Our New Devotional Asks: How Did God Wire You to Handle Money?

Have you ever wondered why you are wired the way you are when it comes to money and finances? Do you ask yourself questions like: Why can’t I save? Why do I spend so much? Why am I so fearful of anything financially related?

We’ve just launched a new one-week daily devotional that will help you better understand your relationship to money and finances. Over the course of one week, this devotional will help you to answer one important question: How did God wire you to handle money? It’s called Seven Money Types, and you can sign up by clicking here.

Tommy Brown, author of Seven Money Types (the book from which this devotional is drawn), has identified seven characters in the Bible who model the ways that God has wired people to relate to money and possessions. There’s Abraham (who models hospitality), Moses (endurance), David (leadership), and others. Finding out which “money type” best reflects you is what this devotional is all about!

Brown explains it further in this video:

Each money type brings with it both positive, God-honoring impulses and potential pitfalls to watch out for. Walking through each type will help you to better understand your own financial worries, instincts, and behavior—and will show you how to use those impulses to be a faithful steward of what God has given you.

So if you could stand to get a better handle on your spending, saving, and giving (and maybe you even made a New Year’s resolution to that effect?), this is a simple but practical way to do that! Seven Money Types is completely free and runs for one week starting when you sign up. Visit the Seven Money Types page to sign up and get started today! And if you’d like to learn more about the book this devotional is drawn from, you can visit the author’s website at TommyBrown.org, or pick up a copy of The Seven Money Types: Discover How God Wired You To Handle Money at the Bible Gateway Store.

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.