Categories: General

Learn More About Passover and Why It’s Celebrated

Both Easter and Passover are celebrations of resounding hope. Though Passover may not be a holiday you’re used to thinking about during this season of celebration, it’s a great time to reflect upon God’s power.

The Jewish observance of Passover, which finds its biblical origins in the story of the Exodus, is a celebration of freedom, of redemption, and of God’s eternal love and provision for his children. From this timeless story are found the most basic and fundamental principles in Judaism and Christianity—that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob cares about his people, that he hears our prayers, and most importantly, that he intervenes in human history in order to bring about justice and salvation so that we may serve and worship him.

The story of Passover reveals to the world the God who is all-loving, all-powerful, and just.

Read more about Passover and other feasts of the Old Testament in our Blog post, Unlocking the Secrets of the Old Testament Feasts: An Interview with Michael Norten.

To learn more about Passover, explore the NIV Quest Study Bible, available with Bible Gateway Plus. As one of 30 Study Bibles available, you’ll be able to answer all of your questions about Passover.

The image above shows four of 14 entries in the NIV Quest Study Bible related to Exodus 12. With a Bible Gateway Plus membership, you can access and deepen your understanding of Exodus and Passover.
Drew Reichard: Former marketing manager for Bible Gateway.