Consider Giving Away Bibles

Jesus said the second greatest commandment is to love people (Matthew 22:36-40). You’d think the greatest way to obey that command is to tell people as often as possible how to establish a relationship with God that results in the forgiveness of the person’s sins and prevents them from an eternity in hell (John 3:16).

[Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, What Does the Bible Say About Hell?: An Interview with Anthony DeStefano]

Yet, studies show the majority of Christians avoid evangelizing because they’re worried they might offend their family or lose their friends. Since the Bible is the world’s most popular book, continuing to be the number-one bestseller decade after decade, one convenient and non-threatening way to help people find and follow Jesus is to simply offer them a free print Bible, in which they can read for themselves about God’s extraordinary gift of salvation.

[Read articles about evangelism on the Bible Gateway Blog]

Sign up to get the Know the Bible free email lesson series from Bible Gateway.

Of course, the Bible Gateway App is ready whenever anyone wants to freely access the Bible using the internet and a mobile device. But for those times when the internet is spotty or inaccessible, a print Bible fits the bill.

[Bibles designed for church, ministry, and personal outreach are available at discount prices from ChurchSource]

Are you ready to give Bibles to your family, friends, or those experiencing hardship or crises who would benefit from your personal ministry, such as the incarcerated, emergency personnel, immigrants, and refugees? Consider it a straightforward way to not only obey Jesus’ second commandment, but also his Great Commission.

Here are some suggestions of affordable and popular outreach Bibles now available in packs that are perfect for you to keep on hand when needed and for large distribution at special events:



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Jonathan Petersen: