Don’t Wait to Ponder Thanksgiving

It’s that time of year when your calendar seems to gather speed and many social events crowd your already busy schedule. While Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas ought to be times of spiritual contemplation and relational reconnection, they can easily become frantic deadlines that produce frazzled emotions.

Bible Gateway will help you reclaim proper perspective with our email devotional, Give Thanks! Biblical Stories About Gratitude, starting November 7. When you subscribe, twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday you’ll receive a brief and refreshing Bible passage about gratitude, as well as a few questions to help you meditate on the topic. It’s a simple reminder to assist you in giving thanks to God. Sign up now and encourage your friends to as well by tweeting, blogging, and Facebooking the link.

Give Thanks! will end Thanksgiving Day. It’ll be followed by Advent and Christmas devotional newsletters to help continue to frame your year-end perspective. We hope you sign up for those, too.

Jonathan Petersen: