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Daniel interpreta el sueño de Nabucodonosor

En el segundo año del reinado de Nabucodonosor, tuvo Nabucodonosor sueños, y se perturbó su espíritu, y se le fue el sueño. Hizo llamar el rey a magos, astrólogos, encantadores y caldeos, para que le explicasen sus sueños. Vinieron, pues, y se presentaron delante del rey. Y el rey les dijo: He tenido un sueño, y mi espíritu se ha turbado por saber el sueño. Entonces hablaron los caldeos al rey en lengua aramea: Rey, para siempre vive; di el sueño a tus siervos, y te mostraremos la interpretación. Respondió el rey y dijo a los caldeos: El asunto lo olvidé; si no me mostráis el sueño y su interpretación, seréis hechos pedazos, y vuestras casas serán convertidas en muladares. Y si me mostrareis el sueño y su interpretación, recibiréis de mí dones y favores y gran honra. Decidme, pues, el sueño y su interpretación. Respondieron por segunda vez, y dijeron: Diga el rey el sueño a sus siervos, y le mostraremos la interpretación. El rey respondió y dijo: Yo conozco ciertamente que vosotros ponéis dilaciones, porque veis que el asunto se me ha ido. Si no me mostráis el sueño, una sola sentencia hay para vosotros. Ciertamente preparáis respuesta mentirosa y perversa que decir delante de mí, entre tanto que pasa el tiempo. Decidme, pues, el sueño, para que yo sepa que me podéis dar su interpretación. 10 Los caldeos respondieron delante del rey, y dijeron: No hay hombre sobre la tierra que pueda declarar el asunto del rey; además de esto, ningún rey, príncipe ni señor preguntó cosa semejante a ningún mago ni astrólogo ni caldeo. 11 Porque el asunto que el rey demanda es difícil, y no hay quien lo pueda declarar al rey, salvo los dioses cuya morada no es con la carne.

12 Por esto el rey con ira y con gran enojo mandó que matasen a todos los sabios de Babilonia. 13 Y se publicó el edicto de que los sabios fueran llevados a la muerte; y buscaron a Daniel y a sus compañeros para matarlos. 14 Entonces Daniel habló sabia y prudentemente a Arioc, capitán de la guardia del rey, que había salido para matar a los sabios de Babilonia. 15 Habló y dijo a Arioc capitán del rey: ¿Cuál es la causa de que este edicto se publique de parte del rey tan apresuradamente? Entonces Arioc hizo saber a Daniel lo que había. 16 Y Daniel entró y pidió al rey que le diese tiempo, y que él mostraría la interpretación al rey.

17 Luego se fue Daniel a su casa e hizo saber lo que había a Ananías, Misael y Azarías, sus compañeros, 18 para que pidiesen misericordias del Dios del cielo sobre este misterio, a fin de que Daniel y sus compañeros no pereciesen con los otros sabios de Babilonia. 19 Entonces el secreto fue revelado a Daniel en visión de noche, por lo cual bendijo Daniel al Dios del cielo. 20 Y Daniel habló y dijo: Sea bendito el nombre de Dios de siglos en siglos, porque suyos son el poder y la sabiduría. 21 Él muda los tiempos y las edades; quita reyes, y pone reyes; da la sabiduría a los sabios, y la ciencia a los entendidos. 22 Él revela lo profundo y lo escondido; conoce lo que está en tinieblas, y con él mora la luz. 23 A ti, oh Dios de mis padres, te doy gracias y te alabo, porque me has dado sabiduría y fuerza, y ahora me has revelado lo que te pedimos; pues nos has dado a conocer el asunto del rey.

24 Después de esto fue Daniel a Arioc, al cual el rey había puesto para matar a los sabios de Babilonia, y le dijo así: No mates a los sabios de Babilonia; llévame a la presencia del rey, y yo le mostraré la interpretación.

25 Entonces Arioc llevó prontamente a Daniel ante el rey, y le dijo así: He hallado un varón de los deportados de Judá, el cual dará al rey la interpretación. 26 Respondió el rey y dijo a Daniel, al cual llamaban Beltsasar: ¿Podrás tú hacerme conocer el sueño que vi, y su interpretación? 27 Daniel respondió delante del rey, diciendo: El misterio que el rey demanda, ni sabios, ni astrólogos, ni magos ni adivinos lo pueden revelar al rey. 28 Pero hay un Dios en los cielos, el cual revela los misterios, y él ha hecho saber al rey Nabucodonosor lo que ha de acontecer en los postreros días. He aquí tu sueño, y las visiones que has tenido en tu cama: 29 Estando tú, oh rey, en tu cama, te vinieron pensamientos por saber lo que había de ser en lo por venir; y el que revela los misterios te mostró lo que ha de ser. 30 Y a mí me ha sido revelado este misterio, no porque en mí haya más sabiduría que en todos los vivientes, sino para que se dé a conocer al rey la interpretación, y para que entiendas los pensamientos de tu corazón.

31 Tú, oh rey, veías, y he aquí una gran imagen. Esta imagen, que era muy grande, y cuya gloria era muy sublime, estaba en pie delante de ti, y su aspecto era terrible. 32 La cabeza de esta imagen era de oro fino; su pecho y sus brazos, de plata; su vientre y sus muslos, de bronce; 33 sus piernas, de hierro; sus pies, en parte de hierro y en parte de barro cocido. 34 Estabas mirando, hasta que una piedra fue cortada, no con mano, e hirió a la imagen en sus pies de hierro y de barro cocido, y los desmenuzó. 35 Entonces fueron desmenuzados también el hierro, el barro cocido, el bronce, la plata y el oro, y fueron como tamo de las eras del verano, y se los llevó el viento sin que de ellos quedara rastro alguno. Mas la piedra que hirió a la imagen fue hecha un gran monte que llenó toda la tierra.

36 Este es el sueño; también la interpretación de él diremos en presencia del rey. 37 Tú, oh rey, eres rey de reyes; porque el Dios del cielo te ha dado reino, poder, fuerza y majestad. 38 Y dondequiera que habitan hijos de hombres, bestias del campo y aves del cielo, él los ha entregado en tu mano, y te ha dado el dominio sobre todo; tú eres aquella cabeza de oro. 39 Y después de ti se levantará otro reino inferior al tuyo; y luego un tercer reino de bronce, el cual dominará sobre toda la tierra. 40 Y el cuarto reino será fuerte como hierro; y como el hierro desmenuza y rompe todas las cosas, desmenuzará y quebrantará todo. 41 Y lo que viste de los pies y los dedos, en parte de barro cocido de alfarero y en parte de hierro, será un reino dividido; mas habrá en él algo de la fuerza del hierro, así como viste hierro mezclado con barro cocido. 42 Y por ser los dedos de los pies en parte de hierro y en parte de barro cocido, el reino será en parte fuerte, y en parte frágil. 43 Así como viste el hierro mezclado con barro, se mezclarán por medio de alianzas humanas; pero no se unirán el uno con el otro, como el hierro no se mezcla con el barro. 44 Y en los días de estos reyes el Dios del cielo levantará un reino que no será jamás destruido, ni será el reino dejado a otro pueblo; desmenuzará y consumirá a todos estos reinos, pero él permanecerá para siempre, 45 de la manera que viste que del monte fue cortada una piedra, no con mano, la cual desmenuzó el hierro, el bronce, el barro, la plata y el oro. El gran Dios ha mostrado al rey lo que ha de acontecer en lo por venir; y el sueño es verdadero, y fiel su interpretación.

46 Entonces el rey Nabucodonosor se postró sobre su rostro y se humilló ante Daniel, y mandó que le ofreciesen presentes e incienso. 47 El rey habló a Daniel, y dijo: Ciertamente el Dios vuestro es Dios de dioses, y Señor de los reyes, y el que revela los misterios, pues pudiste revelar este misterio. 48 Entonces el rey engrandeció a Daniel, y le dio muchos honores y grandes dones, y le hizo gobernador de toda la provincia de Babilonia, y jefe supremo de todos los sabios de Babilonia. 49 Y Daniel solicitó del rey, y obtuvo que pusiera sobre los negocios de la provincia de Babilonia a Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego; y Daniel estaba en la corte del rey.

Rescatados del horno de fuego

El rey Nabucodonosor hizo una estatua de oro cuya altura era de sesenta codos, y su anchura de seis codos; la levantó en el campo de Dura, en la provincia de Babilonia. Y envió el rey Nabucodonosor a que se reuniesen los sátrapas, los magistrados y capitanes, oidores, tesoreros, consejeros, jueces, y todos los gobernadores de las provincias, para que viniesen a la dedicación de la estatua que el rey Nabucodonosor había levantado. Fueron, pues, reunidos los sátrapas, magistrados, capitanes, oidores, tesoreros, consejeros, jueces, y todos los gobernadores de las provincias, a la dedicación de la estatua que el rey Nabucodonosor había levantado; y estaban en pie delante de la estatua que había levantado el rey Nabucodonosor. Y el pregonero anunciaba en alta voz: Mándase a vosotros, oh pueblos, naciones y lenguas, que al oír el son de la bocina, de la flauta, del tamboril, del arpa, del salterio, de la zampoña y de todo instrumento de música, os postréis y adoréis la estatua de oro que el rey Nabucodonosor ha levantado; y cualquiera que no se postre y adore, inmediatamente será echado dentro de un horno de fuego ardiendo. Por lo cual, al oír todos los pueblos el son de la bocina, de la flauta, del tamboril, del arpa, del salterio, de la zampoña y de todo instrumento de música, todos los pueblos, naciones y lenguas se postraron y adoraron la estatua de oro que el rey Nabucodonosor había levantado.

Por esto en aquel tiempo algunos varones caldeos vinieron y acusaron maliciosamente a los judíos. Hablaron y dijeron al rey Nabucodonosor: Rey, para siempre vive. 10 Tú, oh rey, has dado una ley que todo hombre, al oír el son de la bocina, de la flauta, del tamboril, del arpa, del salterio, de la zampoña y de todo instrumento de música, se postre y adore la estatua de oro; 11 y el que no se postre y adore, sea echado dentro de un horno de fuego ardiendo. 12 Hay unos varones judíos, los cuales pusiste sobre los negocios de la provincia de Babilonia: Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego; estos varones, oh rey, no te han respetado; no adoran tus dioses, ni adoran la estatua de oro que has levantado.

13 Entonces Nabucodonosor dijo con ira y con enojo que le trajesen a Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego. Al instante fueron traídos estos varones delante del rey. 14 Habló Nabucodonosor y les dijo: ¿Es verdad, Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego, que vosotros no honráis a mi dios, ni adoráis la estatua de oro que he levantado? 15 Ahora, pues, ¿estáis dispuestos para que al oír el son de la bocina, de la flauta, del tamboril, del arpa, del salterio, de la zampoña y de todo instrumento de música, os postréis y adoréis la estatua que he hecho? Porque si no la adorareis, en la misma hora seréis echados en medio de un horno de fuego ardiendo; ¿y qué dios será aquel que os libre de mis manos?

16 Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego respondieron al rey Nabucodonosor, diciendo: No es necesario que te respondamos sobre este asunto. 17 He aquí nuestro Dios a quien servimos puede librarnos del horno de fuego ardiendo; y de tu mano, oh rey, nos librará. 18 Y si no, sepas, oh rey, que no serviremos a tus dioses, ni tampoco adoraremos la estatua que has levantado. 19 Entonces Nabucodonosor se llenó de ira, y se demudó el aspecto de su rostro contra Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego, y ordenó que el horno se calentase siete veces más de lo acostumbrado. 20 Y mandó a hombres muy vigorosos que tenía en su ejército, que atasen a Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego, para echarlos en el horno de fuego ardiendo. 21 Entonces estos varones fueron atados con sus mantos, sus calzas, sus turbantes y sus vestidos, y fueron echados dentro del horno de fuego ardiendo. 22 Y como la orden del rey era apremiante, y lo habían calentado mucho, la llama del fuego mató a aquellos que habían alzado a Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego. 23 Y estos tres varones, Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego, cayeron atados dentro del horno de fuego ardiendo.

24 Entonces el rey Nabucodonosor se espantó, y se levantó apresuradamente y dijo a los de su consejo: ¿No echaron a tres varones atados dentro del fuego? Ellos respondieron al rey: Es verdad, oh rey. 25 Y él dijo: He aquí yo veo cuatro varones sueltos, que se pasean en medio del fuego sin sufrir ningún daño; y el aspecto del cuarto es semejante a hijo de los dioses.

26 Entonces Nabucodonosor se acercó a la puerta del horno de fuego ardiendo, y dijo: Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego, siervos del Dios Altísimo, salid y venid. Entonces Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego salieron de en medio del fuego. 27 Y se juntaron los sátrapas, los gobernadores, los capitanes y los consejeros del rey, para mirar a estos varones, cómo el fuego no había tenido poder alguno sobre sus cuerpos, ni aun el cabello de sus cabezas se había quemado; sus ropas estaban intactas, y ni siquiera olor de fuego tenían. 28 Entonces Nabucodonosor dijo: Bendito sea el Dios de ellos, de Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego, que envió su ángel y libró a sus siervos que confiaron en él, y que no cumplieron el edicto del rey, y entregaron sus cuerpos antes que servir y adorar a otro dios que su Dios. 29 Por lo tanto, decreto que todo pueblo, nación o lengua que dijere blasfemia contra el Dios de Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego, sea descuartizado, y su casa convertida en muladar; por cuanto no hay dios que pueda librar como este. 30 Entonces el rey engrandeció a Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego en la provincia de Babilonia.

The King’s Dream

Now in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar [a](A)had dreams; and his spirit was troubled and his (B)sleep [b]left him. Then the king [c]gave orders to call in the (C)soothsayer priests, the conjurers, the sorcerers, and the [d]Chaldeans, to [e]tell the king his dreams. So they came in and stood before the king. The king said to them, “I [f](D)had a dream, and my spirit [g]is anxious to [h]understand the dream.”

Then the Chaldeans spoke to the king in [i](E)Aramaic: “(F)O king, live forever! (G)Tell the dream to your servants, and we will declare the interpretation.” The king replied to the Chaldeans, “The command [j]from me is firm: if you do not make known to me the dream and its interpretation, you will be [k](H)torn limb from limb and your houses will be turned into a rubbish heap. But if you declare the dream and its interpretation, you will receive from me (I)gifts and a reward and great honor; therefore declare to me the dream and its interpretation.” They answered a second time and said, “Let the king (J)tell the dream to his servants, and we will declare the interpretation.” The king replied, “I know for certain that you are trying to buy time, because you have perceived that the command [l]from me is firm, that if you do not make the dream known to me, there is only (K)one [m]decree for you. For you have agreed together to speak lying and corrupt [n]words before me until the [o]situation is changed; therefore tell me the dream, so that I may (L)know that you can declare to me its interpretation.” 10 The Chaldeans answered [p]the king and said, “There is no person on earth who could declare the matter [q]to the king, because no great king or ruler has ever asked anything like this of any (M)soothsayer priest, sorcerer, or Chaldean. 11 Moreover, the thing which the king demands is difficult, and there is no one else who could declare it [r]to the king except (N)gods, whose (O)dwelling place is not with mortal flesh.”

12 Because of this, the king became (P)angry and extremely furious, and he gave orders to kill all the wise men of Babylon. 13 So the [s]decree was issued that the wise men be killed; and they looked for (Q)Daniel and his friends, to [t]kill them.

14 Then Daniel replied with discretion and discernment to (R)Arioch, the captain of the king’s [u]bodyguard, who had gone out to kill the wise men of Babylon; 15 he said to Arioch, the king’s officer, “For what reason is the decree from the king so harsh?” Then Arioch informed Daniel of the matter. 16 So Daniel went in and requested of the king that he would give him a grace period, so that he might declare the interpretation to the king.

17 Then Daniel went to his house and informed his friends, (S)Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, about the matter, 18 so that they might (T)request compassion from the God of heaven concerning this secret, so that Daniel and his friends would not be (U)killed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.

The Secret Is Revealed to Daniel

19 Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night (V)vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven; 20 Daniel said,

“May the name of God be (W)blessed forever and ever,
For (X)wisdom and power belong to Him.
21 It is He who (Y)changes the times and the periods;
He (Z)removes kings and appoints kings;
He gives (AA)wisdom to wise men,
And knowledge to [v]people of understanding.
22 It is He who (AB)reveals the profound and hidden things;
(AC)He knows what is in the darkness,
And the (AD)light dwells with Him.
23 To You, (AE)God of my fathers, I give thanks and praise,
For You have given me (AF)wisdom and power;
Even now You have made known to me what we (AG)requested of You,
For You have made known to us the king’s matter.”

24 Thereupon, Daniel went to Arioch, whom the king had appointed to kill the wise men of Babylon; he went and said this to him: “(AH)Do not kill the wise men of Babylon! Take me [w]into the king’s presence, and I will declare the interpretation to the king.”

25 Then Arioch hurriedly (AI)brought Daniel [x]into the king’s presence and spoke to him as follows: “I have found a man among the [y](AJ)exiles from Judah who can make the interpretation known to the king!” 26 The king said to Daniel, whose name was (AK)Belteshazzar, “Are you able to make known to me the dream which I have seen and its interpretation?” 27 Daniel answered before the king and said, “As for the secret about which the king has inquired, neither (AL)wise men, sorcerers, soothsayer priests, nor diviners are able to declare it to the king. 28 However, there is a (AM)God in heaven who reveals secrets, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will take place in the [z](AN)latter days. This was your dream and the (AO)visions [aa]in your mind while on your bed. 29 As for you, O king, while on your bed your thoughts [ab]turned to what would take place [ac]in the future; and (AP)He who reveals secrets has made known to you what will take place. 30 But as for me, this secret has not been revealed to me [ad]for any (AQ)wisdom [ae]residing in me more than in any other living person, but for the purpose of making the interpretation known to the king, and that you may understand the (AR)thoughts of your [af]mind.

The King’s Dream

31 “You, O king, were watching and behold, there was a single great statue; that statue, which was large and [ag]of extraordinary radiance, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was [ah](AS)awesome. 32 The (AT)head of that statue was made of fine gold, its chest and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, and its feet partly of iron and partly of clay. 34 You [ai]continued watching until a (AU)stone was broken off (AV)without hands, and it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay, and (AW)crushed them. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed to pieces [aj]all at the same time, and they were (AX)like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that (AY)not a trace of them was found. But the stone that struck the statue became a great (AZ)mountain and filled the entire earth.

The Interpretation—Babylon the First Kingdom

36 “This was the dream; and now we will tell (BA)its interpretation before the king. 37 You, O king, are the (BB)king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given the [ak]kingdom, the (BC)power, the strength, and the honor; 38 and wherever the sons of mankind live, or the (BD)animals of the field, or the birds of the sky, He has handed them over to you and has made you ruler over them all. You are the head of gold.

Medo-Persia and Greece

39 And after you another kingdom will arise inferior to you, then another third kingdom of bronze, which will rule over all the earth.


40 Then there will be a (BE)fourth kingdom as strong as iron; just as iron smashes and crushes everything, so, like iron that crushes, it will smash and crush all these things. 41 And in that you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have within it some of the toughness of iron, since you saw the iron mixed with [al]common clay. 42 And just as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong, and part of it will be fragile. 43 In that you saw the iron mixed with [am]common clay, they will combine with one another [an]in [ao]their descendants; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not combine with pottery.

The Divine Kingdom

44 And in the days of those kings the (BF)God of heaven will (BG)set up a (BH)kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be [ap]left for another people; it will (BI)crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever. 45 Just as you saw that a (BJ)stone was broken off from the mountain without hands, and that it crushed the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold, the (BK)great God has made known to the king what (BL)will take place [aq]in the future; so the dream is certain and its interpretation is trustworthy.”

Daniel Promoted

46 Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and paid (BM)humble respect to Daniel, and gave orders to present to him an offering and (BN)incense. 47 The king responded to Daniel and said, “(BO)Your God truly is a (BP)God of gods and a Lord of kings and a (BQ)revealer of secrets, since you have been able to reveal this secret.” 48 Then the king [ar](BR)promoted Daniel and gave him many great gifts, and he made him ruler over the entire (BS)province of Babylon, and chief [as]prefect over all the wise men of Babylon. 49 And Daniel made a request of the king, and he (BT)appointed (BU)Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego over the administration of the province of Babylon, while Daniel was at the king’s [at](BV)court.

The King’s Golden Image

Nebuchadnezzar the king made a (BW)statue of gold, the height of which was [au]sixty cubits, and its width six cubits; he set it up on the plain of Dura in the (BX)province of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar the king also sent word to assemble the (BY)satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counselors, the chief treasurers, the judges, the magistrates, and all the administrators of the provinces to come to the dedication of the statue that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up. Then the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counselors, the chief treasurers, the judges, the magistrates, and all the administrators of the provinces were assembled for the dedication of the statue that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up; and they stood before the statue that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. Then the herald loudly proclaimed: “To you [av]the command is given, you (BZ)peoples, nations, and populations of all [aw]languages, that at the moment you (CA)hear the sound of the horn, flute, [ax]lyre, [ay]trigon, [az]psaltery, bagpipe, and all kinds of musical instruments, you are to fall down and worship the golden statue that Nebuchadnezzar the king has set up. But whoever does not fall down and worship shall immediately be (CB)thrown into the middle of a (CC)furnace of blazing fire.” Therefore as soon as all the peoples heard the sound of the horn, flute, [ba]lyre, trigon, psaltery, [bb]bagpipe, and all kinds of musical instruments, all the peoples, nations, and populations of all [bc]languages fell down and worshiped the golden statue that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.

Worship of the Image Refused

For this reason at that time certain (CD)Chaldeans came forward and [bd](CE)brought charges against the Jews. They began to speak and said to Nebuchadnezzar the king: “(CF)O king, live forever! 10 You, O king, have (CG)made a decree that every person who hears the sound of the horn, flute, [be]lyre, trigon, psaltery, and bagpipe, and all kinds of musical instruments, is to (CH)fall down and worship the golden statue. 11 But whoever does not fall down and worship shall be thrown into the middle of a furnace of blazing fire. 12 There are certain Jews whom you have (CI)appointed over the administration of the province of Babylon, namely Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. These men, O king, have disregarded you; they do not serve your gods, nor do they worship the golden statue which you have set up.”

13 Then Nebuchadnezzar in (CJ)rage and anger gave orders to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego; then these men were brought before the king. 14 Nebuchadnezzar began speaking and said to them, “Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, that you do not serve (CK)my gods, nor worship the golden statue that I have set up? 15 Now if you are ready, (CL)at the moment you hear the sound of the horn, flute, [bf]lyre, trigon, psaltery and bagpipe, and all kinds of musical instruments, to fall down and worship the statue that I have made, very well. But if you do not worship, you will [bg]immediately be (CM)thrown into the midst of a furnace of blazing fire; and (CN)what god is there who can rescue you from my hands?”

16 (CO)Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego replied to the king, “Nebuchadnezzar, we are not in need of an answer to give you concerning this matter. 17 If it be so, our (CP)God whom we serve is able to rescue us from the furnace of blazing fire; [bh]and (CQ)He will rescue us from your hand, O king. 18 (CR)But even if He does not, (CS)let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods nor worship the golden statue that you have set up.”

Daniel’s Friends Protected

19 Then Nebuchadnezzar was filled with (CT)wrath, and his facial expression was changed toward Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. He answered [bi]by giving orders to heat the furnace seven times more than it was usually heated. 20 And he ordered certain valiant warriors who were in his army to tie up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in order to throw them into the furnace of blazing fire. 21 Then these men were tied up in their (CU)trousers, their [bj]coats, their caps, and their other clothes, and were thrown into the middle of the furnace of blazing fire. 22 For this reason, because the king’s [bk]command was (CV)harsh and the furnace had been made extremely hot, the flame of the fire killed those men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. 23 But these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, (CW)fell into the middle of the furnace of blazing fire still tied up.

24 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astounded and stood up quickly; he said to his counselors, “Was it not three men that we threw bound into the middle of the fire?” They replied to the king, “Absolutely, O king.” 25 He responded, “Look! I see four men untied and (CX)walking about in the middle of the fire [bl]unharmed, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the (CY)gods!” 26 Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the door of the furnace of blazing fire; he said, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, come out, you servants of the (CZ)Most High God, and come here!” Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego (DA)came out of the middle of the fire. 27 The (DB)satraps, the prefects, the governors, and the king’s counselors gathered together and saw that the (DC)fire had no [bm]effect on [bn]the bodies of these men, nor was the hair of their heads singed, nor were their [bo](DD)trousers [bp]damaged, nor had even the smell of fire touched them.

28 Nebuchadnezzar responded and said, “Blessed be the (DE)God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, who has (DF)sent His angel and rescued His servants who put their (DG)trust in Him, [bq]violating the king’s command, and surrendered their bodies (DH)rather than serve or worship any god except their own God. 29 Therefore I (DI)make a decree that any people, nation, or population of any language that speaks anything offensive against the God of (DJ)Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego shall be torn limb from limb and their (DK)houses made a rubbish heap, because there is (DL)no other god who is able to save in this way.” 30 Then the king (DM)made Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego prosperous in the province of Babylon.


  1. Daniel 2:1 Lit dreamed dreams
  2. Daniel 2:1 Lit was gone upon him
  3. Daniel 2:2 Lit said to call
  4. Daniel 2:2 Probably master astrologers, diviners, etc., and so throughout the ch
  5. Daniel 2:2 Lit explain to
  6. Daniel 2:3 Lit dreamed
  7. Daniel 2:3 Lit was troubled
  8. Daniel 2:3 Lit know
  9. Daniel 2:4 The text is in Aramaic from here through 7:28
  10. Daniel 2:5 Another reading is is issued by me
  11. Daniel 2:5 Lit turned into limbs
  12. Daniel 2:8 See note 1 v 5
  13. Daniel 2:9 Or verdict
  14. Daniel 2:9 Lit word
  15. Daniel 2:9 Lit time
  16. Daniel 2:10 Lit before the
  17. Daniel 2:10 Lit of
  18. Daniel 2:11 Lit before
  19. Daniel 2:13 Or law
  20. Daniel 2:13 Lit be killed
  21. Daniel 2:14 Or executioners
  22. Daniel 2:21 Lit knowers of
  23. Daniel 2:24 Lit in before the king
  24. Daniel 2:25 Lit in before the king
  25. Daniel 2:25 Lit sons of the exile of
  26. Daniel 2:28 Lit end of the days
  27. Daniel 2:28 Lit of your head
  28. Daniel 2:29 Lit came up
  29. Daniel 2:29 Lit after this
  30. Daniel 2:30 Or through
  31. Daniel 2:30 Lit which is
  32. Daniel 2:30 Lit heart
  33. Daniel 2:31 Lit its radiance was extraordinary
  34. Daniel 2:31 Or dreadful
  35. Daniel 2:34 Lit were
  36. Daniel 2:35 Lit as one
  37. Daniel 2:37 Or sovereignty
  38. Daniel 2:41 Lit wet clay
  39. Daniel 2:43 Lit wet clay
  40. Daniel 2:43 Or with
  41. Daniel 2:43 Lit the seed of men
  42. Daniel 2:44 Or passed on to
  43. Daniel 2:45 Lit after this
  44. Daniel 2:48 Lit made Daniel great
  45. Daniel 2:48 Lit of the prefects
  46. Daniel 2:49 Lit gate
  47. Daniel 3:1 About 90 ft. high and 9 ft. wide or 27 m and 2.7 m
  48. Daniel 3:4 Lit they command
  49. Daniel 3:4 Lit tongues
  50. Daniel 3:5 Or zither
  51. Daniel 3:5 I.e., triangular lyre
  52. Daniel 3:5 Or a type of harp
  53. Daniel 3:7 See notes v 5
  54. Daniel 3:7 MT omits bagpipe
  55. Daniel 3:7 Lit tongues
  56. Daniel 3:8 Lit ate the pieces of
  57. Daniel 3:10 See notes v 5
  58. Daniel 3:15 See notes 1, 2, 3 v 5
  59. Daniel 3:15 Or in the same hour
  60. Daniel 3:17 Or then
  61. Daniel 3:19 Lit and ordered to
  62. Daniel 3:21 Or cloaks
  63. Daniel 3:22 Lit word
  64. Daniel 3:25 Lit there is no injury in them
  65. Daniel 3:27 Lit power over
  66. Daniel 3:27 Lit their
  67. Daniel 3:27 Or coats
  68. Daniel 3:27 Lit changed
  69. Daniel 3:28 Lit and changed the king’s word

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

In the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams;(A) his mind was troubled(B) and he could not sleep.(C) So the king summoned the magicians,(D) enchanters, sorcerers(E) and astrologers[a](F) to tell him what he had dreamed.(G) When they came in and stood before the king, he said to them, “I have had a dream that troubles(H) me and I want to know what it means.[b]

Then the astrologers answered the king,[c](I) “May the king live forever!(J) Tell your servants the dream, and we will interpret it.”

The king replied to the astrologers, “This is what I have firmly decided:(K) If you do not tell me what my dream was and interpret it, I will have you cut into pieces(L) and your houses turned into piles of rubble.(M) But if you tell me the dream and explain it, you will receive from me gifts and rewards and great honor.(N) So tell me the dream and interpret it for me.”

Once more they replied, “Let the king tell his servants the dream, and we will interpret it.”

Then the king answered, “I am certain that you are trying to gain time, because you realize that this is what I have firmly decided: If you do not tell me the dream, there is only one penalty(O) for you. You have conspired to tell me misleading and wicked things, hoping the situation will change. So then, tell me the dream, and I will know that you can interpret it for me.”(P)

10 The astrologers(Q) answered the king, “There is no one on earth who can do what the king asks! No king, however great and mighty, has ever asked such a thing of any magician or enchanter or astrologer.(R) 11 What the king asks is too difficult. No one can reveal it to the king except the gods,(S) and they do not live among humans.”

12 This made the king so angry and furious(T) that he ordered the execution(U) of all the wise men of Babylon. 13 So the decree was issued to put the wise men to death, and men were sent to look for Daniel and his friends to put them to death.(V)

14 When Arioch, the commander of the king’s guard, had gone out to put to death the wise men of Babylon, Daniel spoke to him with wisdom and tact. 15 He asked the king’s officer, “Why did the king issue such a harsh decree?” Arioch then explained the matter to Daniel. 16 At this, Daniel went in to the king and asked for time, so that he might interpret the dream for him.

17 Then Daniel returned to his house and explained the matter to his friends Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.(W) 18 He urged them to plead for mercy(X) from the God of heaven(Y) concerning this mystery,(Z) so that he and his friends might not be executed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. 19 During the night the mystery(AA) was revealed to Daniel in a vision.(AB) Then Daniel praised the God of heaven(AC) 20 and said:

“Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;(AD)
    wisdom and power(AE) are his.
21 He changes times and seasons;(AF)
    he deposes(AG) kings and raises up others.(AH)
He gives wisdom(AI) to the wise
    and knowledge to the discerning.(AJ)
22 He reveals deep and hidden things;(AK)
    he knows what lies in darkness,(AL)
    and light(AM) dwells with him.
23 I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors:(AN)
    You have given me wisdom(AO) and power,
you have made known to me what we asked of you,
    you have made known to us the dream of the king.(AP)

Daniel Interprets the Dream

24 Then Daniel went to Arioch,(AQ) whom the king had appointed to execute the wise men of Babylon, and said to him, “Do not execute the wise men of Babylon. Take me to the king, and I will interpret his dream for him.”

25 Arioch took Daniel to the king at once and said, “I have found a man among the exiles(AR) from Judah(AS) who can tell the king what his dream means.”

26 The king asked Daniel (also called Belteshazzar),(AT) “Are you able to tell me what I saw in my dream and interpret it?”

27 Daniel replied, “No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about,(AU) 28 but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries.(AV) He has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in days to come.(AW) Your dream and the visions that passed through your mind(AX) as you were lying in bed(AY) are these:(AZ)

29 “As Your Majesty was lying there, your mind turned to things to come, and the revealer of mysteries showed you what is going to happen.(BA) 30 As for me, this mystery has been revealed(BB) to me, not because I have greater wisdom than anyone else alive, but so that Your Majesty may know the interpretation and that you may understand what went through your mind.

31 “Your Majesty looked, and there before you stood a large statue—an enormous, dazzling statue,(BC) awesome(BD) in appearance. 32 The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay. 34 While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands.(BE) It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed(BF) them.(BG) 35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away(BH) without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain(BI) and filled the whole earth.(BJ)

36 “This was the dream, and now we will interpret it to the king.(BK) 37 Your Majesty, you are the king of kings.(BL) The God of heaven has given you dominion(BM) and power and might and glory; 38 in your hands he has placed all mankind and the beasts of the field and the birds in the sky. Wherever they live, he has made you ruler over them all.(BN) You are that head of gold.

39 “After you, another kingdom will arise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth.(BO) 40 Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron—for iron breaks and smashes everything—and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others.(BP) 41 Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. 42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. 43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

44 “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush(BQ) all those kingdoms(BR) and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.(BS) 45 This is the meaning of the vision of the rock(BT) cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands(BU)—a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces.

“The great God has shown the king what will take place in the future.(BV) The dream is true(BW) and its interpretation is trustworthy.”

46 Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell prostrate(BX) before Daniel and paid him honor and ordered that an offering(BY) and incense be presented to him. 47 The king said to Daniel, “Surely your God is the God of gods(BZ) and the Lord of kings(CA) and a revealer of mysteries,(CB) for you were able to reveal this mystery.(CC)

48 Then the king placed Daniel in a high(CD) position and lavished many gifts on him. He made him ruler over the entire province of Babylon and placed him in charge of all its wise men.(CE) 49 Moreover, at Daniel’s request the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego administrators over the province of Babylon,(CF) while Daniel himself remained at the royal court.(CG)

The Image of Gold and the Blazing Furnace

King Nebuchadnezzar made an image(CH) of gold, sixty cubits high and six cubits wide,[d] and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. He then summoned the satraps,(CI) prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the other provincial officials(CJ) to come to the dedication of the image he had set up. So the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the other provincial officials assembled for the dedication of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up, and they stood before it.

Then the herald loudly proclaimed, “Nations and peoples of every language,(CK) this is what you are commanded to do: As soon as you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp,(CL) pipe and all kinds of music, you must fall down and worship the image(CM) of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up.(CN) Whoever does not fall down and worship will immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace.”(CO)

Therefore, as soon as they heard the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp and all kinds of music, all the nations and peoples of every language fell down and worshiped the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up.(CP)

At this time some astrologers[e](CQ) came forward and denounced the Jews. They said to King Nebuchadnezzar, “May the king live forever!(CR) 10 Your Majesty has issued a decree(CS) that everyone who hears the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music must fall down and worship the image of gold,(CT) 11 and that whoever does not fall down and worship will be thrown into a blazing furnace. 12 But there are some Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of Babylon—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego(CU)—who pay no attention(CV) to you, Your Majesty. They neither serve your gods nor worship the image of gold you have set up.”(CW)

13 Furious(CX) with rage, Nebuchadnezzar summoned Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. So these men were brought before the king, 14 and Nebuchadnezzar said to them, “Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, that you do not serve my gods(CY) or worship the image(CZ) of gold I have set up? 15 Now when you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music, if you are ready to fall down and worship the image I made, very good. But if you do not worship it, you will be thrown immediately into a blazing furnace. Then what god(DA) will be able to rescue(DB) you from my hand?”

16 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego(DC) replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver(DD) us from it, and he will deliver(DE) us[f] from Your Majesty’s hand. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.(DF)

19 Then Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and his attitude toward them changed. He ordered the furnace heated seven(DG) times hotter than usual 20 and commanded some of the strongest soldiers in his army to tie up Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego(DH) and throw them into the blazing furnace. 21 So these men, wearing their robes, trousers, turbans and other clothes, were bound and thrown into the blazing furnace. 22 The king’s command was so urgent and the furnace so hot that the flames of the fire killed the soldiers who took up Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,(DI) 23 and these three men, firmly tied, fell into the blazing furnace.

24 Then King Nebuchadnezzar leaped to his feet in amazement and asked his advisers, “Weren’t there three men that we tied up and threw into the fire?”

They replied, “Certainly, Your Majesty.”

25 He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”

26 Nebuchadnezzar then approached the opening of the blazing furnace and shouted, “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, servants of the Most High God,(DJ) come out! Come here!”

So Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire, 27 and the satraps, prefects, governors and royal advisers(DK) crowded around them.(DL) They saw that the fire(DM) had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them.

28 Then Nebuchadnezzar said, “Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel(DN) and rescued(DO) his servants! They trusted(DP) in him and defied the king’s command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God.(DQ) 29 Therefore I decree(DR) that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut into pieces and their houses be turned into piles of rubble,(DS) for no other god can save(DT) in this way.”

30 Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the province of Babylon.(DU)


  1. Daniel 2:2 Or Chaldeans; also in verses 4, 5 and 10
  2. Daniel 2:3 Or was
  3. Daniel 2:4 At this point the Hebrew text has in Aramaic, indicating that the text from here through the end of chapter 7 is in Aramaic.
  4. Daniel 3:1 That is, about 90 feet high and 9 feet wide or about 27 meters high and 2.7 meters wide
  5. Daniel 3:8 Or Chaldeans
  6. Daniel 3:17 Or If the God we serve is able to deliver us, then he will deliver us from the blazing furnace and

Mejorad vuestros caminos y vuestras obras

Palabra de Jehová que vino a Jeremías, diciendo: Ponte a la puerta de la casa de Jehová, y proclama allí esta palabra, y di: Oíd palabra de Jehová, todo Judá, los que entráis por estas puertas para adorar a Jehová. Así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: Mejorad vuestros caminos y vuestras obras, y os haré morar en este lugar. No fiéis en palabras de mentira, diciendo: Templo de Jehová, templo de Jehová, templo de Jehová es este.

Pero si mejorareis cumplidamente vuestros caminos y vuestras obras; si con verdad hiciereis justicia entre el hombre y su prójimo, y no oprimiereis al extranjero, al huérfano y a la viuda, ni en este lugar derramareis la sangre inocente, ni anduviereis en pos de dioses ajenos para mal vuestro, os haré morar en este lugar, en la tierra que di a vuestros padres para siempre.

He aquí, vosotros confiáis en palabras de mentira, que no aprovechan. Hurtando, matando, adulterando, jurando en falso, e incensando a Baal, y andando tras dioses extraños que no conocisteis, 10 ¿vendréis y os pondréis delante de mí en esta casa sobre la cual es invocado mi nombre, y diréis: Librados somos; para seguir haciendo todas estas abominaciones? 11 ¿Es cueva de ladrones(A) delante de vuestros ojos esta casa sobre la cual es invocado mi nombre? He aquí que también yo lo veo, dice Jehová. 12 Andad ahora a mi lugar en Silo, donde hice morar mi nombre al principio, y ved lo que le hice por la maldad de mi pueblo Israel. 13 Ahora, pues, por cuanto vosotros habéis hecho todas estas obras, dice Jehová, y aunque os hablé desde temprano y sin cesar, no oísteis, y os llamé, y no respondisteis; 14 haré también a esta casa sobre la cual es invocado mi nombre, en la que vosotros confiáis, y a este lugar que di a vosotros y a vuestros padres, como hice a Silo.(B) 15 Os echaré de mi presencia, como eché a todos vuestros hermanos, a toda la generación de Efraín.

16 Tú, pues, no ores por este pueblo, ni levantes por ellos clamor ni oración, ni me ruegues; porque no te oiré. 17 ¿No ves lo que estos hacen en las ciudades de Judá y en las calles de Jerusalén? 18 Los hijos recogen la leña, los padres encienden el fuego, y las mujeres amasan la masa, para hacer tortas a la reina del cielo y para hacer ofrendas a dioses ajenos, para provocarme a ira. 19 ¿Me provocarán ellos a ira? dice Jehová. ¿No obran más bien ellos mismos su propia confusión? 20 Por tanto, así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: He aquí que mi furor y mi ira se derramarán sobre este lugar, sobre los hombres, sobre los animales, sobre los árboles del campo y sobre los frutos de la tierra; se encenderán, y no se apagarán.

Castigo de la rebelión de Judá

21 Así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: Añadid vuestros holocaustos sobre vuestros sacrificios, y comed la carne. 22 Porque no hablé yo con vuestros padres, ni nada les mandé acerca de holocaustos y de víctimas el día que los saqué de la tierra de Egipto. 23 Mas esto les mandé, diciendo: Escuchad mi voz, y seré a vosotros por Dios, y vosotros me seréis por pueblo; y andad en todo camino que os mande, para que os vaya bien. 24 Y no oyeron ni inclinaron su oído; antes caminaron en sus propios consejos, en la dureza de su corazón malvado, y fueron hacia atrás y no hacia adelante, 25 desde el día que vuestros padres salieron de la tierra de Egipto hasta hoy. Y os envié todos los profetas mis siervos, enviándolos desde temprano y sin cesar; 26 pero no me oyeron ni inclinaron su oído, sino que endurecieron su cerviz, e hicieron peor que sus padres.

27 Tú, pues, les dirás todas estas palabras, pero no te oirán; los llamarás, y no te responderán. 28 Les dirás, por tanto: Esta es la nación que no escuchó la voz de Jehová su Dios, ni admitió corrección; pereció la verdad, y de la boca de ellos fue cortada.

29 Corta tu cabello, y arrójalo, y levanta llanto sobre las alturas; porque Jehová ha aborrecido y dejado la generación objeto de su ira.

30 Porque los hijos de Judá han hecho lo malo ante mis ojos, dice Jehová; pusieron sus abominaciones en la casa sobre la cual fue invocado mi nombre, amancillándola. 31 Y han edificado los lugares altos de Tofet, que está en el valle del hijo de Hinom,(C) para quemar al fuego a sus hijos y a sus hijas,(D) cosa que yo no les mandé, ni subió en mi corazón. 32 Por tanto, he aquí vendrán días, ha dicho Jehová, en que no se diga más, Tofet, ni valle del hijo de Hinom, sino Valle de la Matanza; y serán enterrados en Tofet, por no haber lugar. 33 Y serán los cuerpos muertos de este pueblo para comida de las aves del cielo y de las bestias de la tierra; y no habrá quien las espante. 34 Y haré cesar de las ciudades de Judá, y de las calles de Jerusalén, la voz de gozo y la voz de alegría, la voz del esposo y la voz de la esposa;(E) porque la tierra será desolada.

En aquel tiempo, dice Jehová, sacarán los huesos de los reyes de Judá, y los huesos de sus príncipes, y los huesos de los sacerdotes, y los huesos de los profetas, y los huesos de los moradores de Jerusalén, fuera de sus sepulcros; y los esparcirán al sol y a la luna y a todo el ejército del cielo, a quienes amaron y a quienes sirvieron, en pos de quienes anduvieron, a quienes preguntaron, y ante quienes se postraron. No serán recogidos ni enterrados; serán como estiércol sobre la faz de la tierra. Y escogerá la muerte antes que la vida todo el resto que quede de esta mala generación, en todos los lugares adonde arroje yo a los que queden, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.

Message at the Temple Gate

The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, (A)Stand at the gate of the Lords house and proclaim there this word, and say, ‘Hear the word of the Lord, all you of Judah, who enter by these gates to worship the Lord!’” This is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel says: “(B)Amend your ways and your deeds, and I will let you live in this place. (C)Do not trust in deceptive words, saying, ‘[a]This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord.’ For (D)if you truly amend your ways and your deeds, if you truly (E)practice justice between a person and his neighbor, if you do not oppress the stranger, the [b](F)orphan, or the widow, and do not shed (G)innocent blood in this place, nor (H)follow other gods to your own ruin, then I will let you (I)live in this place, in the (J)land that I gave to your fathers forever and ever.

“Behold, you are trusting in (K)deceptive words to no avail. Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, [c](L)offer sacrifices to Baal, and follow (M)other gods that you have not known, 10 then (N)come and stand before Me in (O)this house which is called by My name, and say, ‘We are saved!’—so that you may do all these abominations? 11 Has (P)this house, which is called by My name, become a (Q)den of robbers in your sight? Behold, (R)I Myself have seen it,” declares the Lord.

12 “But go now to My place which was in (S)Shiloh, where I (T)made My name dwell at the beginning, and (U)see what I did to it because of the wickedness of My people Israel. 13 And now, because you have done all these things,” declares the Lord, “and I spoke to you, (V)speaking again and again, but you did not listen, and I (W)called you but you did not answer, 14 therefore I will do to the (X)house which is called by My name, (Y)in which you trust, and to the place which I gave you and your fathers, just as I (Z)did to Shiloh. 15 I will (AA)hurl you out of My sight, just as I have hurled out all your brothers, all the [d]descendants of (AB)Ephraim.

16 “As for you, (AC)do not pray for this people, and do not lift up a cry or prayer for them, and do not plead with Me; for I am not listening to you. 17 Do you not see what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 18 The [e]children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough to make sacrificial cakes for the queen of heaven; and they (AD)pour out drink offerings to other gods in order to (AE)provoke Me to anger. 19 (AF)Are they provoking Me?” declares the Lord. “Is it not themselves instead, to their [f]own (AG)shame?” 20 Therefore this is what the Lord [g]God says: “Behold, My (AH)anger and My wrath will be poured out on this place, on human and animal life, and on the (AI)trees of the field and the fruit of the ground; and it will burn and not be quenched.”

21 This is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel says: “Add your (AJ)burnt offerings to your sacrifices and (AK)eat flesh. 22 For I did not (AL)speak to your fathers, or command them on the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices. 23 But this is [h]what I commanded them, saying, ‘(AM)Obey My voice, and (AN)I will be your God, and you will be My people; and you shall walk [i]entirely in the way which I command you, so that it may (AO)go well for you.’ 24 Yet they (AP)did not obey or incline their ear, but walked by their own advice and in the stubbornness of their evil hearts, and they [j](AQ)went backward and not forward. 25 Since the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt until this day, I have (AR)sent you all My servants the prophets, sending them daily, again and again. 26 Yet they did not listen to Me or incline their ear, but (AS)stiffened their neck; they (AT)did more evil than their fathers.

27 “So you shall (AU)speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you; and you shall call to them, but they will (AV)not answer you. 28 And you shall say to them, ‘This is the nation that (AW)did not obey the voice of the Lord their God or accept discipline; [k](AX)trustworthiness has perished and has been eliminated from their mouth.

29 (AY)Cut off [l]your hair and throw it away,
And (AZ)take up a song of mourning on the bare heights;
For the Lord has (BA)rejected and forsaken
The generation of His wrath.’

30 For the sons of Judah have done that which is evil in My sight,” declares the Lord. “They have (BB)put their detestable things in the house which is called by My name, to defile it. 31 They have (BC)built the high places of Topheth, which is in the Valley of Ben-hinnom, to (BD)burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I (BE)did not command, and it did not come into My [m]mind.

32 (BF)Therefore, behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when it will no longer be called Topheth, or the Valley of Ben-hinnom, but the Valley of the Slaughter; for they will (BG)bury in Topheth [n]because there is no other place. 33 The (BH)dead bodies of this people will be food for the birds of the sky and for the animals of the earth; and no one will frighten them away. 34 Then I will (BI)eliminate from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride; for the (BJ)land will become a site of ruins.

The Sin and Treachery of Judah

“At that time,” declares the Lord, “they will (BK)bring out the bones of the kings of Judah, the bones of its leaders, the bones of the priests, the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem from their graves. They will spread them out to the sun, the moon, and to all the (BL)heavenly [o]lights, which they have loved, which they have served, which they have followed, which they have sought, and which they have worshiped. They will not be gathered (BM)nor buried; (BN)they will be like dung on the face of the ground. And (BO)death will be chosen rather than life by all the remnant that remains of this evil family, that remains in all the (BP)places to which I have driven them,” declares the Lord of armies.


  1. Jeremiah 7:4 Lit They are
  2. Jeremiah 7:6 Or fatherless
  3. Jeremiah 7:9 Or burn incense
  4. Jeremiah 7:15 Lit seed
  5. Jeremiah 7:18 Lit sons
  6. Jeremiah 7:19 Lit their faces’
  7. Jeremiah 7:20 Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord
  8. Jeremiah 7:23 Lit the word
  9. Jeremiah 7:23 Lit in all the way
  10. Jeremiah 7:24 Lit were
  11. Jeremiah 7:28 Or faithfulness
  12. Jeremiah 7:29 Lit your crown
  13. Jeremiah 7:31 Lit heart
  14. Jeremiah 7:32 Or until there is no place left
  15. Jeremiah 8:2 Lit host

False Religion Worthless

This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: “Stand(A) at the gate of the Lord’s house and there proclaim this message:

“‘Hear the word of the Lord, all you people of Judah who come through these gates to worship the Lord. This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Reform your ways(B) and your actions, and I will let you live(C) in this place. Do not trust(D) in deceptive(E) words and say, “This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord!” If you really change(F) your ways and your actions and deal with each other justly,(G) if you do not oppress(H) the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow and do not shed innocent blood(I) in this place, and if you do not follow other gods(J) to your own harm, then I will let you live in this place, in the land(K) I gave your ancestors(L) for ever and ever. But look, you are trusting(M) in deceptive(N) words that are worthless.

“‘Will you steal(O) and murder,(P) commit adultery(Q) and perjury,[a](R) burn incense to Baal(S) and follow other gods(T) you have not known, 10 and then come and stand(U) before me in this house,(V) which bears my Name, and say, “We are safe”—safe to do all these detestable things?(W) 11 Has this house,(X) which bears my Name, become a den of robbers(Y) to you? But I have been watching!(Z) declares the Lord.

12 “‘Go now to the place in Shiloh(AA) where I first made a dwelling(AB) for my Name,(AC) and see what I did(AD) to it because of the wickedness of my people Israel. 13 While you were doing all these things, declares the Lord, I spoke(AE) to you again and again,(AF) but you did not listen;(AG) I called(AH) you, but you did not answer.(AI) 14 Therefore, what I did to Shiloh(AJ) I will now do to the house that bears my Name,(AK) the temple(AL) you trust in, the place I gave to you and your ancestors. 15 I will thrust you from my presence,(AM) just as I did all your fellow Israelites, the people of Ephraim.’(AN)

16 “So do not pray for this people nor offer any plea(AO) or petition for them; do not plead with me, for I will not listen(AP) to you. 17 Do you not see what they are doing in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 18 The children gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead the dough and make cakes to offer to the Queen of Heaven.(AQ) They pour out drink offerings(AR) to other gods to arouse(AS) my anger. 19 But am I the one they are provoking?(AT) declares the Lord. Are they not rather harming themselves, to their own shame?(AU)

20 “‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign(AV) Lord says: My anger(AW) and my wrath will be poured(AX) out on this place—on man and beast, on the trees of the field and on the crops of your land—and it will burn and not be quenched.(AY)

21 “‘This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Go ahead, add your burnt offerings to your other sacrifices(AZ) and eat(BA) the meat yourselves! 22 For when I brought your ancestors out of Egypt and spoke to them, I did not just give them commands(BB) about burnt offerings and sacrifices,(BC) 23 but I gave them this command:(BD) Obey(BE) me, and I will be your God and you will be my people.(BF) Walk in obedience to all(BG) I command you, that it may go well(BH) with you. 24 But they did not listen(BI) or pay attention;(BJ) instead, they followed the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts.(BK) They went backward(BL) and not forward. 25 From the time your ancestors left Egypt until now, day after day, again and again(BM) I sent you my servants(BN) the prophets.(BO) 26 But they did not listen to me or pay attention.(BP) They were stiff-necked(BQ) and did more evil than their ancestors.’(BR)

27 “When you tell(BS) them all this, they will not listen(BT) to you; when you call to them, they will not answer.(BU) 28 Therefore say to them, ‘This is the nation that has not obeyed the Lord its God or responded to correction.(BV) Truth(BW) has perished; it has vanished from their lips.

29 “‘Cut off(BX) your hair and throw it away; take up a lament(BY) on the barren heights, for the Lord has rejected and abandoned(BZ) this generation that is under his wrath.

The Valley of Slaughter

30 “‘The people of Judah have done evil(CA) in my eyes, declares the Lord. They have set up their detestable idols(CB) in the house that bears my Name and have defiled(CC) it. 31 They have built the high places of Topheth(CD) in the Valley of Ben Hinnom(CE) to burn their sons and daughters(CF) in the fire—something I did not command, nor did it enter my mind.(CG) 32 So beware, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when people will no longer call it Topheth or the Valley of Ben Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter,(CH) for they will bury(CI) the dead in Topheth until there is no more room. 33 Then the carcasses(CJ) of this people will become food(CK) for the birds and the wild animals, and there will be no one to frighten them away.(CL) 34 I will bring an end to the sounds(CM) of joy and gladness and to the voices of bride and bridegroom(CN) in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem,(CO) for the land will become desolate.(CP)

“‘At that time, declares the Lord, the bones of the kings and officials of Judah, the bones of the priests and prophets, and the bones(CQ) of the people of Jerusalem will be removed(CR) from their graves. They will be exposed to the sun and the moon and all the stars of the heavens, which they have loved and served(CS) and which they have followed and consulted and worshiped.(CT) They will not be gathered up or buried,(CU) but will be like dung lying on the ground.(CV) Wherever I banish them,(CW) all the survivors of this evil nation will prefer death to life,(CX) declares the Lord Almighty.’


  1. Jeremiah 7:9 Or and swear by false gods