The 50 Most Important Teachings of the Bible: An Interview with Jim George

It’s been said that what you believe is how your behave. What you believe about God, his written revelation—the Bible—and his ultimate revelation—Jesus—will define how you live your life. Having a grasp of what the Bible teaches, then, is crucial to living life to its fullest. What are the key teachings every Christian should know and how should they influence a believer’s daily behavior?

Bible Gateway interviewed Jim George (@JEGeorgeAuthors) about his book, The 50 Most Important Teachings of the Bible: What They Mean for You (Harvest House Publishers, 2015).

What need do you see among Christians that prompted you to write a book about the 50 most important teachings in the Bible?

Jim George: During the past 30 years of ministry, I’ve witnessed an alarming decline in biblical understanding. Christians are less and less familiar with their Bibles. Correspondingly, Christian doctrine has fallen into disfavor and the average believer has a very elementary understanding of the basic doctrines upon which the Christian faith rests. To do my part in countering this decline, I sought to write a book on the basic doctrines of the Bible; not from an academic perspective, but prayerfully, with a practical, down-to-earth approach.

You say there are some teachings in the Bible that are more foundational than others. What do you mean?

Jim George: Obviously any doctrine that deals with salvation must be seen as foundational. The reformation was based on this fundamental doctrine of salvation by grace alone (Ephesians 2:8-9). Also, any teaching on the person and nature of God must be considered as essential. What a person believes about God will determine how that person behaves.

Why do you say the Bible is the ultimate handbook for life?

Jim George: The Bible contains “the words of eternal life” (John 6:68) and is the ultimate “truth” (John 17:17). The Bible states in no uncertain terms that it contains God’s revelation of himself to man (Hebrews 1:1-3). The Bible states that “his divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). No other book can make these kinds of claims, so it stands to reason that the Bible is the ultimate handbook of life.

What’s your reaction to people who say the Bible is confusing, contradictory, and not to be trusted?

Jim George: First, I’d ask them if they believed in God. If they don’t believe in God, then, of course, the Bible would appear confusing and contradictory, and there would be no reason to trust in a book written by a god who doesn’t exist.

But if they do believe in God, I would ask them to show me specifics about the Bible that are “confusing or contradictory” to them. Most people have read very little of the Bible. What they’ve read has been bits and pieces, and would appear at first glance to be confusing and even contradictory. But diligent, purposeful reading of the Bible would help clarify and answer many of their questions. It might be as simple as finding a translation that gives the confused person a better understanding.

How can you have one chapter titled “Satan Is Not as Powerful as You Think He Is” followed by a chapter titled “Ignore Satan at Your Own Risk”?

Jim George: These two chapters deal with two misconceptions of Satan. First, Satan is viewed has having a power equal to God. This is not true. Satan is a created being and therefore ultimately answerable to his Creator, God, who limits Satan’s activities (Luke 22:31). Satan can do nothing without God’s permission (1 John 4:4).

The second misconception is that of underestimating Satan’s power; that is, since believers are “protected” from Satan’s destructive power, they have nothing to fear from Satan. This is not true. Satan is an extremely powerful spiritual being who “prowls around life a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). He’s the father of lies (John 8:44) and deceives many regarding religion. Satan deceived Eve by getting her to doubt God (theology), and he can do that to unsuspecting Christians (1 John 4:1).

Yes, Satan is not as powerful as we think, but he’s more powerful than any believer can deal with apart from putting on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-17).

What did you learn about yourself in writing this book?

Jim George: The Bible is an amazing book written by an infinite God who reveals different aspects of himself, and his son, the Lord Jesus every time you read and study your Bible. This is even more evident when any person begins to write about God, and his desire to have a relationship with his creation. I come away, as always, with a sense of wonder from the fact that the creator of the universe would desire to have a relationship with me and all others who would embrace his son as their savior.

Which of the 50 teachings comforts you the most?

Jim George: I especially like the idea expressed in the title of one teaching—“Jesus Walks with You, and When Necessary, Carries You.” God leaves none of his children behind. Therefore I have the assurance that what God began in me at salvation, he’ll complete in heaven (Philippians 1:6).

And which challenges you the most?

Jim George: The teachings that deal with Christian living are the most challenging because they remind me of my need to abide in Christ and make the effort to walk moment by moment by God’s Spirit. Christian living is where my—and every believer’s—doctrine is lived out. What I believe will determine how I behave.

You end with saying “Heavenly Living Starts Here and Now.” What do you mean?

Jim George: With salvation, a believer begins a new life. They’re “born again.” In God’s eyes, they’re now citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20). As future citizens of heaven, God expects his children to start acting out here and now what they will be in heaven. Obviously, our sin nature hinders this process, but with the Holy Spirit’s help, Christians can grow in grace and knowledge, and that citizenship will be lived out 100 precent when we get to heaven.

Bio: Jim George and his wife, Elizabeth George, are Christian speakers and authors. Jim, author of A Husband After God’s Own Heart (a Gold Medallion finalist) and The Bare Bones Bible Handbook, has MDiv and ThM degrees from Talbot Theological Seminary. He’s served in various pastoral roles for 25 years and been on The Master’s Seminary staff for ten years. Jim and Elizabeth have two married daughters and are grandparents.

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