Weekly Brief is your 1-minute smart and fast report to keep you informed of important Bible-related trends, statistics, articles, and pivotal happenings on the Web and at Bible Gateway. Forward to your friends and share with your followers to encourage them to subscribe.


Life More Abundant: An Interview with David Jeremiah

How is it possible to miss having an abundant life? What is our involvement in developing godly character? How is salvation an ongoing process? In this Q&A, Dr. David Jeremiah talks about his book, A Life Beyond Amazing: 9 Decisions that Will Transform Your Life Today (Thomas Nelson, 2017).


Evidence That Demands A Verdict Redux: An Interview with Josh McDowell and Sean McDowell

In the 45 years since its first publication, what new historical documentation, archaeological discoveries, and scholarship evidence would lead to the updating and extensive expansion of this one million-copy Christian apologetic bestseller? Bible Gateway interviewed Josh McDowell and his son Dr. Sean McDowell about their book, Evidence That Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical World (Thomas Nelson, 2017).

Become a member of Bible Gateway Plus and get immediate 24/7 access to the King James Version Study Bible Notes and other valuable Bible commentaries.

Take advantage of Bible Gateway's Deal of the Day


Browse exclusive discounts on the best Christian books, Bibles, studies, and more! Check every day for the Deal of the Day in the Bible Gateway Store. And sign up to receive our Deal of the Day newsletter!

Browse the Reformation Studies section in the Bible Gateway Store. Also remember that October is Pastor Appreciation Month.


After Mass Shootings, Americans Turn to Four Bible Verses Most

An analysis of online Bible search patterns surrounding the Las Vegas shooting as well as 18 other major incidents of violence over the past decade.

Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Why Does God Allow Tragedy and Suffering?.


See more Bible-related articles in this week's Bible News Roundup.
See previous editions of Bible News Roundup and Weekly Brief.


Hope Despite The Tumult of Violence and Disaster

October 2 the world awoke once again to horrific news of mass murder and devastation, this time in Las Vegas. And we cry out to God. "I am suffering and in pain. Rescue me, O God, by your saving power." Psalm 69:29

“How to Live the Bible” Free Weekly Lessons Begin Soon

In October author and pastor Dr. Mel Lawrenz, who previously wrote the series How to Understand the Bible and How to Study the Bible, begins a new weekly email series called How to Live the Bible. These practical lessons will help you understand how to apply the truth of Scripture to everyday life and how your life can be shaped and transformed.

Browse the Christian Living section in the Bible Gateway Store.

Meaningful Life Is Really Found in the Small Things

The million little pieces that make a life aren't necessarily glamorous. But God uses some of the smallest, most ordinary acts of faithfulness—and sometimes they look a whole lot like packing lunch. In this 6-week Bible study you'll study with a new perspective some famous Bible stories and discover what it means to live an abundant life! Join the Church of the Small Things Online Bible Study by New York Times bestselling author Melanie Shankle. Get access to 6 FREE study videos taught by Melanie and free downloads to get started.

How the Bible’s Obscure “Coincidences” Demonstrate Its Reliability: An Interview with Lydia McGrew

How do seemingly unrelated details in different books of the Bible come together to form undesigned coincidences that strongly support the eyewitness nature of these books and the overall accuracy of the Bible? Bible Gateway interviewed Lydia McGrew about her book, Hidden in Plain View: Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels and Acts (DeWard Publishing, 2017).

What Was the Reformation and Why Does it Matter Today?

Bible Gateway is excited to be participating in Martin Luther’s tradition of making Scripture open and available, and we’re looking forward to sharing with you some of the amazing Bible translations that were born from the Reformation, including the 1599 Geneva Bible.

See the special resource section 7 Ways to Capture the Reformation Spirit at Bible Gateway.

Biblical Counseling vs. Christian Counseling: What’s the Difference?

Biblical counselors and Christian counselors have had their fair share of disagreements over the years.

Spotlight: Revised Standard Version (RSV)

This feature in Weekly Brief is intended to help you become aware of one of the plethora of Bible versions available for you to freely read on Bible Gateway. This week:

Reading the Bible in multiple languages and multiple versions is always just a click away online at Bible Gateway and in print from the Bible Gateway Store, where you'll save money while supporting the ministry of Bible Gateway when making a purchase.

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