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Who is this, rising like the Nile,
    like rivers whose waters surge?
Egypt rises like the Nile,
    like rivers whose waters surge.
It said, Let me rise, let me cover the earth,
    let me destroy cities and their inhabitants.
Advance, O horses,
    and dash madly, O chariots!
Let the warriors go forth:
    Ethiopia[a] and Put who carry the shield,
    the Ludim, who draw[b] the bow.

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  1. Jeremiah 46:9 Or Nubia; Heb Cush
  2. Jeremiah 46:9 Cn: Heb who grasp, who draw

“Who is this that rises like the Nile,
    like rivers of surging waters?(A)
Egypt rises like the Nile,(B)
    like rivers of surging waters.
She says, ‘I will rise and cover the earth;
    I will destroy cities and their people.’(C)
Charge, you horses!
    Drive furiously, you charioteers!(D)
March on, you warriors—men of Cush[a](E) and Put who carry shields,
    men of Lydia(F) who draw the bow.

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  1. Jeremiah 46:9 That is, the upper Nile region