New Poll: What Do You Believe About Hell?

Our last poll asked How many days did you visit your church last week? We figured that most of you stopped by on the weekend to attend a worship service, but wondered how many of you made the trip to church throughout the rest of the week—perhaps for committee meetings, youth activities, or volunteer work.

The results are in. The chart below shows the percentage of poll respondents who visit their church on each day of the week:

The high percentage who go to church on Sunday is not surprising. Nor is the 41% who stop by on Wednesday—that’s a common day for youth activities and, in some cases, midweek worship services. The low number for Monday suggests that many church staff and volunteers might be taking a post-Sunday break after the hard work of preparing and running the previous day’s worship services.

But what really strikes me is how busy your churches are throughout the week. On most days, at least 20% of you stop by your church for some reason, suggesting that your church is an important part of your weekday life. It’s encouraging to see that church and community are very much on your minds outside of the Sunday morning service.

This week’s poll is a bit different. Over the last year, numerous books and articles by prominent Christian leaders have engaged one of the most challenging and controversial points of Christian theology: the question of hell. Which of these perspectives best describes your understanding of hell, as it’s described in the Bible?

Which of these perspectives best describes your understanding of hell, as it's described in the Bible?

  • Hell is a literal place of eternal suffering. (86%, 2,823 Votes)
  • Hell is a literal place, but isn't eternal. (5%, 173 Votes)
  • Hell is a metaphor. (3%, 106 Votes)
  • I'm not sure. (3%, 95 Votes)
  • Other. (3%, 88 Votes)

Total Voters: 3,285

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It might seem like a grim topic, but the debate over hell’s existence, and the question of how to interpret Bible passages that mention it, are important matters that influence our understanding of God, sin, and grace. Choose a response in the poll above, or over on the right side of the blog. We’ll share the results next week.

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.