C.S. Lewis Comes to Bible Gateway! Announcing the “C.S. Lewis Daily” Newsletter

When and how did you first “meet” the author and theologian C.S. Lewis? For me, it was through The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe and its sequels, which I fell in love with as a child (and still appreciate today). In the years that followed, I moved on to Mere Christianity, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, and other books—all of them thoughtful and challenging explorations of faith. Each spoke to me at a different point in my mental and spiritual growth.

You might have your own “C.S. Lewis story”—a favorite Lewis book you’ve re-read so many times it’s physically falling apart; your own memories of Lewis insights that challenged you just when you needed to be challenged. C.S. Lewis is one of those authors you can truly grow up with—because he wrote books suitable for such a wide range of audiences, his writing is accessible to everyone from children to adults, from faithful Christians to questioning skeptics.

That is why we’re truly excited to announce C.S. Lewis Daily, a new everyday newsletter on Bible Gateway that features short, provocative insights drawn from all across Lewis’ written work. Each day’s entry is a different short reading from one of Lewis’ books—from theology classics like Mere Christianity, to the beloved Narnia novels, to C.S. Lewis’ personal letters, and more. Lewis’ most interesting ideas were not confined to a single book. C.S. Lewis Daily brings you the best of his spiritual insights.

If you’re not familiar with Lewis’ writing, you’re in for a treat—and this is a perfect way to get to know the man and his ideas. If you’re already a C.S. Lewis fan, C.S. Lewis Daily will walk you through his best work, and perhaps introduce you to Lewis insights that you’ve missed in the past.

C.S. Lewis Daily is sent out each day via email starting Wednesday, August 14. To receive it, you need to go sign up (it’s free) on our Newsletters page. It starts next week, so sign up today!

Click on the image below or visit our Newsletters page to sign up.

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.