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24 Then HaKetz when Moshiach gives over the Malchut Hashem to G-d, even Elohim Avinu (Dan 2:44; 7:13 14,27), after He has abolished all Mishrah and Shilton and Gevurah.

25 For it is necessary for Moshiach to reign until Hashem puts all His OYVIM ("enemies") under His RAGLAYIM ("feet," TEHILLIM 110:1). [YESHAYAH 9:7; 52:7]

26 The last Oyev (Enemy) to be abolished is Mavet.

27 For KOL HASHEM put TACHAT RAGLAV ("All things He subjected under His feet" TEHILLIM 8:7[6]) but when He says that KOL (“all things”) have been subjected, it is peshat (plain, literal) that this does not include the One [Hashem] who put all things in subjection under Moshiach.

28 But, when all things are subjected to Hashem, then also the Ben HaElohim [Moshiach] himself will be subjected to the One (Hashem) having subjected all things under him (Moshiach), that in all things G-d may be all [i.e., preeminent].

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