Categories: Sweepstakes

Bible Gateway 25th Anniversary Sweepstakes for October

Bible Gateway is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a new sweepstakes every month this year! Winners have already been selected for the months of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, and September. Enter every month!

[Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, On 25th Anniversary, Bible Gateway Has Been Viewed More Than 14 Billion Times]

This month enter for a chance to win this PACKAGE OF BIBLES for the enjoyment of your family members. One winner will receive one copy each (for a total of 4 Bibles) of the following:

which have a suggested retail combined value of $124.96. One winner will be selected at random. One entry per person; legal residents of the USA 18 years of age and older. Entry period: September 28, 2018 (8:00 am ET) – October 31, 2018 (11:59 pm ET).

[Sign up to receive the free email devotional God’s Story for My Life]

Click this image to flip through the features of the NLT Life Application Study Bible

[Sign up to receive the New Living Translation (NLT) free email Verse of the Day from Bible Gateway]

Once you’ve entered, tell your friends and followers about Bible Gateway’s 25th Anniversary—and what Bible Gateway means to you—in your posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media; when you do, use the #MyBibleGateway hashtag to communicate the fun!

[Read the New Living Translation (NLT) Bible version on Bible Gateway]

Sweepstakes Links:

Bible Gateway’s 25 Years

Venture back to the year 1993. The first widely used graphical World Wide Web browser, Mosaic (later to become Netscape), was introduced, representing a major turning point in the Internet’s journey toward wide-scale user acceptance; US President Bill Clinton put the White House online; the first ever webcam connected to the Internet; and, topping the news in 1993, Bible Gateway, a fledgling idea in the mind of a college staffer, launched as an internal Bible research tool for college students.

Twenty-five years ago, the nascent World Wide Web accounted for only 1% of telecommunications information flow. By 2007, that number rose to 97%. Today, in the center of the information deluge flowing on the Web, sits BibleGateway.com (@biblegateway), the most-visited Christian website in the world; home to more than 200 Bible versions in more than 70 languages; and a trusted resource for more than 140 million people in more than 200 countries every year. Rely on it every day for all your Bible needs.


Everybody has questions about the Bible. With Bible Gateway Plus, you’ll be ready to answer them! Try it free today!
Jonathan Petersen: