“Timelining” Scripture: How to Connect the Bible’s Stories Into a Thematic Whole

Stories are important! We all tell stories to express ourselves to others and learn what it means to be human. And it’s therefore no surprise that the Bible is full of stories—God uses stories to reveal himself to us in ways we can understand and relate to.

But sometimes, it’s not clear how all of the many varied stories in the Bible fit together, in order or in theme. How do the parables of Jesus relate to the Old Testament stories of kings and wars? How do the epic stories of Genesis fit in with the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry?

One way to approach these seemingly disparate stories is through the technique of timelining. In this video discussion (drawn from the Scripture Engagement section of BibleGateway.com), Phil Collins of Taylor University walks through the simple process of timelining the stories of the Bible so that we can understand the overarching message of Scripture. If you’re looking for a fresh way to approach God’s Word, take some time to watch and learn from this video.

If you’ve watched the video above and would like to explore more ways to deepen your engagement with God’s Word, there’s much more to be found in our collection of Scripture Engagement articles and resources.

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Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.