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Les dirás asimismo: Así ha dicho Jehová: El que cae, ¿no se levanta? El que se desvía, ¿no vuelve al camino? ¿Por qué es este pueblo de Jerusalén rebelde con rebeldía perpetua? Abrazaron el engaño, y no han querido volverse. Escuché y oí; no hablan rectamente, no hay hombre que se arrepienta de su mal, diciendo: ¿Qué he hecho? Cada cual se volvió a su propia carrera, como caballo que arremete con ímpetu a la batalla. Aun la cigüeña en el cielo conoce su tiempo, y la tórtola y la grulla y la golondrina guardan el tiempo de su venida; pero mi pueblo no conoce el juicio de Jehová.

¿Cómo decís: Nosotros somos sabios, y la ley de Jehová está con nosotros? Ciertamente la ha cambiado en mentira la pluma mentirosa de los escribas. Los sabios se avergonzaron, se espantaron y fueron consternados; he aquí que aborrecieron la palabra de Jehová; ¿y qué sabiduría tienen? 10 Por tanto, daré a otros sus mujeres, y sus campos a quienes los conquisten; porque desde el más pequeño hasta el más grande cada uno sigue la avaricia; desde el profeta hasta el sacerdote todos hacen engaño. 11 Y curaron la herida de la hija de mi pueblo con liviandad, diciendo: Paz, paz; y no hay paz.(A) 12 ¿Se han avergonzado de haber hecho abominación? Ciertamente no se han avergonzado en lo más mínimo, ni supieron avergonzarse; caerán, por tanto, entre los que caigan; cuando los castigue caerán, dice Jehová.(B) 13 Los cortaré del todo, dice Jehová. No quedarán uvas en la vid, ni higos en la higuera, y se caerá la hoja; y lo que les he dado pasará de ellos.

14 ¿Por qué nos estamos sentados? Reuníos, y entremos en las ciudades fortificadas, y perezcamos allí; porque Jehová nuestro Dios nos ha destinado a perecer, y nos ha dado a beber aguas de hiel, porque pecamos contra Jehová. 15 Esperamos paz, y no hubo bien; día de curación, y he aquí turbación. 16 Desde Dan se oyó el bufido de sus caballos; al sonido de los relinchos de sus corceles tembló toda la tierra; y vinieron y devoraron la tierra y su abundancia, a la ciudad y a los moradores de ella. 17 Porque he aquí que yo envío sobre vosotros serpientes, áspides contra los cuales no hay encantamiento, y os morderán, dice Jehová.

Lamento sobre Judá y Jerusalén

18 A causa de mi fuerte dolor, mi corazón desfallece en mí. 19 He aquí voz del clamor de la hija de mi pueblo, que viene de la tierra lejana: ¿No está Jehová en Sion? ¿No está en ella su Rey? ¿Por qué me hicieron airar con sus imágenes de talla, con vanidades ajenas? 20 Pasó la siega, terminó el verano, y nosotros no hemos sido salvos. 21 Quebrantado estoy por el quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo; entenebrecido estoy, espanto me ha arrebatado.

22 ¿No hay bálsamo en Galaad? ¿No hay allí médico? ¿Por qué, pues, no hubo medicina para la hija de mi pueblo?

¡Oh, si mi cabeza se hiciese aguas, y mis ojos fuentes de lágrimas, para que llore día y noche los muertos de la hija de mi pueblo! ¡Oh, quién me diese en el desierto un albergue de caminantes, para que dejase a mi pueblo, y de ellos me apartase! Porque todos ellos son adúlteros, congregación de prevaricadores. Hicieron que su lengua lanzara mentira como un arco, y no se fortalecieron para la verdad en la tierra; porque de mal en mal procedieron, y me han desconocido, dice Jehová.

Guárdese cada uno de su compañero, y en ningún hermano tenga confianza; porque todo hermano engaña con falacia, y todo compañero anda calumniando. Y cada uno engaña a su compañero, y ninguno habla verdad; acostumbraron su lengua a hablar mentira, se ocupan de actuar perversamente. Su morada está en medio del engaño; por muy engañadores no quisieron conocerme, dice Jehová.

Por tanto, así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos: He aquí que yo los refinaré y los probaré; porque ¿qué más he de hacer por la hija de mi pueblo? Saeta afilada es la lengua de ellos; engaño habla; con su boca dice paz a su amigo, y dentro de sí pone sus asechanzas. ¿No los he de castigar por estas cosas? dice Jehová. De tal nación, ¿no se vengará mi alma?

10 Por los montes levantaré lloro y lamentación, y llanto por los pastizales del desierto; porque fueron desolados hasta no quedar quien pase, ni oírse bramido de ganado; desde las aves del cielo hasta las bestias de la tierra huyeron, y se fueron. 11 Reduciré a Jerusalén a un montón de ruinas, morada de chacales; y convertiré las ciudades de Judá en desolación en que no quede morador.

Amenaza de ruina y exilio

12 ¿Quién es varón sabio que entienda esto? ¿y a quién habló la boca de Jehová, para que pueda declararlo? ¿Por qué causa la tierra ha perecido, ha sido asolada como desierto, hasta no haber quien pase? 13 Dijo Jehová: Porque dejaron mi ley, la cual di delante de ellos, y no obedecieron a mi voz, ni caminaron conforme a ella; 14 antes se fueron tras la imaginación de su corazón, y en pos de los baales, según les enseñaron sus padres. 15 Por tanto, así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: He aquí que a este pueblo yo les daré a comer ajenjo, y les daré a beber aguas de hiel. 16 Y los esparciré entre naciones que ni ellos ni sus padres conocieron; y enviaré espada en pos de ellos, hasta que los acabe.

17 Así dice Jehová de los ejércitos: Considerad, y llamad plañideras que vengan; buscad a las hábiles en su oficio; 18 y dense prisa, y levanten llanto por nosotros, y desháganse nuestros ojos en lágrimas, y nuestros párpados se destilen en aguas. 19 Porque de Sion fue oída voz de endecha: ¡Cómo hemos sido destruidos! En gran manera hemos sido avergonzados, porque abandonamos la tierra, porque han destruido nuestras moradas.

20 Oíd, pues, oh mujeres, palabra de Jehová, y vuestro oído reciba la palabra de su boca: Enseñad endechas a vuestras hijas, y lamentación cada una a su amiga. 21 Porque la muerte ha subido por nuestras ventanas, ha entrado en nuestros palacios, para exterminar a los niños de las calles, a los jóvenes de las plazas. 22 Habla: Así ha dicho Jehová: Los cuerpos de los hombres muertos caerán como estiércol sobre la faz del campo, y como manojo tras el segador, que no hay quien lo recoja.

El conocimiento de Dios es la gloria del hombre

23 Así dijo Jehová: No se alabe el sabio en su sabiduría, ni en su valentía se alabe el valiente, ni el rico se alabe en sus riquezas. 24 Mas alábese en esto el que se hubiere de alabar: en entenderme y conocerme,(C) que yo soy Jehová, que hago misericordia, juicio y justicia en la tierra; porque estas cosas quiero, dice Jehová.

25 He aquí que vienen días, dice Jehová, en que castigaré a todo circuncidado, y a todo incircunciso; 26 a Egipto y a Judá, a Edom y a los hijos de Amón y de Moab, y a todos los arrinconados en el postrer rincón, los que moran en el desierto; porque todas las naciones son incircuncisas, y toda la casa de Israel es incircuncisa de corazón.

Los falsos dioses y el Dios verdadero

10 Oíd la palabra que Jehová ha hablado sobre vosotros, oh casa de Israel. Así dijo Jehová: No aprendáis el camino de las naciones, ni de las señales del cielo tengáis temor, aunque las naciones las teman. Porque las costumbres de los pueblos son vanidad; porque leño del bosque cortaron, obra de manos de artífice con buril. Con plata y oro lo adornan; con clavos y martillo lo afirman para que no se mueva. Derechos están como palmera, y no hablan; son llevados, porque no pueden andar. No tengáis temor de ellos, porque ni pueden hacer mal, ni para hacer bien tienen poder.

No hay semejante a ti, oh Jehová; grande eres tú, y grande tu nombre en poderío. ¿Quién no te temerá, oh Rey de las naciones?(D) Porque a ti es debido el temor; porque entre todos los sabios de las naciones y en todos sus reinos, no hay semejante a ti. Todos se infatuarán y entontecerán. Enseñanza de vanidades es el leño. Traerán plata batida de Tarsis y oro de Ufaz, obra del artífice, y de manos del fundidor; los vestirán de azul y de púrpura, obra de peritos es todo. 10 Mas Jehová es el Dios verdadero; él es Dios vivo y Rey eterno; a su ira tiembla la tierra, y las naciones no pueden sufrir su indignación.

11 Les diréis así: Los dioses que no hicieron los cielos ni la tierra, desaparezcan de la tierra y de debajo de los cielos.

12 El que hizo la tierra con su poder, el que puso en orden el mundo con su saber, y extendió los cielos con su sabiduría; 13 a su voz se produce muchedumbre de aguas en el cielo, y hace subir las nubes de lo postrero de la tierra; hace los relámpagos con la lluvia, y saca el viento de sus depósitos. 14 Todo hombre se embrutece, y le falta ciencia; se avergüenza de su ídolo todo fundidor, porque mentirosa es su obra de fundición, y no hay espíritu en ella. 15 Vanidad son, obra vana; al tiempo de su castigo perecerán. 16 No es así la porción de Jacob; porque él es el Hacedor de todo, e Israel es la vara de su heredad; Jehová de los ejércitos es su nombre.

Asolamiento de Judá

17 Recoge de las tierras tus mercaderías, la que moras en lugar fortificado. 18 Porque así ha dicho Jehová: He aquí que esta vez arrojaré con honda los moradores de la tierra, y los afligiré, para que lo sientan.

19 ¡Ay de mí, por mi quebrantamiento! mi llaga es muy dolorosa. Pero dije: Ciertamente enfermedad mía es esta, y debo sufrirla. 20 Mi tienda está destruida, y todas mis cuerdas están rotas; mis hijos me han abandonado y perecieron; no hay ya más quien levante mi tienda, ni quien cuelgue mis cortinas. 21 Porque los pastores se infatuaron, y no buscaron a Jehová; por tanto, no prosperaron, y todo su ganado se esparció.

22 He aquí que voz de rumor viene, y alboroto grande de la tierra del norte, para convertir en soledad todas las ciudades de Judá, en morada de chacales. 23 Conozco, oh Jehová, que el hombre no es señor de su camino, ni del hombre que camina es el ordenar sus pasos. 24 Castígame, oh Jehová, mas con juicio; no con tu furor, para que no me aniquiles.

25 Derrama tu enojo sobre los pueblos que no te conocen, y sobre las naciones que no invocan tu nombre; porque se comieron a Jacob, lo devoraron, le han consumido, y han asolado su morada.

El pacto violado

11 Palabra que vino de Jehová a Jeremías, diciendo: Oíd las palabras de este pacto, y hablad a todo varón de Judá, y a todo morador de Jerusalén. Y les dirás tú: Así dijo Jehová Dios de Israel: Maldito el varón que no obedeciere las palabras de este pacto, el cual mandé a vuestros padres el día que los saqué de la tierra de Egipto, del horno de hierro, diciéndoles: Oíd mi voz, y cumplid mis palabras, conforme a todo lo que os mando; y me seréis por pueblo, y yo seré a vosotros por Dios; para que confirme el juramento que hice a vuestros padres, que les daría la tierra que fluye leche y miel, como en este día. Y respondí y dije: Amén, oh Jehová.

Y Jehová me dijo: Pregona todas estas palabras en las ciudades de Judá y en las calles de Jerusalén, diciendo: Oíd las palabras de este pacto, y ponedlas por obra. Porque solemnemente protesté a vuestros padres el día que les hice subir de la tierra de Egipto, amonestándoles desde temprano y sin cesar hasta el día de hoy, diciendo: Oíd mi voz. Pero no oyeron, ni inclinaron su oído, antes se fueron cada uno tras la imaginación de su malvado corazón; por tanto, traeré sobre ellos todas las palabras de este pacto, el cual mandé que cumpliesen, y no lo cumplieron.

Y me dijo Jehová: Conspiración se ha hallado entre los varones de Judá, y entre los moradores de Jerusalén. 10 Se han vuelto a las maldades de sus primeros padres, los cuales no quisieron escuchar mis palabras, y se fueron tras dioses ajenos para servirles; la casa de Israel y la casa de Judá invalidaron mi pacto, el cual había yo concertado con sus padres. 11 Por tanto, así ha dicho Jehová: He aquí yo traigo sobre ellos mal del que no podrán salir; y clamarán a mí, y no los oiré. 12 E irán las ciudades de Judá y los moradores de Jerusalén, y clamarán a los dioses a quienes queman ellos incienso, los cuales no los podrán salvar en el tiempo de su mal. 13 Porque según el número de tus ciudades fueron tus dioses, oh Judá; y según el número de tus calles, oh Jerusalén, pusiste los altares de ignominia, altares para ofrecer incienso a Baal.

14 Tú, pues, no ores por este pueblo, ni levantes por ellos clamor ni oración; porque yo no oiré en el día que en su aflicción clamen a mí. 15 ¿Qué derecho tiene mi amada en mi casa, habiendo hecho muchas abominaciones? ¿Crees que los sacrificios y las carnes santificadas de las víctimas pueden evitarte el castigo? ¿Puedes gloriarte de eso? 16 Olivo verde, hermoso en su fruto y en su parecer, llamó Jehová tu nombre. A la voz de recio estrépito hizo encender fuego sobre él, y quebraron sus ramas. 17 Porque Jehová de los ejércitos que te plantó ha pronunciado mal contra ti, a causa de la maldad que la casa de Israel y la casa de Judá han hecho, provocándome a ira con incensar a Baal.

Complot contra Jeremías

18 Y Jehová me lo hizo saber, y lo conocí; entonces me hiciste ver sus obras. 19 Y yo era como cordero inocente que llevan a degollar, pues no entendía que maquinaban designios contra mí, diciendo: Destruyamos el árbol con su fruto, y cortémoslo de la tierra de los vivientes, para que no haya más memoria de su nombre. 20 Pero, oh Jehová de los ejércitos, que juzgas con justicia, que escudriñas la mente y el corazón, vea yo tu venganza de ellos; porque ante ti he expuesto mi causa.

21 Por tanto, así ha dicho Jehová acerca de los varones de Anatot que buscan tu vida, diciendo: No profetices en nombre de Jehová, para que no mueras a nuestras manos; 22 así, pues, ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos: He aquí que yo los castigaré; los jóvenes morirán a espada, sus hijos y sus hijas morirán de hambre, 23 y no quedará remanente de ellos, pues yo traeré mal sobre los varones de Anatot, el año de su castigo.

“You shall say to them, ‘This is what the Lord says:

“Do people (A)fall and not get up?
Does one turn away and not [a]repent?
Why has this people, Jerusalem,
(B)Turned away in continual apostasy?
They (C)hold on to deceit,
They (D)refuse to return.
I (E)have listened and heard,
They have spoken what is not right;
(F)No one repented of his wickedness,
Saying, ‘What have I done?’
Everyone turned to his own course,
Like a (G)horse charging into the battle.
Even the stork in the sky
(H)Knows her seasons;
And the (I)turtledove, the swallow, and the crane
Keep to the time of their [b]migration;
But (J)My people do not know
The judgment of the Lord.

(K)How can you say, ‘We are wise,
And the Law of the Lord is with us’?
But behold, the lying pen of the scribes
Has made it into a lie.
The wise men are (L)put to shame,
They are dismayed and caught;
Behold, they have (M)rejected the word of the Lord,
So what kind of wisdom do they have?
10 Therefore I will (N)give their wives to others,
Their fields to new owners;
Because from the least even to the greatest
Everyone is (O)greedy for gain;
From the prophet even to the priest,
Everyone practices deceit.
11 They have (P)healed the brokenness of the daughter of My people superficially,
Saying, ‘Peace, peace,’
But there is no peace.
12 Were they (Q)ashamed because of the abomination they had done?
They were not ashamed at all,
And they did not know how to be ashamed;
Therefore they will (R)fall among those who fall;
At the (S)time of their punishment they will collapse,”
Says the Lord.

13 “I will (T)certainly snatch them away,” declares the Lord.
“There will be (U)no grapes on the vine
And (V)no figs on the fig tree,
And the leaf will wither;
And what I have given them will pass away.”’”
14 Why are we sitting still?
(W)Assemble yourselves, and let’s (X)go into the fortified cities
And perish there,
For the Lord our God has doomed us
And given us (Y)poisoned water to drink,
Because (Z)we have sinned against the Lord.
15 We (AA)waited for peace, but no good came;
For a time of healing, but behold, terror!
16 From (AB)Dan there is heard the snorting of his horses;
At the sound of the neighing of his (AC)stallions
The whole land quakes;
For they come and (AD)devour the land and its fullness,
The city and its inhabitants.
17 “For behold, I am (AE)sending serpents among you,
Vipers for which there is (AF)no charm;
And they will bite you,” declares the Lord.

18 [c]My (AG)sorrow is beyond healing,
My (AH)heart is faint within me!
19 Behold, listen! The cry of the daughter of my people from a (AI)distant land:
“Is the Lord not in Zion? Is her King not within her?”
“Why have they (AJ)provoked Me with their carved images, with foreign [d](AK)idols?”
20 “Harvest is past, summer is over,
And we are not saved.”
21 I am broken over the (AL)brokenness of the daughter of my people.
I (AM)mourn, dismay has taken hold of me.
22 Is there no (AN)balm in Gilead?
Is there no physician there?
(AO)Why then has not the [e]health of the daughter of my people [f]been restored?

Grief over Zion

[g](AP)Oh, that my head were waters
And my eyes a fountain of tears,
That I might weep day and night
For those slain of the (AQ)daughter of my people!
[h](AR)Oh that I had in the desert
A travelers’ lodging place;
So that I might leave my people
And go away from them!
For all of them are (AS)adulterers,
An assembly of (AT)treacherous people.
“They (AU)bend their tongues like their bows;
Lies and not truth prevail in the land;
For they (AV)proceed from evil to evil,
And they (AW)do not know Me,” declares the Lord.
“Let everyone (AX)be on guard against his neighbor,
And (AY)do not trust any brother;
Because every (AZ)brother utterly [i]betrays,
And every neighbor (BA)goes about as a slanderer.
Everyone (BB)deceives his neighbor
And does not speak the truth.
They have taught their tongue to speak lies;
They (BC)weary themselves committing wrongdoing.
Your (BD)dwelling is in the midst of deceit;
Through deceit they (BE)refuse to know Me,” declares the Lord.

Therefore this is what the Lord of armies says:

“Behold, I will refine them and (BF)put them to the test;
For (BG)what else can I do, because of the daughter of My people?
Their (BH)tongue is a deadly arrow;
It speaks deceit;
With his mouth one (BI)speaks peace to his neighbor,
But inwardly he (BJ)sets an ambush for him.
(BK)Shall I not punish them for these things?” declares the Lord.
“Shall I not avenge Myself
On a nation such as this?

10 “I will take up a weeping and wailing for the (BL)mountains,
And for the pastures of the (BM)wilderness a song of mourning,
Because they are (BN)laid waste so that no one passes through,
And the sound of the livestock is not heard;
Both the (BO)birds of the sky and the animals have fled; they are gone.
11 I will make Jerusalem a (BP)heap of ruins,
A haunt of (BQ)jackals;
And I will make the cities of Judah a (BR)desolation without inhabitant.”

12 Who is the (BS)wise person who may understand this? And who is he to whom (BT)the mouth of the Lord has spoken, that he may declare it? (BU)Why is the land destroyed, laid waste like the desert, so that no one passes through? 13 The Lord said, “Because they have (BV)abandoned My Law which I put before them, and have not obeyed My voice nor walked according to it, 14 but have (BW)followed the stubbornness of their heart and the (BX)Baals, [j]as their (BY)fathers taught them,” 15 therefore this is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel says: “Behold, (BZ)I will feed this people wormwood; and I will give them (CA)poisoned water to drink. 16 I will also (CB)scatter them among the nations, whom neither they nor their fathers have known; and I will send the (CC)sword after them until I have put an end to them.”

17 This is what the Lord of armies says:

“Consider and call for the (CD)mourning women, that they may come;
And send for the [k](CE)skillful women, that they may come!
18 Have them hurry and take up a wailing for us,
So that our (CF)eyes may shed tears,
And our eyelids flow with water.
19 For a voice of (CG)wailing is heard from Zion:
(CH)How devastated we are!
We are put to great shame,
For we have (CI)abandoned the land
Because they have torn down our homes.’”
20 Now hear the word of the Lord, you (CJ)women,
And let your ears receive the word of His mouth;
Teach your daughters wailing,
And have every woman teach her neighbor a song of mourning.
21 For (CK)death has come up through our windows;
It has entered our palaces
To eliminate the (CL)children from the streets,
The young men from the public squares.
22 Speak, “This is what the Lord says:
‘The corpses of people will fall (CM)like dung on the open field,
And like the sheaf after the reaper,
But no one will gather them.’”

23 This is what the Lord says: “(CN)Let no wise man boast of his wisdom, nor let the (CO)mighty man boast of his might, nor a (CP)rich man boast of his riches; 24 but let the one who boasts (CQ)boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who (CR)exercises [l]mercy, justice, and righteousness on the earth; for I (CS)delight in these things,” declares the Lord.

25 “Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord, “that I will punish all who are circumcised and yet (CT)uncircumcised— 26 Egypt, Judah, Edom, the sons of Ammon, Moab, and (CU)all those inhabiting the desert who trim the hair on their temples; for all the nations are uncircumcised, and all the house of Israel are (CV)uncircumcised of heart.”

A Satire on Idolatry

10 Hear the word which the Lord speaks to you, house of Israel. This is what the Lord says:

(CW)Do not learn the way of the nations,
And do not be terrified by the signs of the heavens,
Although the nations are terrified by them;
For the customs of the peoples are (CX)futile;
For (CY)it is wood cut from the forest,
The work of the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool.
They (CZ)decorate the idol with silver and gold;
They (DA)fasten it with nails and hammers
So that it will not totter.
They are like a scarecrow in a cucumber field,
And they (DB)cannot speak;
They must be (DC)carried,
Because they cannot walk!
Do not fear them,
For they (DD)can do no harm,
Nor can they do any good.”

(DE)There is none like You, Lord;
You are (DF)great, and Your name is great in might.
(DG)Who would not fear You, O (DH)King of the nations?
For it is Your due!
For among all the (DI)wise men of the nations
And in all their kingdoms,
There is none like You.
But they are altogether (DJ)stupid and foolish;
The instruction from idols is nothing but wood!
Beaten (DK)silver is brought from (DL)Tarshish,
And (DM)gold from Uphaz,
The work of a craftsman and of the hands of a goldsmith;
Their clothing is of violet and purple;
They are all the (DN)work of skilled people.
10 But the Lord is the (DO)true God;
He is the (DP)living God and the (DQ)everlasting King.
The (DR)earth quakes at His wrath,
And the nations cannot (DS)endure His indignation.

11 [m]This is what you shall say to them: “The (DT)gods that did not make the heavens and the earth will (DU)perish from the earth and from under these heavens.”

12 It is (DV)He who made the earth by His power,
Who (DW)established the world by His wisdom;
And by His understanding He has (DX)stretched out the heavens.
13 When He utters His (DY)voice, there is a roar of waters in the heavens,
And He makes the (DZ)clouds ascend from the end of the earth;
He makes lightning for the rain,
And brings out the (EA)wind from His storehouses.
14 Every person is (EB)stupid, devoid of knowledge;
Every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols,
For his cast metal images are deceitful,
And there is no breath in them.
15 They are (EC)worthless, a work of mockery;
At the (ED)time of their punishment they will perish.
16 The (EE)Portion of Jacob is not like these;
For He is the [n](EF)Maker of everything,
And (EG)Israel is the tribe of His inheritance;
The (EH)Lord of armies is His name.

17 (EI)Pick up your bundle from the ground,
You who live under siege!
18 For this is what the Lord says:
“Behold, I am (EJ)slinging out the inhabitants of the land
At this time,
And I will cause them distress,
So that they may [o]be found.”

19 (EK)Woe to me, because of my [p]injury!
My (EL)wound is incurable.
But I said, “This certainly is a sickness,
And I (EM)must endure it.”
20 My (EN)tent is destroyed,
And all my ropes are broken.
My (EO)sons have gone from me and are no more.
There is (EP)no one to stretch out my tent again
Or to set up my curtains.
21 For the shepherds have become stupid
And (EQ)have not sought the Lord.
Therefore they have not prospered,
And (ER)all their flock is scattered.
22 The sound of a (ES)report! Behold, it is coming—
A great roar (ET)from the land of the north—
To (EU)make the cities of Judah
A desolation, a haunt of jackals.

23 I know, Lord, that (EV)a person’s way is not in himself,
(EW)Nor is it in a person who walks to direct his steps.
24 (EX)Correct me, Lord, but with justice;
Not with Your anger, or You will [q]bring me to nothing.
25 (EY)Pour out Your wrath on the nations that (EZ)do not know You,
And on the families who (FA)do not call upon Your name;
For they have devoured Jacob;
They have (FB)devoured him and consumed him,
And have laid waste his [r]settlement.

The Broken Covenant

11 The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, (FC)Hear the words of this (FD)covenant, and speak to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and say to them, ‘This is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: “(FE)Cursed is the one who does not obey the words of this covenant which I commanded your forefathers on the (FF)day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the (FG)iron furnace, saying, ‘(FH)Listen to My voice, and [s]do according to all that I command you; so you shall be (FI)My people, and I will be your God,’ in order to confirm the (FJ)oath which I swore to your forefathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is this day.”’” Then I replied, “(FK)Amen, Lord.”

And the Lord said to me, “(FL)Proclaim all these words in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, saying, ‘(FM)Hear the words of this covenant and (FN)do them. For I solemnly (FO)warned your fathers on the (FP)day I brought them up from the land of Egypt, even to this day, (FQ)warning them persistently, saying, “(FR)Listen to My voice.” Yet they (FS)did not obey or incline their ear, but walked in the stubbornness of their evil heart, each one of them; therefore I brought on them all the (FT)words of this covenant which I commanded them to do, but they did not.’”

Then the Lord said to me, “A (FU)conspiracy has been found among the men of Judah and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 10 They have (FV)turned back to the wrongdoings of their [t]ancestors who (FW)refused to hear My words, and they (FX)have followed other gods to serve them. The house of Israel and the house of Judah have (FY)broken My covenant which I made with their fathers.” 11 Therefore this is what the Lord says: “Behold, I am (FZ)bringing disaster on them which they will (GA)not be able to escape; though they will (GB)cry out to Me, I will not listen to them. 12 Then the cities of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem will (GC)go and cry out to the gods to whom they [u]burn incense, but they certainly will not save them in the time of their disaster. 13 For your gods are [v](GD)as many as your cities, Judah; and [w]as many as the streets of Jerusalem are the altars you have set up to the (GE)shameful thing, altars for [x](GF)burning incense to Baal.

14 “So as for you, (GG)do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them; for I will (GH)not listen when they call to Me because of their disaster.

15 What right has My (GI)beloved in My house
When (GJ)she has carried out many evil schemes?
Can the sacrificial flesh take away from you your disaster,
[y]So that you can rejoice?”
16 The Lord named you
“A (GK)green olive tree, beautiful in fruit and form”;
With the (GL)noise of a great [z]tumult
He has (GM)set fire to it,
And its branches are worthless.

17 The Lord of armies, who (GN)planted you, has (GO)pronounced evil against you because of the evil of the house of Israel and the house of Judah, which they have [aa]done to provoke Me by [ab](GP)offering sacrifices to Baal.

Plots against Jeremiah

18 Moreover, the Lord (GQ)made it known to me and I knew it;
Then You showed me their deeds.
19 But I was like a gentle (GR)lamb led to the slaughter;
And I did not know that they had (GS)devised plots against me, saying,
“Let’s destroy the tree with its [ac]fruit,
And (GT)let’s cut him off from the (GU)land of the living,
So that his (GV)name will no longer be remembered.”
20 But, Lord of armies, who (GW)judges righteously,
Who (GX)puts the [ad]feelings and the heart to the test,
Let me see Your vengeance on them,
For to You I have [ae]committed my cause.

21 Therefore this is what the Lord says concerning the people of (GY)Anathoth, who are (GZ)seeking your life, saying: “(HA)Do not prophesy in the name of the Lord, so that you do not (HB)die by our hand”; 22 therefore, this is what the Lord of armies says: “Behold, I am going to (HC)punish them! The (HD)young men will die by the sword, their sons and daughters will die by famine; 23 and a remnant (HE)will not be left to them, because I will (HF)bring disaster on the people of Anathoth—(HG)the year of their punishment.”


  1. Jeremiah 8:4 Lit turn back
  2. Jeremiah 8:7 Lit coming
  3. Jeremiah 8:18 As in LXX and ancient versions
  4. Jeremiah 8:19 Lit futilities
  5. Jeremiah 8:22 Or healing
  6. Jeremiah 8:22 Lit gone up
  7. Jeremiah 9:1 Ch 8:23 in Heb
  8. Jeremiah 9:2 Ch 9:1 in Heb
  9. Jeremiah 9:4 I.e., like Jacob (a play on words)
  10. Jeremiah 9:14 Lit which
  11. Jeremiah 9:17 I.e., professional mourners
  12. Jeremiah 9:24 Or faithfulness
  13. Jeremiah 10:11 This verse is in Aram
  14. Jeremiah 10:16 Lit Fashioner
  15. Jeremiah 10:18 Lit find
  16. Jeremiah 10:19 Lit breaking
  17. Jeremiah 10:24 Lit diminish me
  18. Jeremiah 10:25 Or pasture
  19. Jeremiah 11:4 Lit do them
  20. Jeremiah 11:10 Lit former fathers
  21. Jeremiah 11:12 Or offer sacrifices
  22. Jeremiah 11:13 Lit the number of
  23. Jeremiah 11:13 Lit the number of
  24. Jeremiah 11:13 Or offering sacrifices to
  25. Jeremiah 11:15 Lit Then
  26. Jeremiah 11:16 I.e., confused noise
  27. Jeremiah 11:17 Or done for themselves
  28. Jeremiah 11:17 Or burning incense
  29. Jeremiah 11:19 Lit bread
  30. Jeremiah 11:20 Lit kidneys
  31. Jeremiah 11:20 Lit rolled

Sin and Punishment

“Say to them, ‘This is what the Lord says:

“‘When people fall down, do they not get up?(A)
    When someone turns away,(B) do they not return?
Why then have these people turned away?
    Why does Jerusalem always turn away?
They cling to deceit;(C)
    they refuse to return.(D)
I have listened(E) attentively,
    but they do not say what is right.
None of them repent(F) of their wickedness,
    saying, “What have I done?”
Each pursues their own course(G)
    like a horse charging into battle.
Even the stork in the sky
    knows her appointed seasons,
and the dove, the swift and the thrush
    observe the time of their migration.
But my people do not know(H)
    the requirements of the Lord.

“‘How can you say, “We are wise,
    for we have the law(I) of the Lord,”
when actually the lying pen of the scribes
    has handled it falsely?
The wise(J) will be put to shame;
    they will be dismayed(K) and trapped.(L)
Since they have rejected the word(M) of the Lord,
    what kind of wisdom(N) do they have?
10 Therefore I will give their wives to other men
    and their fields to new owners.(O)
From the least to the greatest,
    all are greedy for gain;(P)
prophets(Q) and priests alike,
    all practice deceit.(R)
11 They dress the wound of my people
    as though it were not serious.
“Peace, peace,” they say,
    when there is no peace.(S)
12 Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct?
    No, they have no shame(T) at all;
    they do not even know how to blush.
So they will fall among the fallen;
    they will be brought down when they are punished,(U)
says the Lord.(V)

13 “‘I will take away their harvest,
declares the Lord.
    There will be no grapes on the vine.(W)
There will be no figs(X) on the tree,
    and their leaves will wither.(Y)
What I have given them
    will be taken(Z) from them.[a]’”

14 Why are we sitting here?
    Gather together!
Let us flee to the fortified cities(AA)
    and perish there!
For the Lord our God has doomed us to perish
    and given us poisoned water(AB) to drink,
    because we have sinned(AC) against him.
15 We hoped for peace(AD)
    but no good has come,
for a time of healing
    but there is only terror.(AE)
16 The snorting of the enemy’s horses(AF)
    is heard from Dan;(AG)
at the neighing of their stallions
    the whole land trembles.(AH)
They have come to devour(AI)
    the land and everything in it,
    the city and all who live there.

17 “See, I will send venomous snakes(AJ) among you,
    vipers that cannot be charmed,(AK)
    and they will bite you,”
declares the Lord.

18 You who are my Comforter[b] in sorrow,
    my heart is faint(AL) within me.
19 Listen to the cry of my people
    from a land far away:(AM)
“Is the Lord not in Zion?
    Is her King(AN) no longer there?”

“Why have they aroused(AO) my anger with their images,
    with their worthless(AP) foreign idols?”(AQ)

20 “The harvest is past,
    the summer has ended,
    and we are not saved.”

21 Since my people are crushed,(AR) I am crushed;
    I mourn,(AS) and horror grips me.
22 Is there no balm in Gilead?(AT)
    Is there no physician(AU) there?
Why then is there no healing(AV)
    for the wound of my people?

[c]Oh, that my head were a spring of water
    and my eyes a fountain of tears!(AW)
I would weep(AX) day and night
    for the slain of my people.(AY)
Oh, that I had in the desert(AZ)
    a lodging place for travelers,
so that I might leave my people
    and go away from them;
for they are all adulterers,(BA)
    a crowd of unfaithful(BB) people.

“They make ready their tongue
    like a bow, to shoot lies;(BC)
it is not by truth
    that they triumph[d] in the land.
They go from one sin to another;
    they do not acknowledge(BD) me,”
declares the Lord.
“Beware of your friends;(BE)
    do not trust anyone in your clan.(BF)
For every one of them is a deceiver,[e](BG)
    and every friend a slanderer.(BH)
Friend deceives friend,(BI)
    and no one speaks the truth.(BJ)
They have taught their tongues to lie;(BK)
    they weary themselves with sinning.
You[f] live in the midst of deception;(BL)
    in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me,”
declares the Lord.

Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty says:

“See, I will refine(BM) and test(BN) them,
    for what else can I do
    because of the sin of my people?
Their tongue(BO) is a deadly arrow;
    it speaks deceitfully.
With their mouths they all speak cordially to their neighbors,(BP)
    but in their hearts they set traps(BQ) for them.(BR)
Should I not punish them for this?”
    declares the Lord.
“Should I not avenge(BS) myself
    on such a nation as this?”

10 I will weep and wail for the mountains
    and take up a lament concerning the wilderness grasslands.(BT)
They are desolate and untraveled,
    and the lowing of cattle is not heard.
The birds(BU) have all fled
    and the animals are gone.

11 “I will make Jerusalem a heap(BV) of ruins,
    a haunt of jackals;(BW)
and I will lay waste the towns of Judah(BX)
    so no one can live there.”(BY)

12 Who is wise(BZ) enough to understand this? Who has been instructed by the Lord and can explain it? Why has the land been ruined and laid waste like a desert that no one can cross?

13 The Lord said, “It is because they have forsaken my law, which I set before them; they have not obeyed me or followed my law.(CA) 14 Instead, they have followed(CB) the stubbornness of their hearts;(CC) they have followed the Baals, as their ancestors taught them.” 15 Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: “See, I will make this people eat bitter food(CD) and drink poisoned water.(CE) 16 I will scatter them among nations(CF) that neither they nor their ancestors have known,(CG) and I will pursue them with the sword(CH) until I have made an end of them.”(CI)

17 This is what the Lord Almighty says:

“Consider now! Call for the wailing women(CJ) to come;
    send for the most skillful of them.
18 Let them come quickly
    and wail over us
till our eyes overflow with tears
    and water streams from our eyelids.(CK)
19 The sound of wailing is heard from Zion:
    ‘How ruined(CL) we are!
    How great is our shame!
We must leave our land
    because our houses are in ruins.’”

20 Now, you women, hear the word of the Lord;
    open your ears to the words of his mouth.(CM)
Teach your daughters how to wail;
    teach one another a lament.(CN)
21 Death has climbed in through our windows(CO)
    and has entered our fortresses;
it has removed the children from the streets
    and the young men(CP) from the public squares.

22 Say, “This is what the Lord declares:

“‘Dead bodies will lie
    like dung(CQ) on the open field,
like cut grain behind the reaper,
    with no one to gather them.’”

23 This is what the Lord says:

“Let not the wise boast of their wisdom(CR)
    or the strong boast of their strength(CS)
    or the rich boast of their riches,(CT)
24 but let the one who boasts boast(CU) about this:
    that they have the understanding to know(CV) me,
that I am the Lord,(CW) who exercises kindness,(CX)
    justice and righteousness(CY) on earth,
    for in these I delight,”
declares the Lord.

25 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will punish all who are circumcised only in the flesh(CZ) 26 Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon, Moab and all who live in the wilderness in distant places.[g](DA) For all these nations are really uncircumcised,(DB) and even the whole house of Israel is uncircumcised in heart.(DC)

God and Idols(DD)

10 Hear what the Lord says to you, people of Israel. This is what the Lord says:

“Do not learn the ways of the nations(DE)
    or be terrified by signs(DF) in the heavens,
    though the nations are terrified by them.
For the practices of the peoples are worthless;
    they cut a tree out of the forest,
    and a craftsman(DG) shapes it with his chisel.(DH)
They adorn it with silver(DI) and gold;
    they fasten it with hammer and nails
    so it will not totter.(DJ)
Like a scarecrow in a cucumber field,
    their idols cannot speak;(DK)
they must be carried
    because they cannot walk.(DL)
Do not fear them;
    they can do no harm(DM)
    nor can they do any good.”(DN)

No one is like you,(DO) Lord;
    you are great,(DP)
    and your name is mighty in power.
Who should not fear(DQ) you,
    King of the nations?(DR)
    This is your due.
Among all the wise leaders of the nations
    and in all their kingdoms,
    there is no one like you.

They are all senseless(DS) and foolish;(DT)
    they are taught by worthless wooden idols.(DU)
Hammered silver is brought from Tarshish(DV)
    and gold from Uphaz.
What the craftsman and goldsmith have made(DW)
    is then dressed in blue and purple—
    all made by skilled workers.
10 But the Lord is the true God;
    he is the living God,(DX) the eternal King.(DY)
When he is angry,(DZ) the earth trembles;(EA)
    the nations cannot endure his wrath.(EB)

11 “Tell them this: ‘These gods, who did not make the heavens and the earth, will perish(EC) from the earth and from under the heavens.’”[h]

12 But God made(ED) the earth(EE) by his power;
    he founded the world by his wisdom(EF)
    and stretched out the heavens(EG) by his understanding.
13 When he thunders,(EH) the waters in the heavens roar;
    he makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth.
He sends lightning(EI) with the rain(EJ)
    and brings out the wind from his storehouses.(EK)

14 Everyone is senseless and without knowledge;
    every goldsmith is shamed(EL) by his idols.
The images he makes are a fraud;(EM)
    they have no breath in them.
15 They are worthless,(EN) the objects of mockery;
    when their judgment comes, they will perish.
16 He who is the Portion(EO) of Jacob is not like these,
    for he is the Maker of all things,(EP)
including Israel, the people of his inheritance(EQ)
    the Lord Almighty is his name.(ER)

Coming Destruction

17 Gather up your belongings(ES) to leave the land,
    you who live under siege.
18 For this is what the Lord says:
    “At this time I will hurl(ET) out
    those who live in this land;
I will bring distress(EU) on them
    so that they may be captured.”

19 Woe to me because of my injury!
    My wound(EV) is incurable!
Yet I said to myself,
    “This is my sickness, and I must endure(EW) it.”
20 My tent(EX) is destroyed;
    all its ropes are snapped.
My children are gone from me and are no more;(EY)
    no one is left now to pitch my tent
    or to set up my shelter.
21 The shepherds(EZ) are senseless(FA)
    and do not inquire of the Lord;(FB)
so they do not prosper(FC)
    and all their flock is scattered.(FD)
22 Listen! The report is coming—
    a great commotion from the land of the north!(FE)
It will make the towns of Judah desolate,(FF)
    a haunt of jackals.(FG)

Jeremiah’s Prayer

23 Lord, I know that people’s lives are not their own;
    it is not for them to direct their steps.(FH)
24 Discipline me, Lord, but only in due measure—
    not in your anger,(FI)
    or you will reduce me to nothing.(FJ)
25 Pour out your wrath on the nations(FK)
    that do not acknowledge you,
    on the peoples who do not call on your name.(FL)
For they have devoured(FM) Jacob;
    they have devoured him completely
    and destroyed his homeland.(FN)

The Covenant Is Broken

11 This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: “Listen to the terms of this covenant(FO) and tell them to the people of Judah and to those who live in Jerusalem. Tell them that this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Cursed(FP) is the one who does not obey the terms of this covenant— the terms I commanded your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt,(FQ) out of the iron-smelting furnace.(FR)’ I said, ‘Obey(FS) me and do everything I command you, and you will be my people,(FT) and I will be your God. Then I will fulfill the oath I swore(FU) to your ancestors, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey’(FV)—the land you possess today.”

I answered, “Amen,(FW) Lord.”

The Lord said to me, “Proclaim(FX) all these words in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem: ‘Listen to the terms of this covenant and follow(FY) them. From the time I brought your ancestors up from Egypt until today, I warned them again and again,(FZ) saying, “Obey me.” But they did not listen or pay attention;(GA) instead, they followed the stubbornness of their evil hearts.(GB) So I brought on them all the curses(GC) of the covenant I had commanded them to follow but that they did not keep.(GD)’”

Then the Lord said to me, “There is a conspiracy(GE) among the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem. 10 They have returned to the sins of their ancestors,(GF) who refused to listen to my words.(GG) They have followed other gods(GH) to serve them.(GI) Both Israel and Judah have broken the covenant(GJ) I made with their ancestors. 11 Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will bring on them a disaster(GK) they cannot escape.(GL) Although they cry(GM) out to me, I will not listen(GN) to them. 12 The towns of Judah and the people of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the gods to whom they burn incense,(GO) but they will not help them at all when disaster(GP) strikes. 13 You, Judah, have as many gods(GQ) as you have towns;(GR) and the altars you have set up to burn incense(GS) to that shameful(GT) god Baal are as many as the streets of Jerusalem.’

14 “Do not pray(GU) for this people or offer any plea or petition for them, because I will not listen(GV) when they call to me in the time of their distress.

15 “What is my beloved doing in my temple
    as she, with many others, works out her evil schemes?
    Can consecrated meat(GW) avert your punishment?(GX)
When you engage in your wickedness,
    then you rejoice.[i]

16 The Lord called you a thriving olive tree(GY)
    with fruit beautiful in form.
But with the roar of a mighty storm
    he will set it on fire,(GZ)
    and its branches will be broken.(HA)

17 The Lord Almighty, who planted(HB) you, has decreed disaster(HC) for you, because the people of both Israel and Judah have done evil and aroused(HD) my anger by burning incense to Baal.(HE)

Plot Against Jeremiah

18 Because the Lord revealed their plot to me, I knew it, for at that time he showed me what they were doing. 19 I had been like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter;(HF) I did not realize that they had plotted(HG) against me, saying,

“Let us destroy the tree and its fruit;
    let us cut him off from the land of the living,(HH)
    that his name be remembered(HI) no more.”
20 But you, Lord Almighty, who judge righteously(HJ)
    and test the heart(HK) and mind,(HL)
let me see your vengeance(HM) on them,
    for to you I have committed my cause.

21 Therefore this is what the Lord says about the people of Anathoth(HN) who are threatening to kill you,(HO) saying, “Do not prophesy(HP) in the name of the Lord or you will die(HQ) by our hands”— 22 therefore this is what the Lord Almighty says: “I will punish them. Their young men(HR) will die by the sword, their sons and daughters by famine. 23 Not even a remnant(HS) will be left to them, because I will bring disaster on the people of Anathoth in the year of their punishment.(HT)


  1. Jeremiah 8:13 The meaning of the Hebrew for this sentence is uncertain.
  2. Jeremiah 8:18 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.
  3. Jeremiah 9:1 In Hebrew texts 9:1 is numbered 8:23, and 9:2-26 is numbered 9:1-25.
  4. Jeremiah 9:3 Or lies; / they are not valiant for truth
  5. Jeremiah 9:4 Or a deceiving Jacob
  6. Jeremiah 9:6 That is, Jeremiah (the Hebrew is singular)
  7. Jeremiah 9:26 Or wilderness and who clip the hair by their foreheads
  8. Jeremiah 10:11 The text of this verse is in Aramaic.
  9. Jeremiah 11:15 Or Could consecrated meat avert your punishment? / Then you would rejoice