New Hungarian and Awadhi Bibles Now Available

Now here’s how Bible Gateway loves to start out the week: adding new Bibles to our online library! We’ve just added three new Bibles: two Hungarian translations and an Awadhi New Testament.

The Hungarian New Translation was originally translated from the Hebrew and Greek originals, published by the Hungarian Bible Council in 1975, and revised in 1990. It strikes a balance between formal and dynamic equivalence. It traces its translation ancestry all the way back to the Vizsoly Bible of 1590.

The New Testament of the Hungarian Easy-to-Read Version was already available on Bible Gateway, but now we’ve added the Old Testament as well, so the entirety of this translation is now available.

Both of these Hungarian Bibles can be accessed at their individual information pages linked above, or through the Bible search drop-down on the BibleGateway.com homepage.

The Pavithar Bible is an Awadhi New Testament translation and is available as a collection of downloadable PDF files. Awadhi is a Hindi language spoken in northern India and elsewhere; nearly 40 million people claim it as their native language. You can access it directly from the Pavithar Bible page.

We’re pleased to make these new translations available and are grateful to Biblica, the World Bible Translation Center, and the John Calvin Publishing House of the Reformed Church in Hungary for providing them.

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.