Categories: Christmas

For Your Christmas Consideration

Hopefully, at this point in the Christmas season, you are wrapping up your end-of-year workload and are looking forward to Christmas and New Year’s. If you’re fortunate enough to have time off of work and other duties this holiday season, enjoy it! And even if you’re stuck at work, still plowing through a hefty to-do list, or struggling with other challenges, we hope that the peace of Christmas will nevertheless find a way into your heart this week.

Here are three quick Bible Gateway-related items to keep in mind this week:

  • As usual, we’re launching into 2013 with a big new lineup of email devotionals and newsletters. We haven’t “officially” announced all of them yet (that’ll come in the next two weeks), but you can get a sneak peak at our upcoming devotionals—and sign up in advance—at our newsletter page. (We’re sneaky like that.) Watch this space for more detail on each of those in the very near future.
  • If you’re thinking about reading through the Bible in 2013, don’t forget we have a variety of Bible reading plans to help you do that. Most of them restart on January 1. Take some time to look through our reading plans in advance and see if one of them looks right for you.
  • Hopefully, most of your Christmas shopping is done at this point—I don’t envy anybody who still has to brave the crowds at the mall. But if you still have a few gifts to pick up (or aren’t up for an epic mall expedition at this point), don’t forget the Bible Gateway store. It’s got everything from books to music to gifts, and shopping there is also a great way to support Bible Gateway.
Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.