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A Prayer for Fairness

A shiggaion of David which he sang to the Lord about Cush, from the tribe of Benjamin.

Lord my God, I trust in you for protection.
    Save me and rescue me
    from those who are chasing me.
Otherwise, like a lion they will tear me apart.
    They will rip me to pieces, and no one can save me.

Lord my God, what have I done?
    Have my hands done something wrong?
Have I done wrong to my friend
    or stolen without reason from my enemy?
If I have, let my enemy chase me and capture me.
    Let him trample me into the dust
    and bury me in the ground. Selah

Lord, rise up in your anger;
    stand up against my enemies’ anger.
    Get up and demand fairness.
Gather the nations around you
    and rule them from above.
Lord, judge the people.
    Lord, defend me because I am right,
    because I have done no wrong, God Most High.
God, you do what is right.
    You know our thoughts and feelings.
Stop those wicked actions done by evil people,
    and help those who do what is right.

10 God protects me like a shield;
    he saves those whose hearts are right.
11 God judges by what is right,
    and God is always ready to punish the wicked.
12 If they do not change their lives,
    God will sharpen his sword;
    he will string his bow and take aim.
13 He has prepared his deadly weapons;
    he has made his flaming arrows.

14 There are people who think up evil
    and plan trouble and tell lies.
15 They dig a hole to trap others,
    but they will fall into it themselves.
16 They will get themselves into trouble;
    the violence they cause will hurt only themselves.

17 I praise the Lord because he does what is right.
    I sing praises to the Lord Most High.

A Song of Trust in God

Of David.

27 The Lord is my light and the one who saves me.
    So why should I fear anyone?
The Lord protects my life.
    So why should I be afraid?
Evil people may try to destroy my body.
    My enemies and those who hate me attack me,
but they are overwhelmed and defeated.
If an army surrounds me,
    I will not be afraid.
If war breaks out,
    I will trust the Lord.

I ask only one thing from the Lord.
    This is what I want:
Let me live in the Lord’s house
    all my life.
Let me see the Lord’s beauty
    and look with my own eyes at his Temple.
During danger he will keep me safe in his shelter.
    He will hide me in his Holy Tent,
    or he will keep me safe on a high mountain.
My head is higher than my enemies around me.
I will offer joyful sacrifices in his Holy Tent.
    I will sing and praise the Lord.

Lord, hear me when I call;
    have mercy and answer me.
My heart said of you, “Go, worship him.”
    So I come to worship you, Lord.
Do not turn away from me.
    Do not turn your servant away in anger;
    you have helped me.
Do not push me away or leave me alone,
    God, my Savior.
10 If my father and mother leave me,
    the Lord will take me in.
11 Lord, teach me your ways,
    and guide me to do what is right
    because I have enemies.
12 Do not hand me over to my enemies,
    because they tell lies about me
    and say they will hurt me.

13 I truly believe
    I will live to see the Lord’s goodness.
14 Wait for the Lord’s help.
    Be strong and brave,
    and wait for the Lord’s help.

A Prayer of Faith in Troubled Times

For the director of music. A psalm of David.

31 Lord, I trust in you;
    let me never be disgraced.
    Save me because you do what is right.
Listen to me
    and save me quickly.
Be my rock of protection,
    a strong city to save me.
You are my rock and my protection.
    For the good of your name, lead me and guide me.
Set me free from the trap they set for me,
    because you are my protection.
I give you my life.
    Save me, Lord, God of truth.

I hate those who worship false gods.
    I trust only in the Lord.
I will be glad and rejoice in your love,
    because you saw my suffering;
    you knew my troubles.
You have not handed me over to my enemies
    but have set me in a safe place.

Lord, have mercy, because I am in misery.
    My eyes are weak from so much crying,
    and my whole being is tired from grief.
10 My life is ending in sadness,
    and my years are spent in crying.
My troubles are using up my strength,
    and my bones are getting weaker.
11 Because of all my troubles, my enemies hate me,
    and even my neighbors look down on me.
When my friends see me,
    they are afraid and run.
12 I am like a piece of a broken pot.
    I am forgotten as if I were dead.
13 I have heard many insults.
    Terror is all around me.
They make plans against me
    and want to kill me.

14 Lord, I trust you.
    I have said, “You are my God.”
15 My life is in your hands.
    Save me from my enemies
    and from those who are chasing me.
16 Show your kindness to me, your servant.
    Save me because of your love.
17 Lord, I called to you,
    so do not let me be disgraced.
Let the wicked be disgraced
    and lie silent in the grave.
18 With pride and hatred
    they speak against those who do right.
So silence their lying lips.

19 How great is your goodness
    that you have stored up for those who fear you,
that you have given to those who trust you.
    You do this for all to see.
20 You protect them by your presence
    from what people plan against them.
    You shelter them from evil words.
21 Praise the Lord.
    His love to me was wonderful
    when my city was attacked.
22 In my distress, I said,
    “God cannot see me!”
But you heard my prayer
    when I cried out to you for help.
23 Love the Lord, all you who belong to him.
    The Lord protects those who truly believe,
    but he punishes the proud as much as they have sinned.
24 All you who put your hope in the Lord
    be strong and brave.

Praise God Who Judges and Saves

David’s song from the time he acted crazy so Abimelech would send him away, and David did leave.

34 I will praise the Lord at all times;
    his praise is always on my lips.
My whole being praises the Lord.
    The poor will hear and be glad.
Glorify the Lord with me,
    and let us praise his name together.

I asked the Lord for help, and he answered me.
    He saved me from all that I feared.
Those who go to him for help are happy,
    and they are never disgraced.
This poor man called, and the Lord heard him
    and saved him from all his troubles.
The angel of the Lord camps around those who fear God,
    and he saves them.

Examine and see how good the Lord is.
    Happy is the person who trusts him.
You who belong to the Lord, fear him!
    Those who fear him will have everything they need.
10 Even lions may get weak and hungry,
    but those who look to the Lord will have every good thing.
11 Children, come and listen to me.
    I will teach you to worship the Lord.
12 You must do these things
    to enjoy life and have many happy days.
13 You must not say evil things,
    and you must not tell lies.
14 Stop doing evil and do good.
    Look for peace and work for it.

15 The Lord sees the good people
    and listens to their prayers.
16 But the Lord is against those who do evil;
    he makes the world forget them.
17 The Lord hears good people when they cry out to him,
    and he saves them from all their troubles.
18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted,
    and he saves those whose spirits have been crushed.

19 People who do what is right may have many problems,
    but the Lord will solve them all.
20 He will protect their very bones;
    not one of them will be broken.
21 Evil will kill the wicked;
    those who hate good people will be judged guilty.
22 But the Lord saves his servants’ lives;
    no one who trusts him will be judged guilty.

God Will Punish the Proud

For the director of music. A maskil of David. When Doeg the Edomite came to Saul and said to him, “David is in Ahimelech’s house.”

52 Mighty warrior, why do you brag about the evil you do?
    God’s love will continue forever.
You think up evil plans.
    Your tongue is like a sharp razor,
    making up lies.
You love wrong more than right
    and lies more than truth. Selah
You love words that bite
    and tongues that lie.

But God will ruin you forever.
    He will grab you and throw you out of your tent;
    he will tear you away from the land of the living. Selah
Those who do right will see this and fear God.
    They will laugh at you and say,
“Look what happened to the man
    who did not depend on God
but depended on his money.
    He grew strong by his evil plans.”

But I am like an olive tree
    growing in God’s Temple.
I trust God’s love
    forever and ever.
God, I will thank you forever for what you have done.
    With those who worship you, I will trust you because you are good.

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