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La majestad de Jehová

93 Jehová reina; se vistió de magnificencia;

Jehová se vistió, se ciñó de poder.

Afirmó también el mundo, y no se moverá.

Firme es tu trono desde entonces;

Tú eres eternamente.

Alzaron los ríos, oh Jehová,

Los ríos alzaron su sonido;

Alzaron los ríos sus ondas.

Jehová en las alturas es más poderoso

Que el estruendo de las muchas aguas,

Más que las recias ondas del mar.

Tus testimonios son muy firmes;

La santidad conviene a tu casa,

Oh Jehová, por los siglos y para siempre.

Oración clamando por venganza

94 Jehová, Dios de las venganzas,

Dios de las venganzas, muéstrate.

Engrandécete, oh Juez de la tierra;

Da el pago a los soberbios.

¿Hasta cuándo los impíos,

Hasta cuándo, oh Jehová, se gozarán los impíos?

¿Hasta cuándo pronunciarán, hablarán cosas duras,

Y se vanagloriarán todos los que hacen iniquidad?

A tu pueblo, oh Jehová, quebrantan,

Y a tu heredad afligen.

A la viuda y al extranjero matan,

Y a los huérfanos quitan la vida.

Y dijeron: No verá JAH,

Ni entenderá el Dios de Jacob.

Entended, necios del pueblo;

Y vosotros, fatuos, ¿cuándo seréis sabios?

El que hizo el oído, ¿no oirá?

El que formó el ojo, ¿no verá?

10 El que castiga a las naciones, ¿no reprenderá?

¿No sabrá el que enseña al hombre la ciencia?

11 Jehová conoce los pensamientos de los hombres,

Que son vanidad.(A)

12 Bienaventurado el hombre a quien tú, JAH, corriges,

Y en tu ley lo instruyes,

13 Para hacerle descansar en los días de aflicción,

En tanto que para el impío se cava el hoyo.

14 Porque no abandonará Jehová a su pueblo,

Ni desamparará su heredad,

15 Sino que el juicio será vuelto a la justicia,

Y en pos de ella irán todos los rectos de corazón.

16 ¿Quién se levantará por mí contra los malignos?

¿Quién estará por mí contra los que hacen iniquidad?

17 Si no me ayudara Jehová,

Pronto moraría mi alma en el silencio.

18 Cuando yo decía: Mi pie resbala,

Tu misericordia, oh Jehová, me sustentaba.

19 En la multitud de mis pensamientos dentro de mí,

Tus consolaciones alegraban mi alma.

20 ¿Se juntará contigo el trono de iniquidades

Que hace agravio bajo forma de ley?

21 Se juntan contra la vida del justo,

Y condenan la sangre inocente.

22 Mas Jehová me ha sido por refugio,

Y mi Dios por roca de mi confianza.

23 Y él hará volver sobre ellos su iniquidad,

Y los destruirá en su propia maldad;

Los destruirá Jehová nuestro Dios.

Cántico de alabanza y de adoración

95 Venid, aclamemos alegremente a Jehová;

Cantemos con júbilo a la roca de nuestra salvación.

Lleguemos ante su presencia con alabanza;

Aclamémosle con cánticos.

Porque Jehová es Dios grande,

Y Rey grande sobre todos los dioses.

Porque en su mano están las profundidades de la tierra,

Y las alturas de los montes son suyas.

Suyo también el mar, pues él lo hizo;

Y sus manos formaron la tierra seca.

Venid, adoremos y postrémonos;

Arrodillémonos delante de Jehová nuestro Hacedor.

Porque él es nuestro Dios;

Nosotros el pueblo de su prado, y ovejas de su mano.

Si oyereis hoy su voz,

No endurezcáis vuestro corazón,(B) como en Meriba,

Como en el día de Masah en el desierto,

Donde me tentaron vuestros padres,

Me probaron,(C) y vieron mis obras.

10 Cuarenta años estuve disgustado con la nación,

Y dije: Pueblo es que divaga de corazón,

Y no han conocido mis caminos.

11 Por tanto, juré en mi furor

Que no entrarían en mi reposo.(D)(E)

Cántico de alabanza

(1 Cr. 16.23-33)

96 Cantad a Jehová cántico nuevo;

Cantad a Jehová, toda la tierra.

Cantad a Jehová, bendecid su nombre;

Anunciad de día en día su salvación.

Proclamad entre las naciones su gloria,

En todos los pueblos sus maravillas.

Porque grande es Jehová, y digno de suprema alabanza;

Temible sobre todos los dioses.

Porque todos los dioses de los pueblos son ídolos;

Pero Jehová hizo los cielos.

Alabanza y magnificencia delante de él;

Poder y gloria en su santuario.

Tributad a Jehová, oh familias de los pueblos,

Dad a Jehová la gloria y el poder.

Dad a Jehová la honra debida a su nombre;

Traed ofrendas, y venid a sus atrios.

Adorad a Jehová en la hermosura de la santidad;(F)

Temed delante de él, toda la tierra.

10 Decid entre las naciones: Jehová reina.

También afirmó el mundo, no será conmovido;

Juzgará a los pueblos en justicia.

11 Alégrense los cielos, y gócese la tierra;

Brame el mar y su plenitud.

12 Regocíjese el campo, y todo lo que en él está;

Entonces todos los árboles del bosque rebosarán de contento,

13 Delante de Jehová que vino;

Porque vino a juzgar la tierra.

Juzgará al mundo con justicia,

Y a los pueblos con su verdad.

El dominio y el poder de Jehová

97 Jehová reina; regocíjese la tierra,

Alégrense las muchas costas.

Nubes y oscuridad alrededor de él;

Justicia y juicio son el cimiento de su trono.

Fuego irá delante de él,

Y abrasará a sus enemigos alrededor.

Sus relámpagos alumbraron el mundo;

La tierra vio y se estremeció.

Los montes se derritieron como cera delante de Jehová,

Delante del Señor de toda la tierra.

Los cielos anunciaron su justicia,

Y todos los pueblos vieron su gloria.

Avergüéncense todos los que sirven a las imágenes de talla,

Los que se glorían en los ídolos.

Póstrense a él todos los dioses.

Oyó Sion, y se alegró;

Y las hijas de Judá,

Oh Jehová, se gozaron por tus juicios.

Porque tú, Jehová, eres excelso sobre toda la tierra;

Eres muy exaltado sobre todos los dioses.

10 Los que amáis a Jehová, aborreced el mal;

Él guarda las almas de sus santos;

De mano de los impíos los libra.

11 Luz está sembrada para el justo,

Y alegría para los rectos de corazón.

12 Alegraos, justos, en Jehová,

Y alabad la memoria de su santidad.

Alabanza por la justicia de Dios


98 Cantad a Jehová cántico nuevo,

Porque ha hecho maravillas;

Su diestra lo ha salvado, y su santo brazo.

Jehová ha hecho notoria su salvación;

A vista de las naciones ha descubierto su justicia.

Se ha acordado de su misericordia y de su verdad para con la casa de Israel;

Todos los términos de la tierra han visto la salvación de nuestro Dios.

Cantad alegres a Jehová, toda la tierra;

Levantad la voz, y aplaudid, y cantad salmos.

Cantad salmos a Jehová con arpa;

Con arpa y voz de cántico.

Aclamad con trompetas y sonidos de bocina,

Delante del rey Jehová.

Brame el mar y su plenitud,

El mundo y los que en él habitan;

Los ríos batan las manos,

Los montes todos hagan regocijo

Delante de Jehová, porque vino a juzgar la tierra.

Juzgará al mundo con justicia,

Y a los pueblos con rectitud.

Fidelidad de Jehová para con Israel

99 Jehová reina; temblarán los pueblos.

Él está sentado sobre los querubines,(G) se conmoverá la tierra.

Jehová en Sion es grande,

Y exaltado sobre todos los pueblos.

Alaben tu nombre grande y temible;

Él es santo.

Y la gloria del rey ama el juicio;

Tú confirmas la rectitud;

Tú has hecho en Jacob juicio y justicia.

Exaltad a Jehová nuestro Dios,

Y postraos ante el estrado de sus pies;

Él es santo.

Moisés y Aarón entre sus sacerdotes,

Y Samuel entre los que invocaron su nombre;

Invocaban a Jehová, y él les respondía.

En columna de nube hablaba con ellos;(H)

Guardaban sus testimonios, y el estatuto que les había dado.

Jehová Dios nuestro, tú les respondías;

Les fuiste un Dios perdonador,

Y retribuidor de sus obras.

Exaltad a Jehová nuestro Dios,

Y postraos ante su santo monte,

Porque Jehová nuestro Dios es santo.

Exhortación a la gratitud

Salmo de alabanza.

100 Cantad alegres a Dios, habitantes de toda la tierra.

Servid a Jehová con alegría;

Venid ante su presencia con regocijo.

Reconoced que Jehová es Dios;

Él nos hizo, y no nosotros a nosotros mismos;

Pueblo suyo somos, y ovejas de su prado.

Entrad por sus puertas con acción de gracias,

Por sus atrios con alabanza;

Alabadle, bendecid su nombre.

Porque Jehová es bueno; para siempre es su misericordia,(I)

Y su verdad por todas las generaciones.

Promesa de vivir rectamente

Salmo de David.

101 Misericordia y juicio cantaré;

A ti cantaré yo, oh Jehová.

Entenderé el camino de la perfección

Cuando vengas a mí.

En la integridad de mi corazón andaré en medio de mi casa.

No pondré delante de mis ojos cosa injusta.

Aborrezco la obra de los que se desvían;

Ninguno de ellos se acercará a mí.

Corazón perverso se apartará de mí;

No conoceré al malvado.

Al que solapadamente infama a su prójimo, yo lo destruiré;

No sufriré al de ojos altaneros y de corazón vanidoso.

Mis ojos pondré en los fieles de la tierra, para que estén conmigo;

El que ande en el camino de la perfección, este me servirá.

No habitará dentro de mi casa el que hace fraude;

El que habla mentiras no se afirmará delante de mis ojos.

De mañana destruiré a todos los impíos de la tierra,

Para exterminar de la ciudad de Jehová a todos los que hagan iniquidad.

Oración de un afligido

Oración del que sufre, cuando está angustiado, y delante de Jehová derrama su lamento.

102 Jehová, escucha mi oración,

Y llegue a ti mi clamor.

No escondas de mí tu rostro en el día de mi angustia;

Inclina a mí tu oído;

Apresúrate a responderme el día que te invocare.

Porque mis días se han consumido como humo,

Y mis huesos cual tizón están quemados.

Mi corazón está herido, y seco como la hierba,

Por lo cual me olvido de comer mi pan.

Por la voz de mi gemido

Mis huesos se han pegado a mi carne.

Soy semejante al pelícano del desierto;

Soy como el búho de las soledades;

Velo, y soy

Como el pájaro solitario sobre el tejado.

Cada día me afrentan mis enemigos;

Los que contra mí se enfurecen, se han conjurado contra mí.

Por lo cual yo como ceniza a manera de pan,

Y mi bebida mezclo con lágrimas,

10 A causa de tu enojo y de tu ira;

Pues me alzaste, y me has arrojado.

11 Mis días son como sombra que se va,

Y me he secado como la hierba.

12 Mas tú, Jehová, permanecerás para siempre,

Y tu memoria de generación en generación.

13 Te levantarás y tendrás misericordia de Sion,

Porque es tiempo de tener misericordia de ella, porque el plazo ha llegado.

14 Porque tus siervos aman sus piedras,

Y del polvo de ella tienen compasión.

15 Entonces las naciones temerán el nombre de Jehová,

Y todos los reyes de la tierra tu gloria;

16 Por cuanto Jehová habrá edificado a Sion,

Y en su gloria será visto;

17 Habrá considerado la oración de los desvalidos,

Y no habrá desechado el ruego de ellos.

18 Se escribirá esto para la generación venidera;

Y el pueblo que está por nacer alabará a JAH,

19 Porque miró desde lo alto de su santuario;

Jehová miró desde los cielos a la tierra,

20 Para oír el gemido de los presos,

Para soltar a los sentenciados a muerte;

21 Para que publique en Sion el nombre de Jehová,

Y su alabanza en Jerusalén,

22 Cuando los pueblos y los reinos se congreguen

En uno para servir a Jehová.

23 Él debilitó mi fuerza en el camino;

Acortó mis días.

24 Dije: Dios mío, no me cortes en la mitad de mis días;

Por generación de generaciones son tus años.

25 Desde el principio tú fundaste la tierra,

Y los cielos son obra de tus manos.

26 Ellos perecerán, mas tú permanecerás;

Y todos ellos como una vestidura se envejecerán;

Como un vestido los mudarás, y serán mudados;

27 Pero tú eres el mismo,

Y tus años no se acabarán.(J)

28 Los hijos de tus siervos habitarán seguros,

Y su descendencia será establecida delante de ti.

The Majesty of the Lord.

93 (A)The Lord [a]reigns, He is (B)clothed with majesty;
The Lord has (C)clothed and encircled Himself with strength.
Indeed, the (D)world is firmly established; it will not be moved.
Your (E)throne is established from of old;
You (F)are from eternity.

The (G)floods have lifted up, Lord,
The floods have lifted up their voice,
The floods lift up their pounding waves.
More than the sounds of many waters,
Than the mighty breakers of the sea,
The Lord (H)on high is mighty.
Your (I)testimonies are fully confirmed;
(J)Holiness is pleasing to Your house,
Lord, [b]forevermore.

The Lord Implored to Avenge His People.

94 Lord, God of [c](K)vengeance,
God of [d]vengeance, [e](L)shine forth!
(M)Rise up, (N)Judge of the earth,
Pay back retribution (O)to the proud.
How long, Lord, shall the wicked—
How long shall the (P)wicked triumph?
They pour out words, they (Q)speak arrogantly;
All who do injustice (R)boast.
They (S)crush Your people, Lord,
And (T)afflict Your inheritance.
They (U)kill the widow and the stranger
And murder the orphans.
(V)They have said, “[f]The Lord does not see,
Nor does the God of Jacob perceive.”

Pay attention, you (W)stupid ones among the people;
And when will you understand, (X)foolish ones?
He who (Y)planted the ear, [g]does He not hear?
Or He who formed the eye, [h]does He not see?
10 He who [i](Z)disciplines the nations, will He not rebuke,
He who (AA)teaches mankind knowledge?
11 The Lord (AB)knows human thoughts,
[j]That they are mere breath.

12 Blessed is the man whom (AC)You discipline, [k]Lord,
And (AD)whom You teach from Your Law,
13 So that You may grant him (AE)relief from the (AF)days of adversity,
Until (AG)a pit is dug for the wicked.
14 For (AH)the Lord will not abandon His people,
Nor will He (AI)abandon His inheritance.
15 For [l](AJ)judgment [m]will again be righteous,
And all the upright in heart [n]will follow it.
16 Who will (AK)stand up for me against evildoers?
Who will take his stand for me (AL)against those who do injustice?

17 If (AM)the Lord had not been my help,
My soul would soon have dwelt in the land of silence.
18 If I should say, “(AN)My foot has slipped,”
Your faithfulness, Lord, will support me.
19 When my anxious thoughts [o]multiply within me,
Your (AO)comfort delights my soul.
20 Can a [p](AP)throne of destruction be allied with You,
One (AQ)which devises [q]mischief by decree?
21 They (AR)band themselves together against the [r]life of the righteous
And (AS)condemn [s]the innocent to death.
22 But the Lord has been my (AT)refuge,
And my God the (AU)rock of my refuge.
23 He has (AV)brought back their injustice upon them,
And He will [t](AW)destroy them in their evil;
The Lord our God will [u]destroy them.

Praise to the Lord and Warning against Unbelief.

95 Come, let’s (AX)sing for joy to the Lord,
Let’s shout joyfully to (AY)the rock of our salvation.
Let’s (AZ)come before His presence (BA)with a song of thanksgiving,
Let’s shout joyfully to Him (BB)in songs with instruments.
For the Lord is a (BC)great God
And a great King (BD)above all gods,
In whose hand are the (BE)depths of the earth,
The peaks of the mountains are also His.
[v]The sea is His, for it was He (BF)who made it,
And His hands formed the dry land.

Come, let’s (BG)worship and bow down,
Let’s (BH)kneel before the Lord our (BI)Maker.
For He is our God,
And (BJ)we are the people of His [w](BK)pasture and the sheep of His hand.
(BL)Today, [x]if you will hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts as at [y](BM)Meribah,
As on the day of [z](BN)Massah in the wilderness,
“When your fathers (BO)put Me to the test,
They tested Me, though they had seen My work.
10 For (BP)forty years I was disgusted with that generation,
And said they are a people who err in their heart,
And they do not know My ways.
11 Therefore I (BQ)swore in My anger,
They certainly shall not enter My (BR)rest.”

A Call to Worship the Lord the Righteous Judge.

96 (BS)Sing to the Lord a (BT)new song;
Sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing to the Lord, bless His name;
(BU)Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.
Tell of (BV)His glory among the nations,
His wonderful deeds among all the peoples.
For (BW)great is the Lord, and (BX)greatly to be praised;
He is to be (BY)feared (BZ)above all gods.
For (CA)all the gods of the peoples are [aa]idols,
But (CB)the Lord made the heavens.
(CC)Splendor and majesty are before Him,
Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary.

[ab]Ascribe to the Lord, you (CD)families of the peoples,
[ac](CE)Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
[ad]Ascribe to the Lord the (CF)glory of His name;
Bring an [ae](CG)offering and come into His courtyards.
(CH)Worship the Lord in [af]holy attire;
(CI)Tremble before Him, all the earth.
10 Say among the nations, “(CJ)The Lord reigns;
Indeed, the (CK)world is firmly established, it will not be moved;
He will (CL)judge the peoples fairly.”

11 May the (CM)heavens be joyful, and may the (CN)earth rejoice;
May (CO)the sea [ag]roar, and [ah]all it contains;
12 May the (CP)field be jubilant, and all that is in it.
Then all the (CQ)trees of the forest will sing for joy
13 Before the Lord, (CR)for He is coming,
For He is coming to judge the earth.
(CS)He will judge the world in righteousness,
And the peoples in His faithfulness.

The Lords Power and Dominion.

97 (CT)The Lord [ai]reigns, may the (CU)earth rejoice;
May the many [aj](CV)islands be joyful.
(CW)Clouds and thick darkness surround Him;
(CX)Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne.
(CY)Fire goes before Him
And (CZ)burns up His enemies all around.
His (DA)lightning lit up the world;
The earth saw it and (DB)trembled.
The mountains (DC)melted like wax at the presence of the Lord,
At the presence of the (DD)Lord of the whole earth.
The (DE)heavens declare His righteousness,
And (DF)all the peoples have seen His glory.

May all those be ashamed who serve (DG)carved images,
Who boast in (DH)idols;
[ak](DI)Worship Him, all you [al]gods.
Zion [am]heard this and (DJ)was joyful,
And the daughters of Judah have rejoiced
Because of Your judgments, Lord.
For You are the Lord (DK)Most High over all the earth;
You are exalted far (DL)above all [an]gods.

10 (DM)Hate evil, you who love the Lord,
Who (DN)watches over the souls of His godly ones;
He (DO)saves them from the hand of the wicked.
11 (DP)Light is sown like seed for the righteous,
And (DQ)gladness for the upright in heart.
12 Be (DR)joyful in the Lord, you righteous ones,
And (DS)praise [ao]the mention of His holy name.

A Call to Praise the Lord for His Righteousness.

A Psalm.

98 Sing a (DT)new song to the Lord,
For He has done (DU)wonderful things,
His (DV)right hand and His (DW)holy arm have [ap]gained the victory for Him.
(DX)The Lord has made His salvation known;
He has (DY)revealed His righteousness in the sight of the nations.
He has (DZ)remembered His graciousness and His faithfulness to the house of Israel;
(EA)All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

(EB)Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth;
(EC)Be cheerful and sing for joy and sing praises.
Sing praises to the Lord with the (ED)lyre,
With the lyre and the [aq](EE)sound of melody.
With (EF)trumpets and the sound of the horn
(EG)Shout joyfully before (EH)the King, the Lord.

May the (EI)sea roar and [ar]all it contains,
The (EJ)world and those who dwell in it.
May the (EK)rivers clap their hands,
May the (EL)mountains sing together for joy
Before the Lord, for He is coming to (EM)judge the earth;
He will judge the world with righteousness
And (EN)the peoples with fairness.

Praise to the Lord for His Faithfulness to Israel.

99 (EO)The Lord reigns, [as]the peoples tremble!
He (EP)sits enthroned above the cherubim, [at]the earth quakes!
The Lord [au]is (EQ)great in Zion,
And He is (ER)exalted above all the peoples.
May they praise Your (ES)great and awesome name;
(ET)Holy is [av]He.
The [aw]strength of the King (EU)loves [ax]justice;
You have established [ay](EV)order;
You have (EW)executed [az]justice and righteousness in Jacob.
[ba](EX)Exalt the Lord our God
And (EY)worship at His footstool;
(EZ)Holy is He.

(FA)Moses and Aaron were among His (FB)priests,
And (FC)Samuel was among those who (FD)called on His name;
They (FE)called upon the Lord and He answered them.
He (FF)spoke to them in the pillar of cloud;
They (FG)kept His testimonies
And the statute that He gave them.
Lord our God, You (FH)answered them;
You were a (FI)forgiving God to them,
And yet an (FJ)avenger of their evil deeds.
Exalt the Lord our God
And worship at His holy hill,
For the Lord our God is holy.

All People Exhorted to Praise God.

A Psalm for [bb]Thanksgiving.

100 (FK)Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth.
(FL)Serve the Lord with jubilation;
(FM)Come before Him with rejoicing.
Know that (FN)the Lord [bc]Himself is God;
It is He who has (FO)made us, and [bd]not we ourselves;
We are (FP)His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates (FQ)with [be]thanksgiving,
And His courtyards with praise.
Give thanks to Him, (FR)bless His name.
For (FS)the Lord is good;
(FT)His mercy is everlasting
And His (FU)faithfulness is to all generations.

The Psalmist’s Profession of Uprightness.

A Psalm of David.

101 I will (FV)sing of mercy and [bf]justice;
To You, Lord, I will sing praises.
I will (FW)carefully attend to the [bg]blameless way.
When will You come to me?
I will walk within my house in the [bh](FX)integrity of my heart.
I will set no (FY)worthless thing before my eyes;
I hate the [bi]work of those who (FZ)fall away;
It shall not cling to me.
A (GA)perverse heart shall leave me;
I will know no evil.
Whoever secretly (GB)slanders his neighbor, him I will [bj]destroy;
I will not endure one who has a (GC)haughty look and an arrogant heart.

My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me;
One who walks in a [bk](GD)blameless way is one who will serve me.
One who (GE)practices deceit shall not dwell within my house;
One who speaks lies (GF)shall not [bl]maintain his position before me.
(GG)Every morning I will [bm](GH)destroy all the wicked of the land,
So as to (GI)eliminate from the (GJ)city of the Lord all those who do injustice.

Prayer of an Afflicted Man for Mercy on Himself and on Zion.

A Prayer of the afflicted when he is weak and [bn]pours out his complaint before the Lord.

102 (GK)Hear my prayer, Lord!
And let my cry for help (GL)come to You.
(GM)Do not hide Your face from me on the day of my distress;
(GN)Incline Your ear to me;
On the day when I call (GO)answer me quickly.
For my days (GP)have ended in smoke,
And my (GQ)bones have been scorched like a hearth.
My heart (GR)has been struck like [bo]grass and has (GS)withered,
Indeed, I (GT)forget to eat my bread.
Because of the [bp]loudness of my groaning
My (GU)bones [bq]cling to my flesh.
I resemble a (GV)pelican of the wilderness;
I have become like an owl of the ruins.
I (GW)lie awake,
I have become like a solitary bird on a housetop.

My enemies (GX)have taunted me all day long;
Those who [br](GY)deride me [bs]have used my name as a (GZ)curse.
For I have eaten ashes like bread,
And (HA)mixed my drink with weeping
10 (HB)Because of Your indignation and Your wrath;
For You have (HC)lifted me up and thrown me away.
11 My days are like a [bt](HD)lengthened shadow,
And [bu]I (HE)wither away like [bv]grass.

12 But You, Lord, [bw](HF)remain forever,
And Your [bx](HG)name remains to all generations.
13 You will (HH)arise and have (HI)compassion on Zion;
For (HJ)it is time to be gracious to her,
For the (HK)appointed time has come.
14 Surely Your servants [by]take pleasure in her stones,
And feel pity for her dust.
15 [bz]So the [ca](HL)nations will fear the name of the Lord,
And (HM)all the kings of the earth, Your glory.
16 For the Lord has (HN)built up Zion;
He has (HO)appeared in His glory.
17 He has (HP)turned His attention to the prayer of the [cb]destitute
And has not despised their prayer.

18 [cc]This will be (HQ)written for the (HR)generation to come,
[cd]That (HS)a people yet to be created [ce]may praise [cf]the Lord:
19 For He (HT)looked down from His holy height;
(HU)From heaven the Lord looked [cg]upon the earth,
20 To hear the (HV)groaning of the prisoner,
To (HW)set free [ch]those who were doomed to death,
21 So that people may (HX)tell of the name of the Lord in Zion,
And His praise in Jerusalem,
22 When (HY)the peoples are gathered together,
And the kingdoms, to serve the Lord.

23 He has broken my strength in the way;
He has (HZ)shortened my days.
24 I say, “My God, (IA)do not take me away in the middle of my days,
Your (IB)years are [ci]throughout all generations.
25 In time of old You (IC)founded the earth,
And the (ID)heavens are the work of Your hands.
26 [cj]Even they will (IE)perish, but You endure;
All of them will wear out like a garment;
Like clothing You will change them and they will pass away.
27 But You are [ck](IF)the same,
And Your years will not come to an end.
28 The (IG)children of Your servants will continue,
And their [cl](IH)descendants will be established before You.”


  1. Psalm 93:1 Or has assumed kingship
  2. Psalm 93:5 Lit for length of days
  3. Psalm 94:1 Or avenging acts
  4. Psalm 94:1 Or avenging acts
  5. Psalm 94:1 Or has shone forth
  6. Psalm 94:7 Heb Yah
  7. Psalm 94:9 Or can
  8. Psalm 94:9 Or can
  9. Psalm 94:10 Or instructs
  10. Psalm 94:11 Or For
  11. Psalm 94:12 Heb Yah
  12. Psalm 94:15 I.e., administration of justice
  13. Psalm 94:15 Lit will return to righteousness
  14. Psalm 94:15 Lit will be after it
  15. Psalm 94:19 Or are many
  16. Psalm 94:20 Or tribunal
  17. Psalm 94:20 Or trouble, misfortune
  18. Psalm 94:21 Or soul
  19. Psalm 94:21 Lit innocent blood
  20. Psalm 94:23 Or silence
  21. Psalm 94:23 Or silence
  22. Psalm 95:5 Lit Who has the sea
  23. Psalm 95:7 Lit pasturing
  24. Psalm 95:7 Or O that you would obey
  25. Psalm 95:8 Or place of strife
  26. Psalm 95:8 Or temptation
  27. Psalm 96:5 Or non-existent things
  28. Psalm 96:7 Lit Give
  29. Psalm 96:7 Lit Give
  30. Psalm 96:8 Lit Give
  31. Psalm 96:8 Or meal offering
  32. Psalm 96:9 Or the splendor of holiness
  33. Psalm 96:11 Or thunder
  34. Psalm 96:11 Lit its fullness
  35. Psalm 97:1 Or has assumed Kingship
  36. Psalm 97:1 Or coastlands
  37. Psalm 97:7 Or All the gods have worshiped Him
  38. Psalm 97:7 Or supernatural powers
  39. Psalm 97:8 Or possibly hears and is glad
  40. Psalm 97:9 Or supernatural powers
  41. Psalm 97:12 Lit for the memory of His holiness
  42. Psalm 98:1 Or accomplished salvation
  43. Psalm 98:5 Or voice of song (accompanied by music)
  44. Psalm 98:7 Lit its fullness
  45. Psalm 99:1 Or let the
  46. Psalm 99:1 Or let the...quake
  47. Psalm 99:2 Or in Zion is great
  48. Psalm 99:3 Or it
  49. Psalm 99:4 Or You have established in equity the strength of the King who loves justice
  50. Psalm 99:4 Or judgment
  51. Psalm 99:4 Or uprightness
  52. Psalm 99:4 Or judgment
  53. Psalm 99:5 The verb is plural
  54. Psalm 100 Title Or thank offering
  55. Psalm 100:3 Or He
  56. Psalm 100:3 Some mss His we are
  57. Psalm 100:4 Or a thank offering
  58. Psalm 101:1 Or judgment
  59. Psalm 101:2 Or way of integrity
  60. Psalm 101:2 Or blamelessness
  61. Psalm 101:3 Or practice of apostasy
  62. Psalm 101:5 Or silence
  63. Psalm 101:6 Or way of integrity
  64. Psalm 101:7 Lit be established before my eyes
  65. Psalm 101:8 Or silence
  66. Psalm 102 Title Ps 142:2
  67. Psalm 102:4 Lit herbage
  68. Psalm 102:5 Lit voice
  69. Psalm 102:5 Lit have cleaved
  70. Psalm 102:8 Or made a fool of
  71. Psalm 102:8 Lit have sworn by me
  72. Psalm 102:11 Lit stretched out
  73. Psalm 102:11 Or as for me, I
  74. Psalm 102:11 Lit herbage
  75. Psalm 102:12 Or sit enthroned
  76. Psalm 102:12 Lit memorial
  77. Psalm 102:14 Or have found
  78. Psalm 102:15 Or And
  79. Psalm 102:15 Or Gentiles, heathen
  80. Psalm 102:17 Or naked
  81. Psalm 102:18 Or Let this be written
  82. Psalm 102:18 Or And
  83. Psalm 102:18 Or will
  84. Psalm 102:18 Heb Yah
  85. Psalm 102:19 Lit toward
  86. Psalm 102:20 Lit the sons of death
  87. Psalm 102:24 Lit in generation of generations
  88. Psalm 102:26 Lit They themselves
  89. Psalm 102:27 Lit He
  90. Psalm 102:28 Lit seed