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Ježiš má moc odpúšťať hriechy

Po niekoľkých dňoch sa Ježiš opäť vrátil do Kafarnauma. Správa o jeho príchode sa rýchlo rozletela po meste.

Do domu sa nahrnulo toľko ľudí, že vnútri, ale ani pred domom sa nedalo ani hnúť. A on im zvestoval Božie posolstvo.

Keď sa k nemu chceli dostať štyria muži, ktorí niesli na nosidlách ochrnutého človeka,

videli, že sa k nemu cez ten dav neprederú, preto vyšli na plochú strechu domu, prebúrali ju a cez otvor spustili ležadlo s ochrnutým rovno pred neho.

Keď Ježiš videl, ako bezvýhradne veria, že môže pomôcť ich priateľovi, povedal chorému: Syn môj, odpúšťajú sa ti hriechy!"

Sedeli tam aj niekoľkí učitelia Zákona a v duchu sa pohoršovali:

Ale to je predsa rúhanie! Hádam si len o sebe nemyslí, že je Boh! Veď iba Boh má právo odpúšťať hriechy!"

No Ježiš vedel čítať ich myšlienky a hneď namietol: Prečo vás to poburuje?

Čo je ľahšie -- oznámiť ochrnutému, že sa mu odpúšťajú hriechy, alebo mu prikázať: Vstaň a choď!

10 Ale aby som vám dokázal, že ja, Mesiáš, mám moc na zemi odpúšťať hriechy, uzdravím tohto človeka."

11 Obrátil sa k ochrnutému a povedal mu: Si zdravý. Vstaň a choď domov!"

12 A chorý ihneď, pred očami ohromeného zástupu, vyskočil na rovné nohy, vzal si ležadlo a poberal sa preč. Ľudia žasli a oslavovali Boha: Také čosi sme nikdy nevideli!"

Ježiš pozve Léviho

13 Ježiš sa znova pobral na breh Genezaretského jazera a kázal zástupu ľudí, ktorí sa okolo neho zhromaždili.

14 Potom šiel ďalej a zbadal Alfejovho syna Léviho. Sedel v colnici pri ceste a vyberal poplatky od pocestných. Poď so mnou a staň sa mojím učeníkom!" zavolal naňho. A Lévi bez váhania vstal a išiel za ním.

15 V ten večer usporiadal Lévi vo svojom dome hostinu, na ktorú pozval nielen Ježiša a jeho učeníkov, ale aj mnohých bývalých spolupracovníkov a ľudí pochybnej povesti.

16 Keď však učitelia Zákona videli, že Ježiš stoluje s ľuďmi zlej povesti, vraveli jeho učeníkom: Ako si môže sadnúť za stôl s takou spodinou?"

17 Ježiš to počul a odpovedal im: Lekára nepotrebujú zdraví, ale chorí. Neprišiel som nabádať dobrých ľudí, aby zmenili svoj život, ale zlých!"

O pôste a o sobote

18 Nasledovníci Jána Krstiteľa a farizeji sa pravidelne postievali. Raz prišli niektorí z nich k Ježišovi a spýtali sa ho: Prečo sa Jánovi nasledovníci a farizeji postievajú a tvoji učeníci nie?"

19 Ježiš im na to odpovedal: Azda svadobníci odmietajú jedlo na svadobnej hostine? Kým je ženích medzi nimi, prečo by sa neradovali?

20 Ale príde deň, keď ich opustí, a potom sa budú postiť.

21 Nový život z Boha sa nedá vtesnať do tradičných náboženských zvykov, ako sa na staré šaty nedá prišiť záplata z novej látky, lebo by vytrhla staré tkanivo a diera by sa ešte zväčšila.

22 A takisto sa mladé víno nenalieva do mechov zo starej kože. Tie by popraskali, víno by sa vylialo a mechy by vyšli nazmar. Mladé víno sa má nalievať do nových mechov."

23 Raz v sobotu prechádzal Ježiš so svojimi učeníkmi obilným poľom. Učeníci boli hladní, a tak idúcky trhali klasy a jedli zrná.

24 Videli to farizeji a vyčítali Ježišovi: Pozri, trhajú klasy, a náš Zákon predsa nedovoľuje v sobotu pracovať!"

25 Ježiš na to odpovedal: Azda ste nečítali vo Svätom Písme, čo urobil kráľ Dávid, keď bol v núdzi a bol hladný on i jeho družina?

26 Ako vošli do Božieho domu -- veľkňazom bol vtedy Abiatar -- a jedli z posvätných chlebov, ktoré smeli jesť iba kňazi?"

27 A potom ešte doložil: Sobota bola predsa ustanovená pre dobro človeka, a nie človek pre sobotu. A preto ja, Syn človeka, mám právo rozhodnúť, čo sa v sobotu smie robiť a čo nie."

Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man(A)

A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. They gathered in such large numbers(B) that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man,(C) carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”(D)

Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”(E)

Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’? 10 But I want you to know that the Son of Man(F) has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the man, 11 “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” 12 He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God,(G) saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”(H)

Jesus Calls Levi and Eats With Sinners(I)

13 Once again Jesus went out beside the lake. A large crowd came to him,(J) and he began to teach them. 14 As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,”(K) Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him.

15 While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. 16 When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees(L) saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”(M)

17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”(N)

Jesus Questioned About Fasting(O)

18 Now John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting.(P) Some people came and asked Jesus, “How is it that John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees are fasting, but yours are not?”

19 Jesus answered, “How can the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? They cannot, so long as they have him with them. 20 But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them,(Q) and on that day they will fast.

21 “No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. Otherwise, the new piece will pull away from the old, making the tear worse. 22 And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”

Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath(R)(S)

23 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and as his disciples walked along, they began to pick some heads of grain.(T) 24 The Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?”(U)

25 He answered, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need? 26 In the days of Abiathar the high priest,(V) he entered the house of God and ate the consecrated bread, which is lawful only for priests to eat.(W) And he also gave some to his companions.”(X)

27 Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man,(Y) not man for the Sabbath.(Z) 28 So the Son of Man(AA) is Lord even of the Sabbath.”