Lockyer's All the Men of the Bible – Studies on the Twelve Apostles
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Studies on the Twelve Apostles

Studies on the Twelve Apostles

Cumming, Elder, He Chose Twelve (Scotland: Drummonds Tract Society).

Edwards, F., These Twelve (London: Alexander and Shepheard).

Greenhough, J. G., The Apostles of Our Lord (London: Hodder and Stoughton).

Jones, J. D., The Glorious Company of the Apostles (London: James Clarke).

Lord, F. Townley, The Master and His Men (London: Carey Press).

M'Lean, Daniel, Studies of the Apostles (Edinburgh: John Menzies Co.).

Smith, Elsdon C., The Study of Our Names (New York: Harper Brothers).

Stevenson, Herbert F., Titles of the Triune God (London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott; New York: Fleming H. Revell).