Categories: General

Be the Best Dad You Can Be: Sign Up for These Devotions for Fathers

Looking for a devotional that will challenge and inspire you to be a better parent and spouse? With Father’s Day on the horizon, we’ve picked out some of our best parenting devotionals for dads and put them on our Father’s Day page!

The three devotionals we picked are:

Devotions for a Sacred Marriage: Our brand new devotional! It asks, “What if God’s primary intent for your marriage isn’t to make you happy… but holy?” It’s written by best-selling author Gary Thomas to help you explore God’s purpose for your marriage and your relationship with your spouse.

Night Light for Parents: Learn to better love, understand, and nurture your children and family. This daily reflection by James and Shirley Dobson will help you grow in your understanding of God-honoring parenthood.

Boundaries: Take control of your relationships with this weekly devotional drawn from the bestselling Boundaries series.

As you can infer from the descriptions, these devotionals are very appropriate for fathers, but because they focus on strengthening your family relationships generally, they’re a good match for anyone, male or female, whose marriage or personal relationships could use a tune-up. If that’s you, stop by our Father’s Day page and sign up! And feel free to point the father figure in your life in that direction as well.

And don’t forget that the Bible Gateway Store is currently running lots of good deals on gifts for dads, so if you’re looking for something special with which to show your appreciation for dad, take a look at what’s on offer there.

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.