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16 For which thing we fail not, for though [but though] our outer man be corrupted; nevertheless the inner man is renewed from day to day.

17 But that light thing [light, or easy, thing] of our tribulation that lasteth now, but as it were by a moment, worketh in us over measure an everlasting burden into the highness of glory [worketh over manner, or measure, into highness the everlasting weight of glory in us];

18 while that we behold not those things that be seen, but those [things] that be not seen. For those things that be seen, be but during for a short time; but those things that be not seen, be everlasting[a].

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  1. 2 Corinthians 4:18 Soothly those things that be seen, be temporal, or during but short time; forsooth those things that be not seen, be eternal, or everlasting