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11  Key ocslal, waja tziyˈxxit chˈin cyuˈna wiˈja, cuma cjawel nnimsaˈna chˈin nbiˈya. Ka at jun xjal nbint tuˈn juˈwa, jatzen jun xjalja nuk ntxˈujt, pero ntzkiˈna qˈuiyax chˈin cyuˈna wiˈja. Tisen jun mambaj cxeˈl tcˈojlaˈn tmeel tuˈn miˈn cub tzˈak naj tuj il te mitknaˈx tmaje, juˈ tzunj weya. Waja tzˈoc ncˈuˈja cyiˈja tuˈn cyela sak twitz Cristo, cuma o takˈ Dios weya tuˈn toc cyakˈa weya. Pero najkelen ncˈuˈja cyiˈja cyuˈnj ẍtakˈ t‑akˈanal Dios o chi pon cyxola te sbulte cyey. Cˈulel tuj cycˈuˈja tuˈn tẍtakˈbil lbaj e cub tiˈ Eva tuˈn tel t‑xooˈn tyol Dios. Tuj nwitza kape cyuyaxloy nchi cub sbuˈn, tuˈn miˈntl cheˈx lpey tiˈ Cristo tuya cykil cycˈuˈja bix tuya jun sakxix cyanema. Nipax ncˈuˈja cyiˈja. Kej ẍtakˈ xnakˈtzal nchi pon cyxola, tecˈaxtl cyyol tiˈj Jesús twitzj weya nyol, bix jacˈa tej n‑octltzen cybiˈna mas cyyol twitzj weya nyol. Bix n‑oc cybiˈna kej xjal jun wikxitl cynaabl twitzj t‑xnakˈtzbil Espíritu Santo e cyaj nkˈoˈna cyuyey. Bix n‑oc cybiˈna jun wikxitl xnakˈtzbil twitzj baˈn tpocbal colbil ke e xiˈ nkbaˈna cyey nejl. Jaj weya nyol cˈoquelxix cybiˈna, cuma tuj nwitza yaaˈn cubnin kena cywitz kej tzin cykbaˈn jawnex t‑xel Jesúske. Kape jax min txiˈ nkˈumena tuya jun jawnex yol, pero o kˈoj te weya tuˈn tel nniˈya tiˈj nim, bix nim maj o txiˈ nyeecˈana jlu te cyey.

¿Tuˈn tikentzen mintiiˈ baˈn wajbeˈneya cyey jaˈlewe? ¿Kaˈpa tuj cywitza cubninxse in temana cyxola tuˈnj wakˈanana tuya nkˈaba tuˈn witzˈja, tuˈntzen cyxiˈ wonena tiˈj jun cychunkˈlala mas baˈn? ¿Chin elelpa cyiiqˈuena tuˈn min e nkaniya twiˈ ncˈuˈja cyey tej t‑xiˈ nkbaˈna tyol Dios cyey? ¿Kaˈpa tuj cywitza e wiikˈa chˈin onbil weya cyuˈn cabtl ocslal te nakch tuj cabtl tnom, amale mint in akˈanana te cye, nuk tuˈn ntena te kbalte tyol Dios te cyey? Tej ntena cyxola, cyiw chˈin tuˈn witzˈja, pero mintiiˈ onbil weya oc nkanena te mi jun cyey. Tej cypon ke ocslal te Macedonia te cyeyˈlte weya tej ntena cyxola tuj Corinto, e cyaj cykˈoˈn nim onbil weya tuˈn witzˈja, tuˈntzen mintiiˈ il tiˈj tuˈn t‑xiˈ nkˈoˈna jun iktz cyibaja tuˈn woc cycˈaˈchina. Bix mintiiˈ cnkaniya. 10 Ttzkiˈn Cristo jax wuˈna miˈn chin kaniya cyey chojbil weya. Tuj cykilca tcwentel Acaya min‑al jun cyey baˈn tjaw tnicˈan wiˈja ka nchin kanena pwak. 11 Pero ojtzen ncyˈiya wiikˈa cypwaka, ¿tzimpa nyeecˈana ka min tzˈoc cyakˈa weya? ¡Min! Ttzkiˈn Dios n‑oc cyakˈa weya.

12 Pero il tiˈj tuˈn miˈn wiikˈa cypwaka, tuˈntzen cyweˈ jẍtakˈ xnakˈtzal cyyolen ka nchi akˈanana tuj taakˈen Dios tisenj weya. Cyaj tuˈn wiikˈenteya twiˈ ncˈuˈja, tuˈntzen cyel junx tuj taakˈen Dios wuyena tuj cywitz xjal. 13 Nxiˈ cykbaˈn ejeeˈ t‑xel Cristo tisen inayena, pero nuk ten cyuˈn. Oj nxiˈ cykbaˈn smaˈnke tuˈn Cristo, ncubtzen cyyaaˈn ejeeˈy. 14 Miˈn chi jaw kleeˈy tiˈj yaal xjalke, cuma jax juˈx taaw il n‑oc tisen jun t‑ángel Dios tuj cyaˈj te sbulte cye xjal. 15 Ka taaw il, ja Satanás, nsbun xjal tuya cyeca tyol, jax juˈx pjel cyej kej ncheˈx lpe tiˈj taaw il. Chi chicˈajaxel tisenj jaxxix t‑akˈanal Dios, pero ccyiikˈel cycastiwa, laˈ niyˈ chˈin kaˈ otk bint cyuˈn.

Nim qˈuixcˈaj iyˈx tuˈn Pablo nuk tuˈnj t‑xel Jesús

16 Key hermano, cxeˈl ncubsaˈn nwitz cyey juntl maj. Miˈn cub cybisena wiˈja inayena jun xjal min tzˈel nniˈya tiˈj, amale njawet nnimsan wiiba cywitza. Pero katzen tuj cywitza nuk nchin txˈujta, cykˈoˈnctzen cycˈuˈja tiˈ nyola, tisen o tzˈoc cybiˈna cyyol kej ẍtakˈ t‑akˈanal Dios nuk nchi txˈujt. 17 Yaaˈn njaw tniman te Kaaw tiib tisen jun xjal nuk ntxˈujt. Pero yal weya, cxeˈl nkbaˈna cyey cykilcaj baˈn o bint wuˈna, tisen jun xjal nuk ntxˈujt. 18 Kej ẍtakˈ akˈanal tiˈ tyol Dios njaw cyocsabla cyiib tisen nbint cyuˈn xjal te twitz txˈotxˈ. Juˈ tzunj jaxse juˈx weya cxeˈl nkbaˈna ka jun jawnex xjal kena, tuˈntzen jax juˈx chin oquel cybiˈna. 19 N‑eˈla tuj cywitza nim baˈn cyuˈna, pero tuya cykil cycˈuˈja n‑oc cybiˈna cyyol kej xjal nuk nchi txˈujt. 20 Cyey o cyiikˈa kej ẍtakˈ t‑akˈanal Dios, kej cyaj chi cawel cyibaja, bix n‑el cyiiˈn cypwaka, bix tuˈn ẍtakˈbil cyyol nbint cyuˈn tuˈn chebe chebe tuˈn cyajbeˈna te cye, bix tzin cykbaˈn mintiiˈ cyajbela cywitz, bix n‑oc cylokan yol cywitza. 21 Katzen il tiˈj tuˈn jun t‑xel Jesús tuˈn tbint juˈwa tuˈn t‑xiˈ tyeecˈan at nim tipemal, attzele nchˈixewa tiˈj, cuma min o bint wuˈna juˈwa.

Pero amale mint o bint cykilj lu wuˈna, pero jaxsele cjawel wiiˈn chˈin wiiba, cuma amatzele cykbaˈte ejeeˈ jawnex, pero inayena yaaˈn jun t‑akˈanal Dios mas cubnin kena cywitz.

22 Nbaj cyniman cyiibxin cuma aj hebreokexin. Jax juˈx weya aj hebreo kena. Bix nbaj cyniman cyiibxin cuma tiyˈjil Israelkexin. Jax juˈx weya tiyˈjil Israel kena. Bix tzin cykbaˈnxin tiyˈjil Abrahamkexin. Jax juˈx weya tiyˈjil Abraham kena. 23 Tzin cykbaˈnxin nchi ajbenxin te Cristo, pero weya mas nchin ajbena te Cristo. Amale txˈuˈj xjalet kena tuj cywitza, pero cjawelx wiin wiiba mas. O chin akˈanana bix o tziyˈx qˈuixcˈaj wuˈna tuj taakˈen Cristo mas twitzj cyexin. Mas o chin oca tuj tzeeˈ nuk tiˈ tyol Dios. Mlay bint tajlaj jteˈ maj o chin pjeta cyuˈn xjal. Bix nim maj o tzˈel wiˈja tuˈn ncyima. 24 Jweˈ maj e xiˈ tzˈuˈn wiˈja cyuˈn judío. Winaklaaj tuya beljaj tzˈuˈn e xiˈ wiˈja jaca maj. 25 Bix oxe maj in pjeta tuya tzeeˈ cyuˈn xjal te Roma. Bix jun maj oc tz̈itj ke xjal te xol xak wiˈja tuˈn ncuba. Tuj taakˈen Cristo oxe maj in xiˈya tuj aˈ tej tcub xitj barc tuj mar, bix at jun maj in cyaja jun kˈij tuya jun akˈbil tuj aˈ. Twitz tzlom in beteya tuˈn njawela ttziiˈ aˈ. 26 Bix tej wiˈya cyuj tnom te kbalte tpocbal Jesús, at jaaˈ in iˈya cyuj nimaˈ xobajilxsen tuˈn wiˈya cyuj. Bix chˈima maj el wiˈja cyuˈn alakˈ tuj be. Bix tuj cykilca tnom in yasja cyuˈn xjal judío, bix juˈx cyuˈn ke xjal yaaˈn judío. Nim oc kˈojl ke xjal wiˈja cyuj tnom, bix juˈx tiyˈ tuj cˈul bix tuj mar oc qˈuixcˈaj weya. Bix at maj ejeeˈ ocslal yaaˈn jaxxix n‑el cyiiˈn tipemal waakˈena. 27 Nimxsen in sicta tuj taakˈen Dios. At maj min in wutana. At maj in cyima tuˈn weyaj bix tuˈn takˈ aˈ wiˈja, cuma mintiiˈ nwaya e cnet bix mintiiˈ aˈ. At maj at takˈ cheˈw wiˈja, bix yaaˈn nimxix nxbalena kˈiˈn wuˈna. 28 Bix yaaˈn nuk oˈcx iyˈx qˈuixcˈaj tuˈn nxumlala. Jax juˈx tuˈn tkˈakˈbil ncˈuˈja nipax wanema jaca kˈij cyiˈ ocslal tuj cykilca tnom. 29 Ka at juun ocslal yaaˈn cyiw eteˈ tuj cyocslabl, biˈx nchin bisena tiˈj. Bix ka at jun ocslal ma cub tzˈak tuj il tuˈn t‑xmoxbil juntl ocslal, tzultzen nkˈoja tiˈj.

30 Key hermano, at il tiˈj tuˈn tjaw nnimsan chˈin wiiba. Pero nuk nchin yolena tiˈj tikˈch qˈuixcˈaj o tziyˈx wuˈna tuj taakˈen Dios, tuˈn tchicˈajax yaaˈn jawnex kena. 31 Kman Dios, Tman Kaaw Jesús, niman tbixin kuˈn te junx maj, ttzkiˈnxin alcyej tzin nkbaˈna tiˈj o baj wiˈja yaaˈn nẍtakˈbila. 32 Bix jax juˈx ttzkiˈn Dios tiˈ jun chˈixbajil e baj weya tuj tnom te Damasco. Tej ntena tuj Damasco, at junxin gobernador otk tzˈocx tkˈoˈn jxin rey Aretas. Tcyˈixin tuˈn wakˈanana tuj taakˈen Dios. Juˈ tzunj ja tzunj xin gobernador e cub kˈonte soldado tuj cykilca ttziiˈ tapya toc tiˈ tnom te xmuklte weya, tuˈntzen ntzyeta cyuˈnxin tej wetza tuj Damasco. 33 Tuˈntzen wetza tuj tnom, tuj ewjel in ex kˈoˈna cyuˈn wuyena tuj jun ventan te tapya nakchxsen tjawen, bixsen e cuˈx cyxtunen inayena tiˈjxe tapya tuj jun chiˈl, bix juˈtzen in eˈleya libre tuj tkˈab gobernador.

Paul and the False Apostles

11 I hope you will put up with(A) me in a little foolishness.(B) Yes, please put up with me! I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband,(C) to Christ, so that I might present you(D) as a pure virgin to him. But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning,(E) your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached,(F) or if you receive a different spirit(G) from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel(H) from the one you accepted, you put up with it(I) easily enough.

I do not think I am in the least inferior to those “super-apostles.”[a](J) I may indeed be untrained as a speaker,(K) but I do have knowledge.(L) We have made this perfectly clear to you in every way. Was it a sin(M) for me to lower myself in order to elevate you by preaching the gospel of God(N) to you free of charge?(O) I robbed other churches by receiving support from them(P) so as to serve you. And when I was with you and needed something, I was not a burden to anyone, for the brothers who came from Macedonia supplied what I needed.(Q) I have kept myself from being a burden to you(R) in any way, and will continue to do so. 10 As surely as the truth of Christ is in me,(S) nobody in the regions of Achaia(T) will stop this boasting(U) of mine. 11 Why? Because I do not love you? God knows(V) I do!(W)

12 And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about. 13 For such people are false apostles,(X) deceitful(Y) workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.(Z) 14 And no wonder, for Satan(AA) himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.(AB)

Paul Boasts About His Sufferings

16 I repeat: Let no one take me for a fool.(AC) But if you do, then tolerate me just as you would a fool, so that I may do a little boasting. 17 In this self-confident boasting I am not talking as the Lord would,(AD) but as a fool.(AE) 18 Since many are boasting in the way the world does,(AF) I too will boast.(AG) 19 You gladly put up with(AH) fools since you are so wise!(AI) 20 In fact, you even put up with(AJ) anyone who enslaves you(AK) or exploits you or takes advantage of you or puts on airs or slaps you in the face. 21 To my shame I admit that we were too weak(AL) for that!

Whatever anyone else dares to boast about—I am speaking as a fool—I also dare to boast about.(AM) 22 Are they Hebrews? So am I.(AN) Are they Israelites? So am I.(AO) Are they Abraham’s descendants? So am I.(AP) 23 Are they servants of Christ?(AQ) (I am out of my mind to talk like this.) I am more. I have worked much harder,(AR) been in prison more frequently,(AS) been flogged more severely,(AT) and been exposed to death again and again.(AU) 24 Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes(AV) minus one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods,(AW) once I was pelted with stones,(AX) three times I was shipwrecked,(AY) I spent a night and a day in the open sea, 26 I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my fellow Jews,(AZ) in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city,(BA) in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers.(BB) 27 I have labored and toiled(BC) and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food;(BD) I have been cold and naked. 28 Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches.(BE) 29 Who is weak, and I do not feel weak?(BF) Who is led into sin,(BG) and I do not inwardly burn?

30 If I must boast, I will boast(BH) of the things that show my weakness.(BI) 31 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, who is to be praised forever,(BJ) knows(BK) that I am not lying. 32 In Damascus the governor under King Aretas had the city of the Damascenes guarded in order to arrest me.(BL) 33 But I was lowered in a basket from a window in the wall and slipped through his hands.(BM)


  1. 2 Corinthians 11:5 Or to the most eminent apostles