One Day at a Time: Take the 30-Day Devotional Challenge

Do you read the Bible each day? Do you wish you did?

When we’ve asked Bible Gateway visitors in the past about their daily Bible reading habits, many of you have told us that you want to spend time each day reading God’s Word, but for various reasons you aren’t. We all know those reasons well: life is very, very busy. And not every part of the Bible is easy to read and understand (Books of Moses, I’m looking at you).

If you really want to make daily Bible reading a part of your life—and the benefits of doing so are tremendous—then you’ve got to cultivate it as a habit. Start small, with the goal of making it part of your everyday routine.

We at Bible Gateway want to help you do that. We’ve put together a 30-day email devotional that will help you spend just a few minutes each day exploring the Bible.

One Day at a Time is a 30-day devotional that begins on Wednesday, May 9. Each morning, you’ll receive a short devotional that contains:

  1. A link to a short Bible reading (usually just a few verses).
  2. A short, one-paragraph reflection on the reading, to help you think through what you’ve read.

That’s it! No gigantic readings or burdensome time commitment. Just a few minutes reading the Bible before you start your day.

Click here to sign up for One Day at a Time. Just check the appropriate box near the top of the page, then scroll down to the bottom of the page to submit your email address and subscribe.

We’re confident that by the time you’ve gone through 30 days of One Day at a Time, daily Bible reading will be a habit. (And at that point, we’ve got other Bible reading plans and devotionals you might want to try out.)

One Day at a Time is drawn from the NIV Once-a-Day Bible, and we’re grateful to Zondervan for partnering with us to craft this special 30-day devotional.

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.