The Twelve Apostles

13 (A)And he went up on the mountain and called to him those (B)whom he desired, and they came to him. 14 (C)And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach 15 (D)and have authority to cast out demons.

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The Twelve Apostles

10 (A)And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction.

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Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles

(A)These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of (B)the Samaritans,

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(A)Acquire no gold or silver or copper for your belts, 10 no bag for your journey, or two tunics[a] or sandals or a staff, for (B)the laborer deserves his food. 11 And whatever town or village you enter, find out who is worthy in it and stay there until you depart. 12 As you enter the house, (C)greet it. 13 And if the house is (D)worthy, let (E)your peace come upon it, but if it is not worthy, let (F)your peace return to you. 14 And if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, (G)shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town.

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  1. Matthew 10:10 Greek chiton, a long garment worn under the cloak next to the skin

Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles

(A)And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases,

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(A)And he said to them, “Take nothing for your journey, (B)no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not have two tunics.[a] And whatever house you enter, stay there, and from there depart. And wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town (C)shake off the dust from your feet (D)as a testimony (E)against them.”

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  1. Luke 9:3 Greek chiton, a long garment worn under the cloak next to the skin

(A)Carry no moneybag, no knapsack, no sandals, and (B)greet no one on the road. Whatever house you enter, first say, (C)‘Peace be to this house!’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if not, (D)it will return to you. And remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they provide, for (E)the laborer deserves his wages. Do not go from house to house. Whenever you enter a town and they receive you, eat what is set before you. Heal the sick in it and say to them, (F)‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ 10 But whenever you enter a town and they do not receive you, go into its streets and say, 11 (G)‘Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet we wipe off against you. Nevertheless know this, that (H)the kingdom of God has come near.’

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Scripture Must Be Fulfilled in Jesus

35 And he said to them, (A)“When I sent you out with no moneybag or knapsack or sandals, did you lack anything?” They said, “Nothing.”

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