15 (A)Simon Peter was following Jesus, and so was another disciple. Now that disciple was known to the high priest, and he entered with Jesus into (B)the courtyard of the high priest, 16 (C)but Peter was standing at the door outside. So the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, went out and spoke to the doorkeeper, and brought Peter in. 17 (D)Then the slave woman who was the doorkeeper *said to Peter, “(E)You are not also one of this Man’s disciples, are you?” He *said, “I am not.” 18 Now the slaves and the (F)officers were standing there, having made (G)a charcoal fire, for it was cold and they were (H)warming themselves; and Peter was also with them, standing and warming himself.

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Peter’s Denial of Jesus

25 (A)Now (B)Simon Peter was still standing and warming himself. So they said to him, “(C)You are not one of His disciples as well, are you?” He denied it, and said, “I am not.” 26 One of the slaves of the high priest, who was related to the one (D)whose ear Peter cut off, *said, “Did I not see you in (E)the garden with Him?” 27 Peter then denied it again, and immediately (F)a rooster crowed.

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