Exciting Changes to Our Verse of the Day Email!

We’ve just made some exciting improvements to our popular Verse of the Day email!

Our daily Verse of the Day is one of the most popular email devotionals in our library—it’s a single Bible verse, emailed out early every morning to help you start your day on the right foot. And now, the Verse of the Day email can include multiple Bible versions and translations in the same email!

If you have more than one favorite Bible version, if you like to compare translations, or if you’d like to have the Spanish Verse of the Day delivered right alongside the English, you’ll find this a welcome improvement.

So what does this change mean for you?

If you’re not currently subscribed to our Verse of the Day, now’s a great time to sign up and find out why it’s so popular! You can sign up for it here; check the box next to Verse of the Day and then choose the Bible translation(s) you prefer. Then scroll to the bottom of the page to enter your email address and submit your subscription.

If you currently subscribe to the Verse of the Day, you can now add up to four more translations. They’ll all appear together in your daily Verse of the Day email. Click the Manage Verse of the Day Preferences link at the bottom of your daily email, or click this link, to add or remove Bibles from your Verse of the Day.

If you currently subscribe to more than one Verse of the Day, we’ve combined them all into one daily email for you. Instead of several Verse of the Day messages to you separately each morning, they’ll be delivered together in one email. Consolidating the different daily verses will reduce your inbox clutter and help us manage the costs involved in sending them out. As above, you can easily add or remove translations exactly as described above.

If you’re currently subscribed to more than five Verses of the Day, we’ve consolidated them into one email, but unfortunately we’ve had to reduce the number of translations to five. You can always add or remove translations using the Manage Verse of the Day Preferences link as described above.

We’re excited about this change—we’ve long wanted to make it easier to read multiple Verses of the Day, and it’s important to us that we not contribute to the problem of inbox clutter. Consolidating the Verse of the Day helps us do both. We hope you find the new, improved Verse of the Day to be an inspiring part of your daily routine!

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.