Thriving in Babylon: A New Devotional About How to Live for Christ in a Godless Society

Are you anxious about the results of today’s US presidential election? It’s natural to feel a bit nervous about whether or not “your team” will carry the day. As Christians, we know that with God firmly in control, anxiety and worry should not have any controlling hold on our minds. But that’s a truth that is more easily acknowledged than fully embraced.

If you’re feeling anxious about this election, or about the state of the culture you live in, you’re certainly not alone. Every generation of Christ-followers has been faced with the challenge of living for Christ in cultures that don’t share their values. And that’s good news for us, because it means we can learn from believers who have been through these challenges before us!

Few Bible characters were forced to live through this quite as dramatically as Daniel, for whom the question “How can I live for God in a godless culture?” wasn’t academic—it was a matter of life and death. And so to help you think through this question in the midst of political and cultural turbulence, we’re launching a short new devotional that examines Daniel’s life and choices to see how we can wisely and faithfully interact with our society today.

It’s called Thriving in Babylon, and it’s a free 7-day daily email devotional that will encourage but also challenge you to rethink how God has called you to engage with society. It’s drawn from Larry Osborne’s book Thriving in Babylon: Why Hope, Humility, and Wisdom Matter in a Godless Culture. Each short daily reading explores a different part of Daniel’s life and the lessons we can learn from the choices he made in truly difficult circumstances.

So don’t let election panic and political anxiety get you down! Sign up for Thriving in Babylon and learn how you can live joyfully and confidently for Christ, no matter who sits in the Oval Office.

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.