John Maxwell Profiles in Leadership: Miriam – Comparison versus Contentment

This is the ninth lesson in bestselling author and speaker John Maxwell’s Leadership by the Bible series. If you know someone or a group who would like to follow along on this journey through Scripture, tell them to sign up to receive John’s free email devotional here.

By John C. Maxwell

Numbers 12

Can you imagine what it would be like to have Moses as a kid brother? That was Miriam’s situation. She was the older sister everyone depended on. God blessed her with musical ability and made her a prophet. But when she compared herself to Moses, those abilities didn’t seem like enough to her. Comparison led to jealousy, which led to discontentment and bitterness. The end result was a seven-day bout of leprosy.

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Leaders must avoid comparisons. It’s a no-win activity. The only worthy comparison is between who you are and who God created you to be. God doesn’t condemn you when you fall short—he gives you the tools to become the person he wants you to be.

Find contentment in the leadership role God has given you. Miriam criticized Moses because she felt she wasn’t getting enough credit for her role. When you long for the gifts, favor, position, or opportunities of someone else, you detract from the gifts, favor, position, and opportunities God has given you.

God gives you a chance to make a difference with whatever he has given you, wherever he has put you. Don’t worry about how it looks compared to another leader. That’s God’s business, not yours. He’s not comparing you to them, so neither should you. But when you fix your eyes on God and his purpose for you, an amazing thing happens: God sets you free from the prison of comparison, and gives you genuine contentment as you become the person he wants you to be.

[Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, The Bible Is the Ultimate Book on Leadership]

The above is adapted from The Maxwell Leadership Bible / Third Edition by John C. Maxwell (@JohnCMaxwell). Copyright © 2002, 2007, 2018 by Maxwell Motivation, Inc. Used by permission of Thomas Nelson. www.thomasnelson.com.

[Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, The Maxwell Leadership Bible Achieves One Million Units Sold]


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