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Tej tpon Pablo tuj tcwentel Macedonia bix tuj tcwentel Grecia

20  Tejtzen tbaj twiˈ jkˈoj e jaw, bix e tzaj ttxcoˈn Pablo ke ocslal te Efeso, tuˈn t‑xiˈ tkˈoˈnxin ke tyolxin baˈn cye.

Tejtzen tpon baj ke tyolxin, bix e kˈolbenxin cyuya ocslal, bix e xiˈxin tuˈn tiyˈxxin tuj mar, tuˈn tponxin tuj ttxˈotxˈ Macedonia. Tejtzen tponxin tuj Macedonia, bix akˈ Pablo betel tuj jaca juun tnom. Tuj jaca juun lugar oc tnimsaˈnxin, bix oc tkˈoˈnxin cyipemal ocslal tuya tyolxin. Cwa tetzxin tuj Macedonia, bix e ponxin tuj ttxˈotxˈ Grecia. Jatztzen Grecia e tema Pablo oxe xjaw. Tejtzen tpon baj oxe xjaw tuj Grecia, bix e cub tniqˈuen Pablo tiˈj tuˈn tocxxin tuj tbarcxin, tuˈn t‑xiˈxin tuj ttxˈotxˈ Siria, te ocne. Pero tejtzen binne ttenxin tuˈn tocxxin tuj barc, bix e tbixin ka tuˈn niqˈuen cyuˈn judío tuˈn ttzyet‑xin. Entonces bix e cub tchˈixbeˈnxin tiˈj, bix e xiˈxin tuˈn tkenxin tuj Macedonia juntl maj, tuˈn t‑xiˈ tiiˈn jun barc jaxin. Tujtzen tbexin tuˈn tponxin Macedonia, bix e xiˈ ẍkluˈnxin tuˈn wuuk xjal, ejeeˈtzen wuuk xjal lu: Sópater te tnom Berea, Aristarco bix Segundo te tnom te Tesalónica, Gayo te tnom te Derbe, bixsen Timoteo, Tíquico, bix Trófimo te txˈotxˈ te Asia. Yaltzen weya, inayena Lucas, in tin tzuna tuj tnom te Filipos tuj txˈotxˈ te Macedonia. Tejtzen tpon Pablo tuj Filipos, bix oc kmojban kiiba juntl maj. Yal tzunj wuuktlxin ocslal bix e xiˈ cyiiˈnxin jun barc tuˈn cyponxin tuj ttxˈotxˈ Asia, jatztzen e cyyoxin ejooˈya tuj tnom te Troas. Pero Pablo bix weya bix e cyaj koˈya cab kˈij tuj Filipos, te iyˈsal cyninkˈij judío oj nchi waaˈn pan mintiiˈ tkˈanel tocx tuˈn tjaw tz̈ˈiy. Tejtzen tpon baj ninkˈij, bix etz koˈya tuj Filipos tuj barc. E bet barc jweˈ kˈij tuˈn tpon tuj tnom te Troas. Tejtzen kpona, bix e ten koˈya wuuk kˈij.

Tej tpon Pablo kˈolbelte cye ocslal tuj tnom Troas

Tetzen tneel kˈij te smant, jkˈij domingo, keya cyuya ocslal bix oc kchmoon kiiba cyuya te iyˈsal jun waaˈn. Bix akˈ Pablo yolel cyuya ocslal. Ttzkiˈntlxin ka tuˈn tetzxin te juntl kˈij tuj Troas. Entonces bix e yolenxin tuj jun nim yol, tejxe tpon chil akˈbil. Jlugar jaaˈj oca kchmoon kiiba tuj jun cwart te toxen cxoˈlen jaaˈ, bix nimxsen luz txkoˈn. Cyxoltzen xjal tocx junkˈa xjal kˈuklcˈa ttziiˈ ventan. Eutico tbikˈa, bix mas e tyole Pablo, bix masx e tzaj twatlkˈa. Cwax tiyˈkˈa tuˈn watl, bix etz tzˈakkˈa ttziiˈ ventan te toxen cxoˈlen jaaˈ maan twitz txˈotxˈ. Tuˈntzen wolp e cymakˈa. 10 Tejtzen tbinte Pablo, bix e cuˈtzxin, bix e xiˈ t‑xkinan tiibxin tibajkˈa, bix e tzaj t‑xkˈeˈnxin jakˈa, bix e xiˈ tkbaˈnxin cye ocslal:

―¡Miˈn chi jaw seyˈpaja! Lu te kˈa iˈtza―tz̈i Pablo.

11 Entonces bix e jax meltzˈaj Pablo juntl maj, bix e tzaj tiiˈnxin chˈin pan, bix e xiˈ twaaˈnxin. Yajcˈatltzen bix akˈxxin yolel cyuya ocslal mas tyem, tejxe ttzaj t‑xeeˈ cyaˈj. Tetzen klax, bix exxin. 12 Yaltzen ke ocslal bix iyˈ cyiiˈnxin jkˈa xjal otk jaw itzˈj. Juˈ tzunj e temakexin tuya nim cycˈuˈjxin.

Tej t‑xiˈ Pablo tuj tnom Troas tuˈn tpon tuj tnom Mileto

13 Pablo e tajbexin tuˈn t‑xiˈxin tuˈn tkenxin tuj tnom Asón, tuˈn ttzyet barc tuˈnxin jatzewe. Pero keya bix ocx koˈya junx maj tuj barc tuj Troas, bix e xiˈ koˈya tuj Asón te kˈiltzte Pablo. 14 Tejtzen kpona tuj Asón, bix e kyoya Pablo. Tejtzen tponxin, bix etz kiiˈn xina tuj barc. Bix junxsen e xiˈ koˈya tuj tnom te Mitilene. 15 Entonces bixsen etz koˈya tuj Mitilene. Tetzen juntl kˈij bix e pon koˈya tuj ttxˈotxˈ Quio. Texetzen juntl kˈij kpona tuj ttxˈotxˈ Samos. Te juntl kˈij bix e pon koˈya tuj tnom te Mileto. 16 Pero otk txiˈ ktzyuˈna jun barc mintiiˈ tuˈn tweˈ tuj Efeso, cuma ilx tiˈ Pablo tuˈn tpon tuj Jerusalén, bix ya min e tcuyatl Pablo tuˈn tex ttyem tuj ttxˈotxˈ Asia. Juˈ tzunj e xaˈ koˈya txucl tiˈ Efeso, cuma e tajbe Pablo tuˈn kpona tuj Jerusalén te iyˈsal tninkˈij awal. Pero tuj Mileto e cyjaˈ koˈya cab kˈij.

Mancˈbil tyol Pablo cye aj Efeso

17 Etoˈ tzuna tuj Mileto, bix e xiˈ tchkˈoˈn Pablo txocbilcye ocslal tiˈj cawel tuj tja Dios tuj Efeso. 18 Tejtzen cyponxin tuj Mileto, bix e xiˈ tkbaˈn Pablo cyexin:

―Key wuya, cytzkiˈn cyey tikˈchwe nten tej wul tuj Asia, bix tiiˈn xjal ken. 19 Cykil tyem nchin ajbenwe te Dios tuya cykil wanem. Bajx tzˈoca nkˈonwe wiib te nmak xjal. In ookˈ tej cyoc ncyeˈyen xjal n‑el cyxooˈn tyol Jesús. Bix qˈuixcˈaj in tema cyuˈnj yajlabl oc cykˈoˈn judío wiˈj. 20 Pero we, nunca e cyaj nkˈoˈnwe nkbante kej nyol il tiˈj tuˈn toc cybiˈna te cyey. Tuj tnom bix cyja xjal in xnakˈtzanxwe. 21 Oc wocsaˈnxkey, te cyey xjal judío, bix te cyey xjal yaaˈn judío. Jweya nyola, ja tej tuˈn tcyaj cykˈoˈna jkaˈ, bix tuˈn cyxiˈ lpey tiˈ tyol Dios, bix tuˈn tke cycˈuˈja tiˈ Kman Jesús, Scyˈoˈn tuˈn Dios.

22 Yaltzen jaˈlewe, tisen tzunj n‑oc cycyeˈyena, lu nbe tzyuˈn Jerusalén. Jacˈa Espíritu Santo smalx te we tuj Jerusalén. Pero oj npon, tila pjel wiˈj. 23 Pero te ja ntzkiˈntlwe, tuj jaca tnom jaaˈ o chin iˈya, o wil qˈuixcˈaj bix tuj tzeeˈ, bix ntzaj tkbaˈn Espíritu Santo we tzinen ka jax ja nayon wiˈj tuj Jerusalén. 24 Pero min tzajwe ttz̈i wiˈj. Mintiiˈwe woclen tiˈj ka ma chin etz kˈiˈn ojxe tbaj twiˈ nchunkˈlal. Ja we mas n‑oc takˈ wej, jaj tuˈn tbint wuˈn jwaakˈen o tzaj tkˈoˈn Jesús. Jatzen waakˈen jaj tuˈn t‑xiˈ nkbaˈna mas tuj tumel jbaˈn tpocbal t‑xtalbil Dios te twitz txˈotxˈ.

25 O chin bet cyxola te yolel tiiˈn jtcawbil Dios. Pero ya tzinen taˈ tuj nwitz mi nuketpe juntl maj chin n‑oc cycyeˈyena twitz ja txˈotxˈa. Mi nuketpe chin ul meltzˈaj tzalu. 26 Juˈ tzunj cxeˈl nkbaˈn cyey jaˈlewe aljxe xjal tuj ttanem at tuj tbeyel kˈakˈ yaaˈn tuˈn wewe nculpa. 27 Cuma cykilte jax tyol Dios o txiˈ nkbaˈnwe cyey. Mintiiˈwe o cub weˈwen, bix min o cyaj nkˈoˈnwe tkbalte cykil tyol Dios.

28 Mancˈbiltzen nyol cyey. Cycˈojlamtzen cyiiba, bix cykˈoˈnctzen cycˈuˈja cyiˈ ocslal. Tisen jun cylel cˈojlaˈn ke cycarnel cyuˈn, juˈxsen tten o tzaj tokxena Espíritu Santo te cyey tuˈn cycˈojlaˈna ke ocslal. Ke cyej ocslala te Kman Jesús ke cye, cuma o tchoj texin tuya ttz̈iyˈxin. Entonces cycˈojlanxsenke. 29 Ilx tiˈj tuˈn cyxiˈ cˈojlet, cuma ntzkiˈntlwe oj wex, chi ultltzen xjal te yajlal cye ocslal bix te kˈilbaxcye, tisen jun skiˈt cyxol carnel. 30 Jax wuˈn, bix cyxolxa cjawela jlet cab xnakˈtzal tej nicˈbel yol. Cxeˈltzen nkbaˈn cyey tzul jun kˈij oj tjaw cyniqˈuena ẍtakˈbil tuˈn tcub cyiˈ ocslal cyuˈna tuˈn cyoc lpe cyiˈja. 31 Juˈ tzunj cxeˈl nkbaˈn cyey tuˈn t‑xiˈ cycˈojlan cyiiba. Cytzkiˈn tzuna tiiˈn wanem cyiˈja, bix tiiˈn ma jawel baj oxe jnabkˈiwe bix oc wocsaˈn cycˈuˈja tuya tal nwitz tuˈn miˈn chi cub yajlaˈna.

32 Jaˈle tzuna matzen chi cyaj nkˈoˈna tuj tkˈab Dios tuˈn cyxiˈ cˈojleta. Jatzen tyol Dios cxeˈl kˈinte cyey, bix cˈoquel nimsante cyey, cuma nimte tipemal. Te Dios tyol, atte tipemal te chˈixbelcˈa cynaabla. Bix te Dios tyol, tzin tkbaˈnte ka at cykab tcwal Dios.

33 Yaltzen weya, matzen chin akˈanana cyxola, pero bajx t‑xaˈ nkanewa cykˈinemala. Yal cyej yajlalca xjal, pwakcye cyjyaˈ. 34 Cytzkiˈntzen cyey tuya nkˈabwe ẍin itzˈja, bix e xiˈ wonewe kej xin wuya. 35 In akˈananxsenwe cyiw. Juˈtzen e nse weya tuˈn tcyaj jun techlal te cyey. Jaxsen juˈx cyey cwel cykˈoˈna jun techlal cywitz acˈaj ocslal ti tten tuˈn tcub cypaˈn tikˈch cye cyuya kej eteˈ tuj tcyajlal. Tzulcˈax tyol Kman Jesús tuj cycˈuˈja. Tz̈ixin cyjulu: “Mas ttz̈yal chi temela kej kˈol cotz cywitz chi kˈilte te juntl,” tz̈i Jesús―juˈtzen tten tyolen Pablo cyuya nincˈul tja Dios ke ocslal te Efeso otk chi ul tuj Mileto.

36 Tejtzen tpon baj tkbaˈnte Pablo cykil juˈwa, bix e cub majexin, bix e naˈnxin Dios cyuya nincˈul tja Dios. 37 Cykilcakexin ookˈ, bix e tzaj cyxkeˈnxin Pablo, bix nim maj el cytzˈubanxin twitz Pablo. 38 Otkxsen chi bisenxin, cuma otk tkba Pablo cyexin ka mi nuket juntl maj tzˈoc cycyeˈyenxin twitz txˈotxˈ. Cwa t‑xiˈ cyẍkluˈnxin ja Pablo tuj barc.

Through Macedonia and Greece

20 When the uproar had ended, Paul sent for the disciples(A) and, after encouraging them, said goodbye and set out for Macedonia.(B) He traveled through that area, speaking many words of encouragement to the people, and finally arrived in Greece, where he stayed three months. Because some Jews had plotted against him(C) just as he was about to sail for Syria,(D) he decided to go back through Macedonia.(E) He was accompanied by Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Berea, Aristarchus(F) and Secundus from Thessalonica,(G) Gaius(H) from Derbe, Timothy(I) also, and Tychicus(J) and Trophimus(K) from the province of Asia.(L) These men went on ahead and waited for us(M) at Troas.(N) But we sailed from Philippi(O) after the Festival of Unleavened Bread, and five days later joined the others at Troas,(P) where we stayed seven days.

Eutychus Raised From the Dead at Troas

On the first day of the week(Q) we came together to break bread.(R) Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight. There were many lamps in the upstairs room(S) where we were meeting. Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. When he was sound asleep, he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead. 10 Paul went down, threw himself on the young man(T) and put his arms around him. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “He’s alive!”(U) 11 Then he went upstairs again and broke bread(V) and ate. After talking until daylight, he left. 12 The people took the young man home alive and were greatly comforted.

Paul’s Farewell to the Ephesian Elders

13 We went on ahead to the ship and sailed for Assos, where we were going to take Paul aboard. He had made this arrangement because he was going there on foot. 14 When he met us at Assos, we took him aboard and went on to Mitylene. 15 The next day we set sail from there and arrived off Chios. The day after that we crossed over to Samos, and on the following day arrived at Miletus.(W) 16 Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus(X) to avoid spending time in the province of Asia,(Y) for he was in a hurry to reach Jerusalem,(Z) if possible, by the day of Pentecost.(AA)

17 From Miletus,(AB) Paul sent to Ephesus for the elders(AC) of the church. 18 When they arrived, he said to them: “You know how I lived the whole time I was with you,(AD) from the first day I came into the province of Asia.(AE) 19 I served the Lord with great humility and with tears(AF) and in the midst of severe testing by the plots of my Jewish opponents.(AG) 20 You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything(AH) that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house. 21 I have declared to both Jews(AI) and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance(AJ) and have faith in our Lord Jesus.(AK)

22 “And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem,(AL) not knowing what will happen to me there. 23 I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me(AM) that prison and hardships are facing me.(AN) 24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me;(AO) my only aim is to finish the race(AP) and complete the task(AQ) the Lord Jesus has given me(AR)—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.(AS)

25 “Now I know that none of you among whom I have gone about preaching the kingdom(AT) will ever see me again.(AU) 26 Therefore, I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of any of you.(AV) 27 For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God.(AW) 28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock(AX) of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers.(AY) Be shepherds of the church of God,[a](AZ) which he bought(BA) with his own blood.[b](BB) 29 I know that after I leave, savage wolves(BC) will come in among you and will not spare the flock.(BD) 30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples(BE) after them. 31 So be on your guard! Remember that for three years(BF) I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.(BG)

32 “Now I commit you to God(BH) and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance(BI) among all those who are sanctified.(BJ) 33 I have not coveted anyone’s silver or gold or clothing.(BK) 34 You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions.(BL) 35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’

36 When Paul had finished speaking, he knelt down with all of them and prayed.(BM) 37 They all wept as they embraced him and kissed him.(BN) 38 What grieved them most was his statement that they would never see his face again.(BO) Then they accompanied him to the ship.(BP)


  1. Acts 20:28 Many manuscripts of the Lord
  2. Acts 20:28 Or with the blood of his own Son