12 “‘If a man has sexual relations with his daughter-in-law,(A) both of them are to be put to death. What they have done is a perversion; their blood will be on their own heads.

13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable.(B) They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

14 “‘If a man marries both a woman and her mother,(C) it is wicked. Both he and they must be burned in the fire,(D) so that no wickedness will be among you.(E)

15 “‘If a man has sexual relations with an animal,(F) he is to be put to death,(G) and you must kill the animal.

16 “‘If a woman approaches an animal to have sexual relations with it, kill both the woman and the animal. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

17 “‘If a man marries his sister(H), the daughter of either his father or his mother, and they have sexual relations, it is a disgrace. They are to be publicly removed(I) from their people. He has dishonored his sister and will be held responsible.(J)

18 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a woman during her monthly period,(K) he has exposed the source of her flow, and she has also uncovered it. Both of them are to be cut off from their people.(L)

19 “‘Do not have sexual relations with the sister of either your mother or your father,(M) for that would dishonor a close relative; both of you would be held responsible.

20 “‘If a man has sexual relations with his aunt,(N) he has dishonored his uncle. They will be held responsible; they will die childless.(O)

21 “‘If a man marries his brother’s wife,(P) it is an act of impurity; he has dishonored his brother. They will be childless.(Q)

22 “‘Keep all my decrees and laws(R) and follow them, so that the land(S) where I am bringing you to live may not vomit you out. 23 You must not live according to the customs of the nations(T) I am going to drive out before you.(U) Because they did all these things, I abhorred them.(V) 24 But I said to you, “You will possess their land; I will give it to you as an inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey.”(W) I am the Lord your God, who has set you apart from the nations.(X)

25 “‘You must therefore make a distinction between clean and unclean animals and between unclean and clean birds.(Y) Do not defile yourselves by any animal or bird or anything that moves along the ground—those that I have set apart as unclean for you. 26 You are to be holy to me(Z) because I, the Lord, am holy,(AA) and I have set you apart from the nations(AB) to be my own.

27 “‘A man or woman who is a medium(AC) or spiritist among you must be put to death.(AD) You are to stone them;(AE) their blood will be on their own heads.’”

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Joash Repairs the Temple(A)

12 [a]In the seventh year of Jehu, Joash[b](B) became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem forty years. His mother’s name was Zibiah; she was from Beersheba. Joash did what was right(C) in the eyes of the Lord all the years Jehoiada the priest instructed him. The high places,(D) however, were not removed; the people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense there.

Joash said to the priests, “Collect(E) all the money that is brought as sacred offerings(F) to the temple of the Lord—the money collected in the census,(G) the money received from personal vows and the money brought voluntarily(H) to the temple. Let every priest receive the money from one of the treasurers, then use it to repair(I) whatever damage is found in the temple.”

But by the twenty-third year of King Joash the priests still had not repaired the temple. Therefore King Joash summoned Jehoiada the priest and the other priests and asked them, “Why aren’t you repairing the damage done to the temple? Take no more money from your treasurers, but hand it over for repairing the temple.” The priests agreed that they would not collect any more money from the people and that they would not repair the temple themselves.

Jehoiada the priest took a chest and bored a hole in its lid. He placed it beside the altar, on the right side as one enters the temple of the Lord. The priests who guarded the entrance(J) put into the chest all the money(K) that was brought to the temple of the Lord. 10 Whenever they saw that there was a large amount of money in the chest, the royal secretary(L) and the high priest came, counted the money that had been brought into the temple of the Lord and put it into bags. 11 When the amount had been determined, they gave the money to the men appointed to supervise the work on the temple. With it they paid those who worked on the temple of the Lord—the carpenters and builders, 12 the masons and stonecutters.(M) They purchased timber and blocks of dressed stone for the repair of the temple of the Lord, and met all the other expenses of restoring the temple.

13 The money brought into the temple was not spent for making silver basins, wick trimmers, sprinkling bowls, trumpets or any other articles of gold(N) or silver for the temple of the Lord; 14 it was paid to the workers, who used it to repair the temple. 15 They did not require an accounting from those to whom they gave the money to pay the workers, because they acted with complete honesty.(O) 16 The money from the guilt offerings(P) and sin offerings[c](Q) was not brought into the temple of the Lord; it belonged(R) to the priests.

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  1. 2 Kings 12:1 In Hebrew texts 12:1-21 is numbered 12:2-22.
  2. 2 Kings 12:1 Hebrew Jehoash, a variant of Joash; also in verses 2, 4, 6, 7 and 18
  3. 2 Kings 12:16 Or purification offerings

13 So you were adorned with gold and silver; your clothes(A) were of fine linen and costly fabric and embroidered cloth. Your food was honey, olive oil(B) and the finest flour. You became very beautiful and rose to be a queen.(C) 14 And your fame(D) spread among the nations on account of your beauty,(E) because the splendor I had given you made your beauty perfect, declares the Sovereign Lord.(F)

15 “‘But you trusted in your beauty and used your fame to become a prostitute. You lavished your favors on anyone who passed by(G) and your beauty became his.(H) 16 You took some of your garments to make gaudy high places,(I) where you carried on your prostitution.(J) You went to him, and he possessed your beauty.[a] 17 You also took the fine jewelry I gave you, the jewelry made of my gold and silver, and you made for yourself male idols and engaged in prostitution with them.(K) 18 And you took your embroidered clothes to put on them, and you offered my oil and incense(L) before them. 19 Also the food I provided for you—the flour, olive oil and honey I gave you to eat—you offered as fragrant incense before them. That is what happened, declares the Sovereign Lord.(M)

20 “‘And you took your sons and daughters(N) whom you bore to me(O) and sacrificed them as food to the idols. Was your prostitution not enough?(P) 21 You slaughtered my children and sacrificed them to the idols.(Q) 22 In all your detestable practices and your prostitution you did not remember the days of your youth,(R) when you were naked and bare,(S) kicking about in your blood.(T)

23 “‘Woe!(U) Woe to you, declares the Sovereign Lord. In addition to all your other wickedness, 24 you built a mound for yourself and made a lofty shrine(V) in every public square.(W) 25 At every street corner(X) you built your lofty shrines and degraded your beauty, spreading your legs with increasing promiscuity to anyone who passed by.(Y) 26 You engaged in prostitution(Z) with the Egyptians,(AA) your neighbors with large genitals, and aroused my anger(AB) with your increasing promiscuity.(AC) 27 So I stretched out my hand(AD) against you and reduced your territory; I gave you over(AE) to the greed of your enemies, the daughters of the Philistines,(AF) who were shocked by your lewd conduct. 28 You engaged in prostitution with the Assyrians(AG) too, because you were insatiable; and even after that, you still were not satisfied.(AH)

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  1. Ezekiel 16:16 The meaning of the Hebrew for this sentence is uncertain.

He will not always accuse,
    nor will he harbor his anger forever;(A)
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve(B)
    or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
    so great is his love(C) for those who fear him;(D)
12 as far as the east is from the west,
    so far has he removed our transgressions(E) from us.

13 As a father has compassion(F) on his children,
    so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed,(G)
    he remembers that we are dust.(H)
15 The life of mortals is like grass,(I)
    they flourish like a flower(J) of the field;
16 the wind blows(K) over it and it is gone,
    and its place(L) remembers it no more.
17 But from everlasting to everlasting
    the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,
    and his righteousness with their children’s children(M)
18 with those who keep his covenant(N)
    and remember(O) to obey his precepts.(P)

19 The Lord has established his throne(Q) in heaven,
    and his kingdom rules(R) over all.

20 Praise the Lord,(S) you his angels,(T)
    you mighty ones(U) who do his bidding,(V)
    who obey his word.
21 Praise the Lord, all his heavenly hosts,(W)
    you his servants(X) who do his will.
22 Praise the Lord, all his works(Y)
    everywhere in his dominion.

Praise the Lord, my soul.(Z)

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Jesus Sends Out the Twelve(A)(B)

When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons(C) and to cure diseases,(D) and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God(E) and to heal the sick. He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt.(F) Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.”(G) So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.

Now Herod(H) the tetrarch heard about all that was going on. And he was perplexed because some were saying that John(I) had been raised from the dead,(J) others that Elijah had appeared,(K) and still others that one of the prophets of long ago had come back to life.(L) But Herod said, “I beheaded John. Who, then, is this I hear such things about?” And he tried to see him.(M)

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16 Therefore we do not lose heart.(A) Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly(B) we are being renewed(C) day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.(D) 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen,(E) since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Awaiting the New Body

For we know that if the earthly(F) tent(G) we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. Meanwhile we groan,(H) longing to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling,(I) because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. For while we are in this tent, we groan(J) and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling,(K) so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. Now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.(L)

Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. For we live by faith, not by sight.(M) We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.(N) So we make it our goal to please him,(O) whether we are at home in the body or away from it. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us(P) for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

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