Categories: Bible

Read the Original Before Watching the Reproduced

If you’re not careful, you might end up believing more in dramatic interpretation than the original Bible script during this year of Hollywood’s capitalizing on the popularity of biblical events. Big-budget biblical programming has found its way to the theater and television because producers have seen skyrocketing success in box office receipts and ad revenue.

According to film critic and Hollywood historian Leonard Maltin, when it comes to finding plot and script material for movies, “there is nothing older or more reliable than the Bible.” It’s important to remember that, as well acted and written as these productions may be, we need to ground ourselves in the original Bible stories and events from which these entertainment creations spring.

We encourage you to read the original text—on which these movies and mini-series are based—right here on Bible Gateway. Following is a brief list of popular entertainment offerings and their corresponding Bible text:

Jonathan Petersen: