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10 But we will praise these godly men,
    whose righteous deeds have never been forgotten.
11 Their reputations will be passed on to their descendants,
    and this will be their inheritance.[a]
12 Their descendants continue to keep the covenant
    and always will, because of what their ancestors did.
13 Their family line will go on forever,
    and their fame will never fade.
14 Their bodies were laid to rest,
    but their reputations will live forever.
15 Nations will tell about their wisdom,
    and God's people will praise them.


16 (A)Enoch pleased the Lord and was taken up into heaven. He became an inspiration for repentance for all time to come.


17 (B)Noah was a perfectly righteous man. After destruction came, he gave the human race a new start.[b] Because of him there were people left on earth when the flood was over. 18 The Lord made an eternal covenant with him, promising that life would never again be destroyed by a flood.


19 (C)Abraham was the great ancestor of many nations; his reputation was faultless.[c] 20 He kept the Law of the Most High and made a covenant with him, a covenant marked on his body. When he was put to the test, he was found faithful. 21 And so the Lord made him a solemn promise that his descendants would be a blessing to the world; that their number would be countless, like the dust of the earth; that they would be honored more than any other people on earth; and that their land would extend from sea to sea, from the Euphrates to the ends of the earth.

Isaac and Jacob

22-23 (D)The Lord renewed that covenant with Isaac, and then again with Jacob, repeating the promise that Abraham's descendants would be a blessing to the whole human race. The Lord assured Jacob that he would bless him; he gave him the land that would be his, dividing it into twelve parts, one for each of the tribes.


45 (E)From Jacob's descendants the Lord raised up a godly man who won the favor of everyone, loved by God and people alike. This man was Moses, whose very memory is a blessing. The Lord made him as glorious as the angels and made his enemies fear him. There in Egypt at his command the disaster struck.[d] The Lord made kings hold him in respect. The Lord gave him his commands for his people and showed him the dazzling light of his presence. The Lord chose Moses out of the whole human race and consecrated him because of his loyalty and humility. He let him hear his voice and led him into the dark cloud, where, face-to-face, he gave him the commandments, the Law that gives life and knowledge, so that Moses might teach the covenant regulations to the Israelites.


(F)The Lord raised up Aaron, a holy man like his brother Moses, of the tribe of Levi. (G)He made an eternal covenant with him, giving him the privilege of serving as priest to the Lord's people. He honored him by clothing him with magnificent robes and fine ornaments, perfect in their splendor. He granted him the symbols of authority: the linen shorts, the shirt, and the robe with the pomegranates around the hem. Gold bells were also around its hem, so that when he walked, their ringing would be heard in the Temple, and the Lord would remember his people. 10 The Lord gave Aaron the sacred robe with the gold, blue, and purple embroidery; the breastpiece with the Urim and Thummim;[e] 11 the red yarn, spun by an expert; the precious stones with names engraved on them, mounted in a gold setting by a jeweler, placed on the breastpiece to remind the Lord of the twelve tribes of Israel. 12 He gave him the turban with the gold ornament engraved with the words

Dedicated to the Lord. It was expertly crafted, a beautiful work of art, and it was a high honor to wear it. 13 Before Aaron's time such beautiful things were never seen. No one but Aaron and his descendants ever wore them, or ever will. 14 The grain offering is to be presented twice a day and burned completely.

15 (H)Moses ordained Aaron to office by pouring the sacred anointing oil over his head. An eternal covenant was made with him and his descendants, that they would serve the Lord as his priests and bless the people in the Lord's name. 16 The Lord chose Aaron out of the whole human race to offer sacrifices, to burn fragrant incense to remind the Lord of his people, and to take away their sins. 17 He entrusted the commandments to Aaron's keeping and gave him the authority to make legal decisions and to teach Israel the Law.

18 (I)Once, while the people were in the wilderness, an angry group of jealous outsiders conspired against Moses. These were Dathan, Abiram, and Korah with their supporters. 19 The Lord saw what they were doing and became angry, so furious that he performed a miracle and destroyed them in a blazing fire. 20 Then he rewarded Aaron again, giving him a special honor: the right to the offerings of the first produce, so that the priests should have enough to eat. 21 Their food is the sacrifices offered to the Lord; the Lord gave this to Aaron and his descendants. 22 (J)But Aaron, unlike the rest of the people, was to inherit no land, no special portion of his own. The Lord himself would be all he needed.


23 (K)Only Moses and Aaron were more famous for their intense devotion to the Lord than Phinehas son of Eleazar. He brought about forgiveness for Israel's sin by standing firm in brave determination when everyone else was in rebellion. 24 And so the Lord made a covenant with him, valid for all time to come, that he should be in charge of the sanctuary and of his people, that he and his descendants should hold the office of High Priest forever. 25 Unlike the covenant made with David son of Jesse, from the tribe of Judah, where the kingship passed only from father to son, the priesthood was to pass from Aaron to all his descendants.

26 Now praise the Lord, who is good, who has crowned you with glory![f] May he give you wisdom to judge his people fairly, so that their success and your authority[g] may continue for all time to come.


46 (L)Joshua[h] son of Nun was a great soldier and the next of the prophets after Moses. He lived up to the meaning of his name as the great deliverer of the Lord's chosen people. He defeated the enemies that attacked them, so that Israel could claim its land. How magnificent it was when he raised his arm and then led the attacks on the cities! No one could stand up to him;[i] he was fighting a holy war for the Lord. Remember how he held back the sun and made one day as long as two? When his enemies were threatening him from every side, he prayed to the mighty Lord Most High, and his prayer was answered with a hailstorm of devastating force. The Lord hurled the hail down on the enemy[j] and destroyed them at the pass at Beth Horon, so that the nations would realize how strong Joshua was, since he was fighting as a devoted follower of the Lord.


(M)Joshua was loyal as long as Moses lived, both he and Caleb son of Jephunneh. They stood up to the whole community, made them stop their ungrateful complaining, and kept them from sinning. Out of the 600,000 Israelites who marched through the wilderness, these two were the only ones spared and allowed to enter the rich and fertile land that was to be theirs. The Lord made Caleb strong, and when he was an old man, he was still strong enough to go up into the hill country and capture it for himself and his descendants. 10 Then all of Israel could see how good it is to follow the Lord.

The Judges

11 (N)Then there were the judges, each of them famous in their own right, who never fell into idolatry and never abandoned the Lord. 12 May their memory be honored! May these whom we honor spring from the grave to new life in their descendants!


13 (O)Samuel was loved by the Lord. As the Lord's prophet he established the kingdom and appointed rulers for the people. 14 He judged the nation in accordance with the Law of the Lord, and the Lord protected Israel. 15 Because Samuel was faithful, he was accepted as a true prophet. People trusted him as a seer because of his words. 16 When his enemies were threatening him from every side, he called upon the mighty Lord and offered him a young lamb as a sacrifice. 17 Then the Lord thundered from heaven with a mighty roar 18 and destroyed all the enemy[k] rulers of Philistia. 19 When Samuel was about to die, he gave assurances before the Lord and the anointed king that he had never taken anyone's property, not even so much as a pair of shoes, and no one contradicted him. 20 Even after he died, he prophesied to King Saul how he would die. Out of the grave he spoke as a prophet, to blot out his people's wickedness.


47 (P)After him came Nathan, who was a prophet at the time of David.


(Q)As the choice fat portion of the fellowship offering is reserved for the Lord, so David was chosen from among the Israelites. He played with lions and bears as if they were lambs or little goats. When he was still a boy, he killed a giant to rescue his people. He put a stone in his sling, took aim, and put an end to Goliath's bragging. He prayed to the Lord, the Most High, and was given the strength to kill that famous soldier, so that the nations would have respect for the power of his people. The people honored him for killing his tens of thousands, and when he was crowned king, they praised him for being chosen by the Lord. He wiped out all his enemies and permanently crushed the Philistines, so that they never again became a threat.

In everything David did, he gave thanks and praise to the Holy Lord, the Most High. He loved his Creator and sang praises to him with all his heart. He put singers at the altar to provide beautiful music. 10 He set the times of the festivals throughout the year and made them splendid occasions; the Temple rang with the Lord's praises all day long. 11 The Lord forgave David's sin and established his power forever. He made a covenant with him that he and his descendants would reign in splendor over Israel.


12 David prepared the way well for his son, a wise man, to rule after him. 13 (R)There was no war while Solomon was king. God gave him peace on all his borders, so that he could build for the Lord a Temple which would stand forever. 14 How wise you were, Solomon, when you were young! Your knowledge was like the Nile[l] in flood. 15 Your influence reached over all the world; your proverbs and riddles were known everywhere. 16 You were famous everywhere, and people loved you for bringing peace. 17 Nations around the world held you in admiration for your songs, proverbs, parables, and witty sayings. 18 (S)You gathered silver and gold as if it were tin or lead, all in the name of the Lord God of Israel.

19 (T)But your lust for women was your downfall. 20 You stained your reputation and that of your descendants. They suffered punishment for that foolishness of yours, which caused them so much grief. 21 (U)It divided the nation, and a rival kingdom arose in northern Israel. 22 (V)But the Lord will always be merciful and keep all his promises.[m] He will never destroy the descendants of David, whom he chose and who loved him. So for Israel's sake he allowed David's family to survive.

Rehoboam and Jeroboam

23 (W)Solomon followed his ancestors in death and left one of his sons to rule after him. This was Rehoboam, a man of little intelligence and great foolishness,[n] whose policies caused a rebellion.

There was also the unspeakable[o] Jeroboam, who led northern Israel in sinful ways. 24 His people became so sinful that they were exiled from their land. 25 They tried all kinds of wickedness until the Lord took vengeance on them.


48 (X)Then there arose the fiery prophet Elijah, whose words blazed like a torch. He brought a famine on the people, and many of them died because of his persistence. Speaking in the name of the Lord, he kept the rain from coming, and on three occasions he called down fire. Elijah, your miracles were marvelous! No one else can boast of such deeds! In the name of the Most High, you brought a dead man back to life. You brought a famous king down to sickness and death. At Sinai you heard the Lord rebuke you and declare his determination to punish his enemies. You anointed a king to be the instrument of that punishment, and a prophet to take your place. You were taken up to heaven in a fiery whirlwind, a chariot drawn by fiery horses. 10 The scripture says that you are ready to appear at the designated time,[p] to cool God's anger before it breaks out in fury; that you

will bring parents and children together again, and restore the tribes of Israel. 11 Fortunate are those who live to see you come, as well as those who have already died in love, for we too shall live.[q]


12 (Y)When Elijah was hidden by the whirlwind, Elisha was filled with his spirit. As long as he lived, he was not afraid of rulers, and they could not make him do as they wished. 13 (Z)Nothing was too hard for him. Even when he was dead, his body worked a miracle. 14 In life and in death he performed amazing miracles.

15 (AA)But in spite of all this, the people did not abandon their sinful ways until they were taken from their land as prisoners and scattered all over the world. This left the nation few in number, but those who remained were still ruled by the descendants of David. 16 Some of the people did what was pleasing to the Lord, but others committed sin after sin.


17 (AB)Hezekiah prepared his city to resist a siege and provided it with a water supply. He had a tunnel built through solid rock with iron tools and had cisterns built to hold the water. 18 (AC)During his reign Sennacherib attacked the city and sent his chief official from Lachish. He challenged Jerusalem and boasted arrogantly. 19 The people lost their courage and shook with fear; they were in pain, like a woman in labor. 20 (AD)But they prayed to the merciful Lord, the Holy One in heaven, who quickly answered their prayers and sent Isaiah to save them. 21 The Lord struck the Assyrian camp; his angel wiped them out. 22 Yes, Hezekiah did what was pleasing to the Lord and firmly followed the example of his ancestor David. This was what was commanded by the great prophet Isaiah, whose visions were trusted. 23 (AE)He made the sun move backward and lengthened the king's life. 24 He comforted the mourners in Jerusalem. His powerful spirit looked into the future, 25 and he predicted what was to happen before the end of time, hidden things that had not yet occurred.


49 (AF)The memory of Josiah is as sweet as the fragrance of expertly blended incense, sweet as honey to the taste,[r] like music with wine at a banquet. He followed the correct policy of reforming the nation and removed the horrors of idolatry. He was completely loyal to the Lord and strengthened true religion in those wicked times.


All the kings, except David, Hezekiah, and Josiah, were terrible sinners, because they abandoned the Law of the Most High to the very end of the kingdom.[s] They surrendered their power and honor to foreigners, (AG)who set fire to the holy city and left its streets deserted, just as Jeremiah had predicted. Jeremiah had been badly treated, even though he was chosen as a prophet before he was born,

to uproot and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, but also
to build and to plant.


(AH)It was Ezekiel who was shown the vision of the divine glory over the chariot and the living creatures. He also referred to the prophet Job, who always did the right thing.[t]

The Twelve Prophets

10 May the bones of the twelve prophets rise to new life, because these men encouraged the people of Israel and saved them with confident hope.

Zerubbabel and Joshua

11 (AI)How can we praise Zerubbabel? He was like a signet ring on the Lord's right hand, 12 (AJ)as was Joshua son of Jehozadak. They rebuilt the Lord's holy Temple, destined for eternal fame.


13 (AK)The memory of Nehemiah is also great. He rebuilt the ruined walls of Jerusalem, installing the gates and bars. He rebuilt our homes.

The Patriarchs

14 No one else like Enoch has ever walked the face of the earth, for he was taken up from the earth. 15 No one else like Joseph has ever been born;[u] even his bones were honored.[v] 16 Shem, Seth, and Enosh[w] were highly honored, but Adam's glory was above that of any other living being.

Simon Son of Onias

50 The greatest of his brothers and the pride of his people[x] was the High Priest Simon son of Onias, who repaired the Temple and laid the foundation for the high double wall and the fortifications of the Temple.[y] The reservoir, as big as the bronze tank, was dug[z] while he was in office. He made plans to protect his people from attack and fortified the city so that it could withstand a siege.

How glorious he was when he came out of the Most Holy Place![aa] He was like the morning star shining through the clouds, like the full moon, like the sun shining on the Temple of the Most High, like the rainbow gleaming in glory against the clouds, like roses in springtime, like lilies beside a stream, like the cedars of Lebanon in summer, like burning incense, like a cup made of hammered gold and decorated with all kinds of jewels, 10 like an olive tree loaded with fruit, like a cypress tree towering into the clouds.

11 When Simon put on his magnificent robe and went up to the holy altar dressed in perfect splendor, he made the Temple courtyard a majestic sight. 12 When the priests handed him the portions of the sacrifice as he stood beside the altar with his assistants circling him like a wreath, he was like a young cedar of Lebanon surrounded by palm trees. 13 Those were the descendants of Aaron in their splendid garments, standing before the whole assembly of Israel, holding in their hands the offering made to the Lord. 14 When he had finished the service at the altar and had arranged the sacrifice to the Most High, the Almighty, 15 he reached for a cup and poured out sweet-smelling wine at the foot of the altar as an offering to the Most High, the universal King. 16 Then the priests shouted and blew their trumpets of hammered silver. They made a loud noise that the Most High would hear. 17 All the people immediately bowed down with their faces to the ground to worship their Lord, the Almighty, the Most High. 18 Then the choir began to sing his praises, and the beautiful music rang out. 19 The people kept praying to the merciful Lord Most High until the service of worship had come to a close. 20 (AL)Then Simon came down from the altar, raised his hands over the whole assembly of Israel, and reverently pronounced the blessing from the Lord, 21 while the people bowed a second time in worship to receive that blessing from the Most High.


  1. Sirach 44:11 Verse 11 in Greek is unclear.
  2. Sirach 44:17 Hebrew gave...start; Greek was taken in exchange for the human race.
  3. Sirach 44:19 Hebrew his reputation was faultless; Greek there was no one like him in reputation.
  4. Sirach 45:3 Hebrew struck; Greek stopped.
  5. Sirach 45:10 urim and thummim: Two objects used by the priest to determine God's will; it is not known precisely how they were used.
  6. Sirach 45:26 Hebrew Now praise...glory; Greek does not have these words.
  7. Sirach 45:26 Probable Hebrew text and your authority; Greek unclear.
  8. Sirach 46:1 joshua: This name in Hebrew means the Lord saves.
  9. Sirach 46:3 Hebrew no him; Greek No one before had ever been so brave.
  10. Sirach 46:6 Probable text The Lord hurled...enemy; Greek unclear.
  11. Sirach 46:18 Hebrew enemy; Greek rulers of Tyre and.
  12. Sirach 47:14 Hebrew the Nile; Greek a river.
  13. Sirach 47:22 Hebrew keep all his promises; Greek will not destroy what he made.
  14. Sirach 47:23 Hebrew great foolishness; Greek the people's fool.
  15. Sirach 47:23 Hebrew the unspeakable (one); Greek Jeroboam son of Nebat.
  16. Sirach 48:10 Hebrew you are...time; Greek unclear.
  17. Sirach 48:11 Verse 11 in Greek is unclear.
  18. Sirach 49:1 Hebrew to the taste; Greek to everyone.
  19. Sirach 49:4 Hebrew to the very end of the kingdom; Greek and failed.
  20. Sirach 49:9 Probable Hebrew text He also...thing; Greek unclear.
  21. Sirach 49:15 Greek adds the greatest of his brothers and the pride of his people; Hebrew and one ancient translation place these words in 50.1.
  22. Sirach 49:15 even...honored; or the Lord watched over his body.
  23. Sirach 49:16 Hebrew Shem, Seth, and Enosh; Greek Shem and Seth among people.
  24. Sirach 50:1 The greatest...people; Hebrew and one ancient translation place the words at this point; Greek places them at 49.15.
  25. Sirach 50:2 Verse 2 in Greek is unclear.
  26. Sirach 50:3 Hebrew dug; Greek reduced.
  27. Sirach 50:5 Hebrew Most Holy Place; Greek Most Holy Place among the people.

     51 Remember what our ancestors did and how much they accomplished in their day. Follow their example, and you will be rewarded with great glory and undying fame. 52 (A)Remember how Abraham put his trust in the Lord when he was tested and how the Lord was pleased with him and accepted him. 53 (B)Joseph, in his time of trouble, obeyed God's commands and became ruler over the land of Egypt. 54 Phinehas, our ancestor, because of his burning devotion, was given the promise that his descendants would always be priests. 55 (C)Joshua was made a judge in Israel because he obeyed the command of Moses. 56 Caleb brought back a good report to the community and was given a part of the land as a reward. 57 (D)David was made king and was given the promise that his descendants would always be kings because of his steadfast loyalty to God. 58 (E)Elijah, because of his great devotion to the Law, was taken up into heaven. 59 (F)Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael were saved from the flames because they had faith. 60 (G)Daniel was a man of integrity, and the Lord rescued him from the mouth of the lions. 61 Take each of these ancestors of ours as an example, and you will realize that no one who puts his trust in the Lord will ever lack strength. 62 Don't be afraid of the threats of a wicked man. Remember that he will die and all his splendor will end with worms feeding on his decaying body. 63 Today he may be highly honored, but tomorrow he will disappear; his body will return to the earth and his scheming will come to an end. 64 But you, my sons, be strong and courageous in defending the Law, because it is through the Law that you will earn great glory.

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