Categories: AudioBible

Celebrate Audiobook Month (And Throughout the Year) With Audio Bibles

According to the US Library of Congress, 1877 is the date popularly given for Thomas Edison’s completion of the model for the first phonograph.
He was trying to improve the telegraph transmitter when he noticed that the movement of the paper tape through the machine produced a noise resembling spoken words when played at a high speed. Experimenting with a stylus (hard-pointed instrument like a large needle) on a tinfoil cylinder, Edison spoke into the machine, “Mary had a little lamb.” Eventually phonographic books for those who were sight-impaired were one of the ideas he had in mind for the purpose of his invention.

[Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, All the Ways to Listen to Free Audio Bibles and Devotionals with Bible Gateway]

The original cylinders used with Edison’s phonograph only held about four minutes of audio. Even when flat platters were introduced the duration was only 12 minutes, hardly sufficient for the recording of long chapter books. In the 1920s reel-to-reel tape recordings were possible, but its playback equipment proved expensive. It wasn’t until the mid-20th century when long-playing 12-inch vinyl records appeared that long form narrative recordings were viable. Then came the 60-minute cassette tape developed in 1962, followed by the audio CD (compact disc) in 1979. Once digital downloads became popular in 2005, audiobooks came into their own.

[Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Select a Bible Reading Plan on the Free Bible Audio App]

As Audiobook Month, June celebrates this rich audio history and its benefit to millions of people every year. So, during this month, Bible Gateway is pleased to celebrate the convenience and benefit of audio Bibles.

And here (hear) are audio Bibles that are available in the Bible Gateway Store:

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Jonathan Petersen: