Categories: New Year

Resolve to Get to Know Your Bible Better in 2017 (And Let Us Help!)

Are you starting to think about New Year’s resolutions for 2017? Why not make a resolution to spend some time in the New Year getting to know your Bible better?

“Spend time reading the Bible” may sound like a daunting resolution to make, but it actually doesn’t need to be. Getting to know your Bible doesn’t mean you have to spend hours each day studying Scripture or memorizing verses. It just means resolving to spend intentional time reading the Bible on a regular basis.

What that looks like will differ from person to person—for one person, it might mean spending five minutes each morning reading a short Bible passage; for another, it’s an hour every Saturday afternoon. What’s most important is not the length of time you spend reading Scripture, but simply cementing the practice of reading Scripture regularly into a habit. For the purposes of connecting the Bible to your everyday life, a habit of reading the Bible for just five minutes a day is much healthier than a marathon Bible study session that you only do every six months.

So make 2017 the year that you move from wishing you read the Bible more, to actually doing it!

Of course, we at Bible Gateway want to help you do that. We’ve hand-picked several devotionals that we think will get you off to a great start in 2017 reading and reflecting on God’s Word. You can sign up for them at our New Year’s Devotionals page. (And if you don’t see exactly what you want there, visit our devotional library and our collection of Bible reading plans to find the one that’s perfect for you.)

It’s easier than you think to get into the habit of reading God’s Word. Resolve to do it in 2017—and let us help!

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.