Put a Bible Gateway search widget on your desktop

If you’re a Mac user with the latest version of OS X, you may be familiar with Dashboard widgets–little applications that sit on your computer desktop designed to save you time by fetching information for you. (Learn more about Apple’s Dashboard widgets.)

Some enterprising individuals have put together a Bible Gateway search widget, letting you place a Bible Gateway search box right on your desktop! It’s easy to install and use, and gives you another way to quickly look up Bible passages without needing to visit the Bible Gateway homepage. It also allows you to choose from many of the Bible Gateway’s versions and languages.

You can download the Bible Gateway widget from the Eject Media website. As noted above, you’ll need a Mac and the latest version of OS X to use it. Important note: the Bible Gateway didn’t create and doesn’t support the widget, so use it at your own risk.

Kudos to the folks at Eject Media for putting the Bible Gateway widget together!

Update: the links and information in this post are now old and may no longer be relevant/functional (Eject Media, linked above, is no longer in operation). If you have updated links or information about this, feel free to share it with us by sending an email to support@biblegateway.com.

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.