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14 And a man unmighty to (en)gender, or to (be)get, is blessed, that hath not wrought wickedness by (or with) his hands, neither thought most wayward things against the Lord; for why a chosen (free) gift of faith shall be given to him, and a most acceptable heritage (or inheritance) in the temple of God. [And the gelding, that wrought not by his hands wickedness, nor thought against the Lord most wicked things; forsooth there shall be given to him the chosen free gift of the belief, and lot in the temple of God most allowed.]

15 For why the fruits of good travails is glorious, and the root of wisdom that falleth not down.

16 But the sons of adulterers shall be in destroying, and the seed of a wicked bed shall be destroyed. [The sons forsooth of adulterers in ending shall be, and from the wicked bed the seed shall be outlawed.]

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