroll to the bottom if you’d prefer to see (and save) this article as an infographic. You’ll also find a handy 30-day reading guide. Or, for a challenge, you can do it in one week using the 7-day reading guide below.
Relates how God’s covenant people were restored from Babylonian exile to the land of Israel.
- Category: History
- Theme: Restoration
- Timeline: 538-457 BC
- Written: Around 440 BC, most likely by Ezra
Key Verse
“For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.” — Ezra 7:10 (NIV)
There and Back Again
The Jews’ return from the Babylonian captivity seemed like a second Exodus, patterned in some ways after Israel’s first redemption from Egyptian bondage.
- Rebuilding the temple and walls
- Reinstitution of the Law
- Challenge of local enemies
- Intermarriage leading to idolatry
Other parallels between the original Exodus and the return from Babylon must have seemed to the returnees like they were given a fresh start by God.
7 Day Reading Guide
(See 30-day guide below.)
- Day 1: Ezra 1
- Day 2: Ezra 2-3
- Day 3: Ezra 4
- Day 4: Ezra 5-6
- Day 5: Ezra 7
- Day 6: Ezra 8
- Day 7: Ezra 9-10
Who Was Ezra?
Ezra was a scribe who had access to the myriad of administrative documents found in Ezra and Nehemiah, especially those in the book of Ezra.
Access the rest of the series. Browse Bible studies for each book of the Bible. Or right-click on the infographic below to download and save the image for your reference.
Chris Fann is the Senior Digital Marketing Manager for Harper Christian Resources. He loves the smell ofa baseball glove, coffee, and old books. He lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan with his wife, 2 teenage boys, and their dog, Freya.