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Mensaje a Johanán

42 Vinieron todos los oficiales de la gente de guerra, y Johanán hijo de Carea, Jezanías hijo de Osaías, y todo el pueblo desde el menor hasta el mayor, y dijeron al profeta Jeremías: Acepta ahora nuestro ruego delante de ti, y ruega por nosotros a Jehová tu Dios por todo este resto (pues de muchos hemos quedado unos pocos, como nos ven tus ojos), para que Jehová tu Dios nos enseñe el camino por donde vayamos, y lo que hemos de hacer. Y el profeta Jeremías les dijo: He oído. He aquí que voy a orar a Jehová vuestro Dios, como habéis dicho, y todo lo que Jehová os respondiere, os enseñaré; no os reservaré palabra. Y ellos dijeron a Jeremías: Jehová sea entre nosotros testigo de la verdad y de la lealtad, si no hiciéremos conforme a todo aquello para lo cual Jehová tu Dios te enviare a nosotros. Sea bueno, sea malo, a la voz de Jehová nuestro Dios al cual te enviamos, obedeceremos, para que obedeciendo a la voz de Jehová nuestro Dios nos vaya bien.

Aconteció que al cabo de diez días vino palabra de Jehová a Jeremías. Y llamó a Johanán hijo de Carea y a todos los oficiales de la gente de guerra que con él estaban, y a todo el pueblo desde el menor hasta el mayor; y les dijo: Así ha dicho Jehová Dios de Israel, al cual me enviasteis para presentar vuestros ruegos en su presencia: 10 Si os quedareis quietos en esta tierra, os edificaré, y no os destruiré; os plantaré, y no os arrancaré; porque estoy arrepentido del mal que os he hecho. 11 No temáis de la presencia del rey de Babilonia, del cual tenéis temor; no temáis de su presencia, ha dicho Jehová, porque con vosotros estoy yo para salvaros y libraros de su mano; 12 y tendré de vosotros misericordia, y él tendrá misericordia de vosotros y os hará regresar a vuestra tierra. 13 Mas si dijereis: No moraremos en esta tierra, no obedeciendo así a la voz de Jehová vuestro Dios, 14 diciendo: No, sino que entraremos en la tierra de Egipto, en la cual no veremos guerra, ni oiremos sonido de trompeta, ni padeceremos hambre, y allá moraremos; 15 ahora por eso, oíd la palabra de Jehová, remanente de Judá: Así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: Si vosotros volviereis vuestros rostros para entrar en Egipto, y entrareis para morar allá, 16 sucederá que la espada que teméis, os alcanzará allí en la tierra de Egipto, y el hambre de que tenéis temor, allá en Egipto os perseguirá; y allí moriréis. 17 Todos los hombres que volvieren sus rostros para entrar en Egipto para morar allí, morirán a espada, de hambre y de pestilencia; no habrá de ellos quien quede vivo, ni quien escape delante del mal que traeré yo sobre ellos.

18 Porque así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: Como se derramó mi enojo y mi ira sobre los moradores de Jerusalén, así se derramará mi ira sobre vosotros cuando entrareis en Egipto; y seréis objeto de execración y de espanto, y de maldición y de afrenta; y no veréis más este lugar. 19 Jehová habló sobre vosotros, oh remanente de Judá: No vayáis a Egipto; sabed ciertamente que os lo aviso hoy. 20 ¿Por qué hicisteis errar vuestras almas? Pues vosotros me enviasteis a Jehová vuestro Dios, diciendo: Ora por nosotros a Jehová nuestro Dios, y haznos saber todas las cosas que Jehová nuestro Dios dijere, y lo haremos. 21 Y os lo he declarado hoy, y no habéis obedecido a la voz de Jehová vuestro Dios, ni a todas las cosas por las cuales me envió a vosotros. 22 Ahora, pues, sabed de cierto que a espada, de hambre y de pestilencia moriréis en el lugar donde deseasteis entrar para morar allí.

La emigración a Egipto

43 Aconteció que cuando Jeremías acabó de hablar a todo el pueblo todas las palabras de Jehová Dios de ellos, todas estas palabras por las cuales Jehová Dios de ellos le había enviado a ellos mismos, dijo Azarías hijo de Osaías y Johanán hijo de Carea, y todos los varones soberbios dijeron a Jeremías: Mentira dices; no te ha enviado Jehová nuestro Dios para decir: No vayáis a Egipto para morar allí, sino que Baruc hijo de Nerías te incita contra nosotros, para entregarnos en manos de los caldeos, para matarnos y hacernos transportar a Babilonia. No obedeció, pues, Johanán hijo de Carea y todos los oficiales de la gente de guerra y todo el pueblo, a la voz de Jehová para quedarse en tierra de Judá, sino que tomó Johanán hijo de Carea y todos los oficiales de la gente de guerra, a todo el remanente de Judá que se había vuelto de todas las naciones donde había sido echado, para morar en tierra de Judá; a hombres y mujeres y niños, y a las hijas del rey y a toda persona que había dejado Nabuzaradán capitán de la guardia con Gedalías hijo de Ahicam, hijo de Safán, y al profeta Jeremías y a Baruc hijo de Nerías, y entraron en tierra de Egipto,(A) porque no obedecieron a la voz de Jehová; y llegaron hasta Tafnes.

Y vino palabra de Jehová a Jeremías en Tafnes, diciendo: Toma con tu mano piedras grandes, y cúbrelas de barro en el enladrillado que está a la puerta de la casa de Faraón en Tafnes, a vista de los hombres de Judá; 10 y diles: Así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: He aquí yo enviaré y tomaré a Nabucodonosor rey de Babilonia, mi siervo, y pondré su trono sobre estas piedras que he escondido, y extenderá su pabellón sobre ellas. 11 Y vendrá y asolará la tierra de Egipto; los que a muerte, a muerte, y los que a cautiverio, a cautiverio, y los que a espada, a espada. 12 Y pondrá fuego a los templos de los dioses de Egipto y los quemará, y a ellos los llevará cautivos; y limpiará la tierra de Egipto, como el pastor limpia su capa, y saldrá de allá en paz. 13 Además quebrará las estatuas de Bet-semes, que está en tierra de Egipto, y los templos de los dioses de Egipto quemará a fuego.

Jeremías profetiza a los judíos en Egipto

44 Palabra que vino a Jeremías acerca de todos los judíos que moraban en la tierra de Egipto, que vivían en Migdol, en Tafnes, en Menfis y en tierra de Patros, diciendo: Así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: Vosotros habéis visto todo el mal que traje sobre Jerusalén y sobre todas las ciudades de Judá; y he aquí que ellas están el día de hoy asoladas; no hay quien more en ellas, a causa de la maldad que ellos cometieron para enojarme, yendo a ofrecer incienso, honrando a dioses ajenos que ellos no habían conocido, ni vosotros ni vuestros padres. Y envié a vosotros todos mis siervos los profetas, desde temprano y sin cesar, para deciros: No hagáis esta cosa abominable que yo aborrezco. Pero no oyeron ni inclinaron su oído para convertirse de su maldad, para dejar de ofrecer incienso a dioses ajenos. Se derramó, por tanto, mi ira y mi furor, y se encendió en las ciudades de Judá y en las calles de Jerusalén, y fueron puestas en soledad y en destrucción, como están hoy. Ahora, pues, así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: ¿Por qué hacéis tan grande mal contra vosotros mismos, para ser destruidos el hombre y la mujer, el muchacho y el niño de pecho de en medio de Judá, sin que os quede remanente alguno, haciéndome enojar con las obras de vuestras manos, ofreciendo incienso a dioses ajenos en la tierra de Egipto, adonde habéis entrado para vivir, de suerte que os acabéis, y seáis por maldición y por oprobio a todas las naciones de la tierra? ¿Os habéis olvidado de las maldades de vuestros padres, de las maldades de los reyes de Judá, de las maldades de sus mujeres, de vuestras maldades y de las maldades de vuestras mujeres, que hicieron en la tierra de Judá y en las calles de Jerusalén? 10 No se han humillado hasta el día de hoy, ni han tenido temor, ni han caminado en mi ley ni en mis estatutos, los cuales puse delante de vosotros y delante de vuestros padres.

11 Por tanto, así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: He aquí que yo vuelvo mi rostro contra vosotros para mal, y para destruir a todo Judá. 12 Y tomaré el resto de Judá que volvieron sus rostros para ir a tierra de Egipto para morar allí, y en tierra de Egipto serán todos consumidos; caerán a espada, y serán consumidos de hambre; a espada y de hambre morirán desde el menor hasta el mayor, y serán objeto de execración, de espanto, de maldición y de oprobio. 13 Pues castigaré a los que moran en tierra de Egipto como castigué a Jerusalén, con espada, con hambre y con pestilencia. 14 Y del resto de los de Judá que entraron en la tierra de Egipto para habitar allí, no habrá quien escape, ni quien quede vivo para volver a la tierra de Judá, por volver a la cual suspiran ellos para habitar allí; porque no volverán sino algunos fugitivos.

15 Entonces todos los que sabían que sus mujeres habían ofrecido incienso a dioses ajenos, y todas las mujeres que estaban presentes, una gran concurrencia, y todo el pueblo que habitaba en tierra de Egipto, en Patros, respondieron a Jeremías, diciendo: 16 La palabra que nos has hablado en nombre de Jehová, no la oiremos de ti; 17 sino que ciertamente pondremos por obra toda palabra que ha salido de nuestra boca, para ofrecer incienso a la reina del cielo, derramándole libaciones, como hemos hecho nosotros y nuestros padres, nuestros reyes y nuestros príncipes, en las ciudades de Judá y en las plazas de Jerusalén, y tuvimos abundancia de pan, y estuvimos alegres, y no vimos mal alguno. 18 Mas desde que dejamos de ofrecer incienso a la reina del cielo y de derramarle libaciones, nos falta todo, y a espada y de hambre somos consumidos. 19 Y cuando ofrecimos incienso a la reina del cielo, y le derramamos libaciones, ¿acaso le hicimos nosotras tortas para tributarle culto, y le derramamos libaciones, sin consentimiento de nuestros maridos?

20 Y habló Jeremías a todo el pueblo, a los hombres y a las mujeres y a todo el pueblo que le había respondido esto, diciendo: 21 ¿No se ha acordado Jehová, y no ha venido a su memoria el incienso que ofrecisteis en las ciudades de Judá, y en las calles de Jerusalén, vosotros y vuestros padres, vuestros reyes y vuestros príncipes y el pueblo de la tierra? 22 Y no pudo sufrirlo más Jehová, a causa de la maldad de vuestras obras, a causa de las abominaciones que habíais hecho; por tanto, vuestra tierra fue puesta en asolamiento, en espanto y en maldición, hasta quedar sin morador, como está hoy. 23 Porque ofrecisteis incienso y pecasteis contra Jehová, y no obedecisteis a la voz de Jehová, ni anduvisteis en su ley ni en sus estatutos ni en sus testimonios; por tanto, ha venido sobre vosotros este mal, como hasta hoy.

24 Y dijo Jeremías a todo el pueblo, y a todas las mujeres: Oíd palabra de Jehová, todos los de Judá que estáis en tierra de Egipto. 25 Así ha hablado Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel, diciendo: Vosotros y vuestras mujeres hablasteis con vuestras bocas, y con vuestras manos lo ejecutasteis, diciendo: Cumpliremos efectivamente nuestros votos que hicimos, de ofrecer incienso a la reina del cielo y derramarle libaciones; confirmáis a la verdad vuestros votos, y ponéis vuestros votos por obra. 26 Por tanto, oíd palabra de Jehová, todo Judá que habitáis en tierra de Egipto: He aquí he jurado por mi grande nombre, dice Jehová, que mi nombre no será invocado más en toda la tierra de Egipto por boca de ningún hombre de Judá, diciendo: Vive Jehová el Señor. 27 He aquí que yo velo sobre ellos para mal, y no para bien; y todos los hombres de Judá que están en tierra de Egipto serán consumidos a espada y de hambre, hasta que perezcan del todo. 28 Y los que escapen de la espada volverán de la tierra de Egipto a la tierra de Judá, pocos hombres; sabrá, pues, todo el resto de Judá que ha entrado en Egipto a morar allí, la palabra de quién ha de permanecer: si la mía, o la suya. 29 Y esto tendréis por señal, dice Jehová, de que en este lugar os castigo, para que sepáis que de cierto permanecerán mis palabras para mal sobre vosotros. 30 Así ha dicho Jehová: He aquí que yo entrego a Faraón Hofra rey de Egipto en mano de sus enemigos, y en mano de los que buscan su vida, así como entregué a Sedequías rey de Judá en mano de Nabucodonosor rey de Babilonia,(B) su enemigo que buscaba su vida.

Warning against Going to Egypt

42 Then all the commanders of the forces, (A)Johanan the son of Kareah, Jezaniah the son of Hoshaiah, and all the people (B)from the small to the great approached and said to Jeremiah the prophet, “Please let our (C)pleading [a]come before you, and (D)pray for us to the Lord your God for all this remnant—since we have been left only a (E)few out of many, just as your own eyes now see us— that the Lord your God will tell us the (F)way in which we should walk, and the thing that we should do.” Then Jeremiah the prophet said to them, “I have heard you. Behold, I am going to (G)pray to the Lord your God in accordance with your words; and I will tell you the whole [b]message which the (H)Lord gives you as an answer. I will (I)not withhold a word from you.” Then they said to Jeremiah, “May the (J)Lord be a true and faithful witness against us if we do not act in accordance with the whole [c]message with which the Lord your God will send you to us. Whether it is [d]pleasant or [e]unpleasant, we will (K)listen to the voice of the Lord our God to whom we are sending you, so that it may go (L)well for us when we listen to the voice of the Lord our God.”

Now at the (M)end of ten days the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah. Then he called for Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces that were with him, and for all the people from the small to the great, and said to them, “This is what the Lord (N)says, the God of Israel, to whom you sent me to present your plea before Him: 10 ‘If you will indeed stay in this land, then I will (O)build you up and not tear you down, and I will plant you and not uproot you; for I [f]will (P)relent of the disaster that I have inflicted on you. 11 (Q)Do not be afraid of the king of Babylon, whom you are now fearing; do not be afraid of him,’ declares the Lord, ‘for (R)I am with you to save you and rescue you from his hand. 12 I will also show you compassion, so that (S)he will have compassion on you and restore you to your own soil. 13 But if you are going to say, “We will (T)not stay in this land,” so as not to listen to the voice of the Lord your God, 14 saying, “No, but we will (U)go to the land of Egypt, where we will not see war, or (V)hear the sound of a trumpet, or hunger for bread, and we will stay there”; 15 then [g]in that case listen to the word of the Lord, you remnant of Judah. This is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel says: “If you really set your [h]minds to enter (W)Egypt and go in to reside there, 16 then the (X)sword, of which you are afraid, will overtake you there in the land of Egypt; and the famine, about which you are anxious, will follow closely after you there in Egypt, and you will die there. 17 So all the people who set their [i]minds to go to Egypt to reside there will die by the (Y)sword, by famine, or by plague; and they will (Z)have no refugees or survivors from the disaster that I am going to bring on them.”’”

18 For this is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel says: “As My (AA)anger and wrath have gushed out on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so My wrath will gush out on you when you enter Egypt. And you will become a (AB)curse, an object of horror, [j]an imprecation, and a disgrace; and (AC)you will not see this place again.” 19 The Lord has spoken to you, you remnant of Judah, “Do not (AD)go to Egypt!” You (AE)know for certain that I have (AF)admonished you today. 20 For you have only [k](AG)deceived yourselves; for it is you who sent me to the Lord your God, saying, “Pray for us to the Lord our God; and whatever the Lord our God says, tell us so, and we will do it.” 21 So I have (AH)told you today, but you have (AI)not [l]obeyed the Lord your God in whatever He has sent me to tell you. 22 And now you shall know for certain that you will (AJ)die by the sword, by famine, or by plague in the (AK)place where you desire to go to reside.

In Egypt Jeremiah Warns of Judgment

43 But as soon as Jeremiah, whom the Lord their God had sent to them, had (AL)finished telling all the people all the words of the Lord their God—that is, all these words— Azariah the (AM)son of Hoshaiah, Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the arrogant men said to Jeremiah, “You are (AN)telling a lie! The Lord our God has not sent you to say, ‘You are not to enter Egypt to reside there’; but (AO)Baruch the son of Neriah is inciting you against us in order to hand us over to the Chaldeans, so they will put us to death or exile us to Babylon!” So (AP)Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces, and all the people, (AQ)did not obey the voice of the Lord to (AR)stay in the land of Judah. Instead, Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces took the (AS)entire remnant of Judah who had returned from all the nations to which they had been scattered, in order to reside in the land of Judah— the men, the women, the [m]children, the (AT)king’s daughters, and (AU)every person whom Nebuzaradan the captain of the bodyguard had left with Gedaliah the son of Ahikam [n]and grandson of Shaphan, together with (AV)Jeremiah the prophet and Baruch the son of Neriah— and they entered the land of Egypt (for they did not obey the voice of the Lord) and went in as far as (AW)Tahpanhes.

Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah in (AX)Tahpanhes, saying, “Take some large stones in your [o]hands and hide them in the [p]mortar in the brick terrace which is at the entrance of Pharaoh’s [q]palace in Tahpanhes, in the sight of [r]some of the Jews; 10 and say to them, ‘This is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel says: “Behold, I am going to send men and get (AY)My servant (AZ)Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and I am going to set his throne over these stones that I have hidden; and he will spread his [s](BA)canopy over them. 11 He will also come and (BB)strike the land of Egypt; those who are meant for death will be given over to death, and those for captivity to captivity, and (BC)those for the sword to the sword. 12 And [t]I shall set fire to the temples of the (BD)gods of Egypt, and he will burn them and take them captive. So he will [u](BE)wrap himself with the land of Egypt as a shepherd [v]wraps himself with his garment, and he will depart from there safely. 13 He will also smash to pieces the [w]obelisks of [x]Heliopolis, which is in the land of Egypt; and the temples of the gods of Egypt he will burn with fire.”’”

Conquest of Egypt Predicted

44 The word that came to Jeremiah for all the Jews living in the land of Egypt, those who were living in (BF)Migdol, (BG)Tahpanhes, (BH)Memphis, and the land of (BI)Pathros, saying, “This is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel says: ‘You yourselves have seen all the disaster that I have brought on Jerusalem and all the cities of Judah; and behold, this day they are in (BJ)ruins and no one lives in them, (BK)because of their wickedness which they committed to (BL)provoke Me to anger by continuing to (BM)burn [y]sacrifices and to (BN)serve other gods whom they had not known, neither they, you, nor your fathers. Yet I (BO)sent you all My servants the prophets again and again, saying, “Oh, do not do this (BP)abominable thing which I hate.” But (BQ)they did not listen or incline their ears to turn from their wickedness, so as not to burn [z]sacrifices to other gods. Therefore My (BR)wrath and My anger gushed out and burned in the (BS)cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, so they have become ruins and a (BT)desolation as it is this day. Now then, this is what the Lord God of armies, the God of Israel says: “Why are you (BU)doing great harm to yourselves, to (BV)eliminate from yourselves man and woman, child and infant from among Judah, leaving yourselves without a remnant, (BW)provoking Me to anger with the works of your hands, (BX)burning [aa]sacrifices to other gods in the land of Egypt where you are entering to reside, so that you may be eliminated and become a (BY)curse and a disgrace among all the nations of the earth? Have you forgotten the (BZ)wickedness of your fathers, the wickedness of the kings of Judah and the wickedness of their wives, your own wickedness and the wickedness of your wives, which they committed in the land of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 10 Yet they (CA)have not become [ab]contrite even to this day, nor have they feared, nor (CB)walked in My Law or My statutes, which I placed before you and before your fathers.”’

11 “Therefore this is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel says: ‘Behold, I am going to (CC)set My face against you for a disaster, even to eliminate all Judah. 12 And I will (CD)take away the remnant of Judah who have set their [ac]minds on entering the land of Egypt to reside there, and they will all [ad](CE)meet their end in the land of Egypt; they will fall by the sword or meet their end by famine. From the small to the great, they will die by the sword and famine; and they will become a (CF)curse, an object of horror, [ae]an imprecation, and a disgrace. 13 And I will (CG)punish those who live in the land of Egypt, just as I have punished Jerusalem, with the sword, with famine, and with plague. 14 So there will be (CH)no survivor or refugee for the remnant of Judah who have entered the land of Egypt to reside there and then to return to the land of Judah, to which they are [af](CI)longing to return to live; for none will (CJ)return except a few refugees.’”

15 Then (CK)all the men who were aware that their wives were burning [ag]sacrifices to other gods, along with all the women who were standing by, as a large assembly, [ah]including all the people who were living in Pathros in the land of Egypt, responded to Jeremiah, saying, 16 “As for the [ai](CL)message that you have spoken to us in the name of the Lord, (CM)we are not going to listen to you! 17 But we will certainly (CN)carry out every word that has proceeded from our mouths, [aj]by burning [ak]sacrifices to the (CO)queen of heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her, just as (CP)we ourselves, our forefathers, our kings, and our leaders did in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem; for then we had (CQ)plenty of [al]food and were well off and saw no [am]misfortune. 18 But since we stopped burning [an]sacrifices to the queen of heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her, we have (CR)lacked everything, and have met our end by the sword and by famine.” 19 “And,” said the women, “when we were (CS)burning [ao]sacrifices to the queen of heaven and [ap]pouring out drink offerings to her, was it (CT)without our husbands that we made for her sacrificial cakes [aq]in her image, and poured out drink offerings to her?”

Disaster for the Jews

20 Then Jeremiah said to all the people, to the men and women—even to all the people who were giving him such an answer—saying, 21 “As for the [ar](CU)smoking sacrifices that you burned in the cities of Judah and in the (CV)streets of Jerusalem, you and your forefathers, your kings and your leaders, and the people of the land, did the Lord not (CW)remember them, and did all of this not come into His [as]mind? 22 So the Lord was (CX)no longer able to endure it, (CY)because of the evil of your deeds, because of the abominations which you have committed; so your land has become a (CZ)place of ruins, an object of horror, and a curse, without an inhabitant, as it is this day. 23 Since you have burned [at]sacrifices and have sinned against the Lord and (DA)not obeyed the voice of the Lord nor (DB)walked in His Law, His statutes, or His testimonies, therefore this (DC)disaster has happened to you, as it has this day.”

24 Then Jeremiah said to all the people, including all the women, “(DD)Hear the word of the Lord, all Judah who are (DE)in the land of Egypt! 25 This is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel [au]says: ‘As for you and your wives, you have spoken with your mouths and fulfilled it with your hands, saying, “We will (DF)certainly perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn [av]sacrifices to the queen of heaven and pour out drink offerings to her.” (DG)By all means fulfill your vows, and be sure to perform your vows!’ 26 [aw]In return, hear the word of the Lord, all Judah who are living in the land of Egypt: ‘Behold, I have (DH)sworn by My great name,’ says the Lord, ‘that My name shall (DI)never be invoked again by the mouth of anyone of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, “(DJ)As the Lord [ax]God lives.” 27 Behold, I am watching over them (DK)for harm and not for good, and (DL)all the people of Judah who are in the land of Egypt will [ay]meet their end by the sword or by famine until they [az]are completely gone. 28 (DM)Those who escape the sword will return from the land of Egypt to the land of Judah [ba](DN)few in number. Then all the remnant of Judah who have gone to the land of Egypt to reside there will know (DO)whose word will stand, Mine or theirs. 29 And this will be the (DP)sign to you,’ declares the Lord, ‘that I am going to punish you in this place, so that you may know that (DQ)My words will assuredly stand against you for harm.’ 30 This is what the Lord says: ‘Behold, I am going to hand (DR)Pharaoh Hophra king of Egypt over to his enemies, to those who seek his life, just as I handed (DS)Zedekiah king of Judah over to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, who was his enemy and was seeking his life.’”


  1. Jeremiah 42:2 Lit fall
  2. Jeremiah 42:4 Lit word
  3. Jeremiah 42:5 Lit word
  4. Jeremiah 42:6 Lit good
  5. Jeremiah 42:6 Lit evil
  6. Jeremiah 42:10 Or shall have changed my mind about
  7. Jeremiah 42:15 Lit now therefore
  8. Jeremiah 42:15 Lit face
  9. Jeremiah 42:17 Lit face
  10. Jeremiah 42:18 Lit a curse-formula
  11. Jeremiah 42:20 Or acted errantly in your souls
  12. Jeremiah 42:21 Lit listened to the voice of
  13. Jeremiah 43:6 Lit infants
  14. Jeremiah 43:6 Lit the son
  15. Jeremiah 43:9 Lit hand
  16. Jeremiah 43:9 Or clay floor
  17. Jeremiah 43:9 Lit house
  18. Jeremiah 43:9 Lit men
  19. Jeremiah 43:10 Or carpet
  20. Jeremiah 43:12 Some ancient versions He will set
  21. Jeremiah 43:12 Or delouse the land
  22. Jeremiah 43:12 Or delouses his garment
  23. Jeremiah 43:13 Or stone pillars
  24. Jeremiah 43:13 Heb Beth-shemesh; i.e., the house of the sun-god
  25. Jeremiah 44:3 Or incense
  26. Jeremiah 44:5 Or incense
  27. Jeremiah 44:8 Or incense
  28. Jeremiah 44:10 Lit crushed
  29. Jeremiah 44:12 Lit faces
  30. Jeremiah 44:12 Lit be finished
  31. Jeremiah 44:12 Lit a curse-formula
  32. Jeremiah 44:14 Lit lifting up their soul
  33. Jeremiah 44:15 Or incense
  34. Jeremiah 44:15 Lit and
  35. Jeremiah 44:16 Lit word
  36. Jeremiah 44:17 Or so as to burn
  37. Jeremiah 44:17 Or incense
  38. Jeremiah 44:17 Lit bread
  39. Jeremiah 44:17 Lit evil
  40. Jeremiah 44:18 Or incense
  41. Jeremiah 44:19 Or incense
  42. Jeremiah 44:19 Lit to pour
  43. Jeremiah 44:19 Lit to make an image of her
  44. Jeremiah 44:21 Or incense
  45. Jeremiah 44:21 Lit heart
  46. Jeremiah 44:23 Or incense
  47. Jeremiah 44:25 Lit says, saying
  48. Jeremiah 44:25 Or incense
  49. Jeremiah 44:26 Lit Therefore
  50. Jeremiah 44:26 Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord
  51. Jeremiah 44:27 Lit be finished
  52. Jeremiah 44:27 Lit come to an end
  53. Jeremiah 44:28 Lit men of number

42 Then all the army officers, including Johanan(A) son of Kareah and Jezaniah[a] son of Hoshaiah,(B) and all the people from the least to the greatest(C) approached Jeremiah the prophet and said to him, “Please hear our petition and pray(D) to the Lord your God for this entire remnant.(E) For as you now see, though we were once many, now only a few(F) are left. Pray that the Lord your God will tell us where we should go and what we should do.”(G)

“I have heard you,” replied Jeremiah the prophet. “I will certainly pray(H) to the Lord your God as you have requested; I will tell(I) you everything the Lord says and will keep nothing back from you.”(J)

Then they said to Jeremiah, “May the Lord be a true(K) and faithful(L) witness(M) against us if we do not act in accordance with everything the Lord your God sends you to tell us. Whether it is favorable or unfavorable, we will obey the Lord our God, to whom we are sending you, so that it will go well(N) with us, for we will obey(O) the Lord our God.”

Ten days later the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah. So he called together Johanan son of Kareah and all the army officers(P) who were with him and all the people from the least to the greatest.(Q) He said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, to whom you sent me to present your petition,(R) says:(S) 10 ‘If you stay in this land,(T) I will build(U) you up and not tear you down; I will plant(V) you and not uproot you,(W) for I have relented concerning the disaster I have inflicted on you.(X) 11 Do not be afraid of the king of Babylon,(Y) whom you now fear.(Z) Do not be afraid of him, declares the Lord, for I am with you and will save(AA) you and deliver you from his hands.(AB) 12 I will show you compassion(AC) so that he will have compassion on you and restore you to your land.’(AD)

13 “However, if you say, ‘We will not stay in this land,’ and so disobey(AE) the Lord your God, 14 and if you say, ‘No, we will go and live in Egypt,(AF) where we will not see war or hear the trumpet(AG) or be hungry for bread,’(AH) 15 then hear the word of the Lord,(AI) you remnant of Judah. This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘If you are determined to go to Egypt and you do go to settle there, 16 then the sword(AJ) you fear(AK) will overtake you there, and the famine(AL) you dread will follow you into Egypt, and there you will die.(AM) 17 Indeed, all who are determined to go to Egypt to settle there will die by the sword, famine and plague;(AN) not one of them will survive or escape the disaster I will bring on them.’ 18 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘As my anger and wrath(AO) have been poured out on those who lived in Jerusalem,(AP) so will my wrath be poured out on you when you go to Egypt. You will be a curse[b](AQ) and an object of horror,(AR) a curse[c] and an object of reproach;(AS) you will never see this place again.’(AT)

19 “Remnant(AU) of Judah, the Lord has told you, ‘Do not go to Egypt.’(AV) Be sure of this: I warn you today 20 that you made a fatal mistake when you sent me to the Lord your God and said, ‘Pray to the Lord our God for us; tell us everything he says and we will do it.’(AW) 21 I have told you today, but you still have not obeyed the Lord your God in all he sent me to tell you.(AX) 22 So now, be sure of this: You will die by the sword, famine(AY) and plague(AZ) in the place where you want to go to settle.”(BA)

43 When Jeremiah had finished telling the people all the words of the Lord their God—everything the Lord had sent him to tell them(BB) Azariah son of Hoshaiah(BC) and Johanan(BD) son of Kareah and all the arrogant(BE) men said to Jeremiah, “You are lying!(BF) The Lord our God has not sent you to say, ‘You must not go to Egypt to settle there.’(BG) But Baruch(BH) son of Neriah is inciting you against us to hand us over to the Babylonians,[d] so they may kill us or carry us into exile to Babylon.”(BI)

So Johanan son of Kareah and all the army officers and all the people(BJ) disobeyed the Lord’s command(BK) to stay in the land of Judah.(BL) Instead, Johanan son of Kareah and all the army officers led away all the remnant of Judah who had come back to live in the land of Judah from all the nations where they had been scattered.(BM) They also led away all those whom Nebuzaradan commander of the imperial guard had left with Gedaliah son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan—the men, the women,(BN) the children and the king’s daughters. And they took Jeremiah the prophet and Baruch(BO) son of Neriah along with them. So they entered Egypt(BP) in disobedience to the Lord and went as far as Tahpanhes.(BQ)

In Tahpanhes(BR) the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah: “While the Jews are watching, take some large stones(BS) with you and bury them in clay in the brick(BT) pavement at the entrance to Pharaoh’s palace(BU) in Tahpanhes. 10 Then say to them, ‘This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: I will send for my servant(BV) Nebuchadnezzar(BW) king of Babylon, and I will set his throne(BX) over these stones I have buried here; he will spread his royal canopy(BY) above them. 11 He will come and attack Egypt,(BZ) bringing death(CA) to those destined(CB) for death, captivity to those destined for captivity,(CC) and the sword to those destined for the sword.(CD) 12 He will set fire(CE) to the temples(CF) of the gods(CG) of Egypt; he will burn their temples and take their gods captive.(CH) As a shepherd picks(CI) his garment clean of lice, so he will pick Egypt clean and depart. 13 There in the temple of the sun[e](CJ) in Egypt he will demolish the sacred pillars(CK) and will burn down the temples of the gods of Egypt.’”

Disaster Because of Idolatry

44 This word came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews living in Lower Egypt(CL)—in Migdol,(CM) Tahpanhes(CN) and Memphis(CO)—and in Upper Egypt:(CP) “This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: You saw the great disaster(CQ) I brought on Jerusalem and on all the towns of Judah.(CR) Today they lie deserted and in ruins(CS) because of the evil(CT) they have done. They aroused my anger(CU) by burning incense(CV) to and worshiping other gods(CW) that neither they nor you nor your ancestors(CX) ever knew. Again and again(CY) I sent my servants the prophets,(CZ) who said, ‘Do not do this detestable(DA) thing that I hate!’ But they did not listen or pay attention;(DB) they did not turn from their wickedness(DC) or stop burning incense(DD) to other gods.(DE) Therefore, my fierce anger was poured out;(DF) it raged against the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem and made them the desolate ruins(DG) they are today.

“Now this is what the Lord God Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Why bring such great disaster(DH) on yourselves by cutting off from Judah the men and women,(DI) the children and infants, and so leave yourselves without a remnant?(DJ) Why arouse my anger with what your hands have made,(DK) burning incense(DL) to other gods in Egypt,(DM) where you have come to live?(DN) You will destroy yourselves and make yourselves a curse[f] and an object of reproach(DO) among all the nations on earth. Have you forgotten the wickedness committed by your ancestors(DP) and by the kings(DQ) and queens(DR) of Judah and the wickedness committed by you and your wives(DS) in the land of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem?(DT) 10 To this day they have not humbled(DU) themselves or shown reverence,(DV) nor have they followed my law(DW) and the decrees(DX) I set before you and your ancestors.(DY)

11 “Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty,(DZ) the God of Israel, says: I am determined to bring disaster(EA) on you and to destroy all Judah. 12 I will take away the remnant(EB) of Judah who were determined to go to Egypt to settle there. They will all perish in Egypt; they will fall by the sword or die from famine. From the least to the greatest,(EC) they will die by sword or famine.(ED) They will become a curse and an object of horror, a curse and an object of reproach.(EE) 13 I will punish(EF) those who live in Egypt with the sword,(EG) famine and plague,(EH) as I punished Jerusalem. 14 None of the remnant of Judah who have gone to live in Egypt will escape or survive to return to the land of Judah, to which they long to return and live; none will return except a few fugitives.”(EI)

15 Then all the men who knew that their wives(EJ) were burning incense(EK) to other gods, along with all the women(EL) who were present—a large assembly—and all the people living in Lower and Upper Egypt,(EM) said to Jeremiah, 16 “We will not listen(EN) to the message you have spoken to us in the name of the Lord!(EO) 17 We will certainly do everything we said we would:(EP) We will burn incense(EQ) to the Queen of Heaven(ER) and will pour out drink offerings to her just as we and our ancestors, our kings and our officials(ES) did in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem.(ET) At that time we had plenty of food(EU) and were well off and suffered no harm.(EV) 18 But ever since we stopped burning incense to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out drink offerings(EW) to her, we have had nothing and have been perishing by sword and famine.(EX)

19 The women added, “When we burned incense(EY) to the Queen of Heaven(EZ) and poured out drink offerings to her, did not our husbands(FA) know that we were making cakes(FB) impressed with her image(FC) and pouring out drink offerings to her?”

20 Then Jeremiah said to all the people, both men and women, who were answering him, 21 “Did not the Lord remember(FD) and call to mind the incense(FE) burned in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem(FF) by you and your ancestors,(FG) your kings and your officials and the people of the land?(FH) 22 When the Lord could no longer endure(FI) your wicked actions and the detestable things you did, your land became a curse(FJ) and a desolate waste(FK) without inhabitants, as it is today.(FL) 23 Because you have burned incense and have sinned against the Lord and have not obeyed him or followed(FM) his law or his decrees(FN) or his stipulations, this disaster(FO) has come upon you, as you now see.”(FP)

24 Then Jeremiah said to all the people, including the women,(FQ) “Hear the word of the Lord, all you people of Judah in Egypt.(FR) 25 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: You and your wives(FS) have done what you said you would do when you promised, ‘We will certainly carry out the vows we made to burn incense and pour out drink offerings to the Queen of Heaven.’(FT)

“Go ahead then, do what you promised! Keep your vows!(FU) 26 But hear the word of the Lord, all you Jews living in Egypt:(FV) ‘I swear(FW) by my great name,’ says the Lord, ‘that no one from Judah living anywhere in Egypt will ever again invoke my name or swear, “As surely as the Sovereign(FX) Lord lives.”(FY) 27 For I am watching(FZ) over them for harm,(GA) not for good; the Jews in Egypt will perish(GB) by sword and famine(GC) until they are all destroyed.(GD) 28 Those who escape the sword(GE) and return to the land of Judah from Egypt will be very few.(GF) Then the whole remnant(GG) of Judah who came to live in Egypt will know whose word will stand(GH)—mine or theirs.(GI)

29 “‘This will be the sign(GJ) to you that I will punish(GK) you in this place,’ declares the Lord, ‘so that you will know that my threats of harm against you will surely stand.’(GL) 30 This is what the Lord says: ‘I am going to deliver Pharaoh(GM) Hophra king of Egypt into the hands of his enemies who want to kill him, just as I gave Zedekiah(GN) king of Judah into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, the enemy who wanted to kill him.’”(GO)


  1. Jeremiah 42:1 Hebrew; Septuagint (see also 43:2) Azariah
  2. Jeremiah 42:18 That is, your name will be used in cursing (see 29:22); or, others will see that you are cursed.
  3. Jeremiah 42:18 That is, your name will be used in cursing (see 29:22); or, others will see that you are cursed.
  4. Jeremiah 43:3 Or Chaldeans
  5. Jeremiah 43:13 Or in Heliopolis
  6. Jeremiah 44:8 That is, your name will be used in cursing (see 29:22); or, others will see that you are cursed; also in verse 12; similarly in verse 22.

Nuevas de la caída de Jerusalén

21 Aconteció en el año duodécimo de nuestro cautiverio, en el mes décimo, a los cinco días del mes, que vino a mí un fugitivo de Jerusalén, diciendo: La ciudad ha sido conquistada.(A) 22 Y la mano de Jehová había sido sobre mí la tarde antes de llegar el fugitivo, y había abierto mi boca, hasta que vino a mí por la mañana; y abrió mi boca, y ya no más estuve callado.

23 Y vino a mí palabra de Jehová, diciendo: 24 Hijo de hombre, los que habitan aquellos lugares asolados en la tierra de Israel hablan diciendo: Abraham era uno, y poseyó la tierra; pues nosotros somos muchos; a nosotros nos es dada la tierra en posesión. 25 Por tanto, diles: Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: ¿Comeréis con sangre, y a vuestros ídolos alzaréis vuestros ojos, y derramaréis sangre, y poseeréis vosotros la tierra? 26 Estuvisteis sobre vuestras espadas, hicisteis abominación, y contaminasteis cada cual a la mujer de su prójimo; ¿y habréis de poseer la tierra? 27 Les dirás así: Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: Vivo yo, que los que están en aquellos lugares asolados caerán a espada, y al que está sobre la faz del campo entregaré a las fieras para que lo devoren; y los que están en las fortalezas y en las cuevas, de pestilencia morirán. 28 Y convertiré la tierra en desierto y en soledad, y cesará la soberbia de su poderío; y los montes de Israel serán asolados hasta que no haya quien pase. 29 Y sabrán que yo soy Jehová, cuando convierta la tierra en soledad y desierto, por todas las abominaciones que han hecho.

30 Y tú, hijo de hombre, los hijos de tu pueblo se mofan de ti junto a las paredes y a las puertas de las casas, y habla el uno con el otro, cada uno con su hermano, diciendo: Venid ahora, y oíd qué palabra viene de Jehová. 31 Y vendrán a ti como viene el pueblo, y estarán delante de ti como pueblo mío, y oirán tus palabras, y no las pondrán por obra; antes hacen halagos con sus bocas, y el corazón de ellos anda en pos de su avaricia. 32 Y he aquí que tú eres a ellos como cantor de amores, hermoso de voz y que canta bien; y oirán tus palabras, pero no las pondrán por obra. 33 Pero cuando ello viniere (y viene ya), sabrán que hubo profeta entre ellos.

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Word of Jerusalem’s Capture

21 Now (A)in the (B)twelfth year of our exile, on the fifth of the tenth month, the survivor from Jerusalem came to me, saying, “(C)The city has been [a]taken.” 22 Now the (D)hand of the Lord had been upon me in the evening, before the survivors came. And He (E)opened my mouth [b]at the time they came to me in the morning; so my mouth was (F)opened and I was no longer [c]speechless.

23 Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 24 “Son of man, they who (G)live in these ruins in the land of Israel are saying, ‘(H)Abraham was only one, yet he possessed the land; so to (I)us who are many the land has been given as a possession.’ 25 Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Lord God says: “You eat meat with the (J)blood in it, raise your eyes to your idols as you shed blood. (K)Should you then possess the land? 26 You [d](L)rely on your sword, you commit abominations, and each of you defiles his neighbor’s wife. Should you then possess the land?”’ 27 You shall say this to them: ‘This is what the Lord God says: “As I live, those who are in the places of ruins certainly will (M)fall by the sword, and whoever is in the [e]open field I will give to the animals to be devoured, and those who are in the strongholds and in the (N)caves will die of plague. 28 And I will (O)make the land a desolation and a waste, and the (P)pride of her power will be brought to an end; and the mountains of Israel will be deserted so that no one will pass through. 29 Then they will know that I am the Lord, when I make the land a desolation and a waste because of all their abominations which they have committed.”’

30 “But as for you, son of man, [f]your fellow citizens who talk with one another about you by the walls and in the doorways of the houses, speak one with another, each with his brother, saying, ‘(Q)Come now and hear what the [g]message is that comes from the Lord.’ 31 And they come to you as people come, and sit before you as My people and hear your words, but they do not do them; for they do the lustful desires expressed by their (R)mouth, and their heart follows their unlawful (S)gain. 32 And behold, you are to them like a love song by one who has a (T)beautiful voice and plays well on an instrument; for they hear your words but they do not practice them. 33 So when it (U)comes—[h]as it certainly will—then they will know that a prophet has been among them.”

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  1. Ezekiel 33:21 Lit struck
  2. Ezekiel 33:22 Lit until he came
  3. Ezekiel 33:22 Or mute
  4. Ezekiel 33:26 Lit stand
  5. Ezekiel 33:27 Lit faces of the field
  6. Ezekiel 33:30 Lit the sons of your people
  7. Ezekiel 33:30 Lit word
  8. Ezekiel 33:33 Lit behold, it is coming

Jerusalem’s Fall Explained

21 In the twelfth year of our exile, in the tenth month on the fifth day, a man who had escaped(A) from Jerusalem came to me and said, “The city has fallen!(B) 22 Now the evening before the man arrived, the hand of the Lord was on me,(C) and he opened my mouth(D) before the man came to me in the morning. So my mouth was opened and I was no longer silent.(E)

23 Then the word of the Lord came to me: 24 “Son of man, the people living in those ruins(F) in the land of Israel are saying, ‘Abraham was only one man, yet he possessed the land. But we are many;(G) surely the land has been given to us as our possession.’(H) 25 Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Since you eat(I) meat with the blood(J) still in it and look to your idols and shed blood, should you then possess the land?(K) 26 You rely on your sword, you do detestable things,(L) and each of you defiles his neighbor’s wife.(M) Should you then possess the land?’

27 “Say this to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: As surely as I live, those who are left in the ruins will fall by the sword, those out in the country I will give to the wild animals to be devoured, and those in strongholds and caves will die of a plague.(N) 28 I will make the land a desolate waste, and her proud strength will come to an end, and the mountains(O) of Israel will become desolate so that no one will cross them.(P) 29 Then they will know that I am the Lord, when I have made the land a desolate(Q) waste because of all the detestable things they have done.’(R)

30 “As for you, son of man, your people are talking together about you by the walls and at the doors of the houses, saying to each other, ‘Come and hear the message that has come from the Lord.’ 31 My people come to you, as they usually do, and sit before(S) you to hear your words, but they do not put them into practice. Their mouths speak of love, but their hearts are greedy(T) for unjust gain.(U) 32 Indeed, to them you are nothing more than one who sings love songs(V) with a beautiful voice and plays an instrument well, for they hear your words but do not put them into practice.(W)

33 “When all this comes true—and it surely will—then they will know that a prophet has been among them.(X)

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