In Time for Thanksgiving and Christmas: A Special Note from Mel Lawrenz

I always want to make the most of times like Thanksgiving Day and Christmas, and I’m sure you do also. Here are two opportunities…

A Prayer for Thanksgiving Day is something you can use personally, at your dinner table on Thanksgiving Day, or in your church if you are a pastor. This is the first in a new project called “Prayer of the Week,” which I am very enthused about. You can view this prayer, and from that page you can download a “printable prayer” PDF, listen to the audio, and share the prayer. I hope you will. You can also sign up to get the “Prayer of the Week” via email. These are days in which we all need prayer for ourselves, and to pray for each other. Read the prayer right now.

Secondly, you may wish to use the paperback book, Christmas Joy–A Devotional. Use this devotional for the month of December, or get copies as Christmas gifts for friends and family. The Christmas season should be a time for personal spiritual renewal. A time of joy and celebration. I believe this daily devotional will help us “keep Christ in Christmas.” Each daily reading unpacks the meaning of words like joy, peace, Immanuel, shepherd, Magi, Mary, star, flesh, virgin, counselor, prince, manger, and more. In addition to the paperback book, Christmas Joy is available as a Kindle book, and in Spanish.

May God bless you richly in these important days.

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Mel Lawrenz: Minister at large for Elmbrook Church, and director of The Brook Network