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The Second Dialogue(A)

15 1-2 Empty words, Job! Empty words!
No one who is wise would talk the way you do
    or defend himself with such meaningless words.
If you had your way, no one would fear God;
    no one would pray to him.
Your wickedness is evident by what you say;
    you are trying to hide behind clever words.
There is no need for me to condemn you;
    you are condemned by every word you speak.

Do you think you were the first person born?
    Were you there when God made the mountains?
Did you overhear the plans God made?
    Does human wisdom belong to you alone?
There is nothing you know that we don't know.
10 We learned our wisdom from gray-haired people—
    those born before your father.

11 God offers you comfort; why still reject it?
    We have spoken for him with calm, even words.
12 But you are excited and glare at us in anger.
13 You are angry with God and denounce him.

14 (B)Can any human being be really pure?
    Can anyone be right with God?
15 Why, God does not trust even his angels;
    even they are not pure in his sight.
16 And we drink evil as if it were water;
    yes, we are corrupt; we are worthless.

17 Now listen, Job, to what I know.
18 Those who are wise have taught me truths
    which they learned from their ancestors,
    and they kept no secrets hidden.
19 Their land was free from foreigners;
    there was no one to lead them away from God.

20 The wicked who oppress others
    will be in torment as long as they live.
21 Voices of terror will scream in their ears,
    and robbers attack when they think they are safe.
22 They have no hope of escaping from darkness,
    for somewhere a sword is waiting to kill them,
23     and vultures[a] are waiting[b] to eat their corpses.
They know their future is dark;
24     disaster, like a powerful king,
    is waiting to attack them.

25 That is the fate of those
    who shake their fists at God
    and defy the Almighty.
26-27 They are proud and rebellious;
    they stubbornly hold up their shields
    and rush to fight against God.

28 They are the ones who captured cities
    and seized houses whose owners had fled,
    but war will destroy those cities and houses.
29 They will not remain rich for long;
    nothing they own will last.
Even their shadows[c] will vanish,
30     and they will not escape from darkness.
They will be like trees
    whose branches are burned by fire,
    whose blossoms[d] are blown away by the wind.
31 If they are foolish enough to trust in evil,
    then evil will be their reward.
32 Before their time is up they will wither,[e]
    wither like a branch and never be green again.
33 They will be like vines that lose their unripe grapes;
    like olive trees that drop their blossoms.
34 There will be no descendants for godless people,
    and fire will destroy the homes built by bribery.
35 These are the ones who plan trouble and do evil;
    their hearts are always full of deceit.

16 1-2 I have heard words like that before;
    the comfort you give is only torment.
Are you going to keep on talking forever?
    Do you always have to have the last word?
If you were in my place and I in yours,
    I could say everything you are saying.
I could shake my head wisely
    and drown you with a flood of words.
I could strengthen you with advice
    and keep talking to comfort you.

But nothing I say helps,
    and being silent does not calm my pain.
You have worn me out, God;
    you have let my family be killed.
    You have seized me; you are my enemy.
I am skin and bones,
    and people take that as proof of my guilt.[f]

In anger God tears me limb from limb;
    he glares at me with hate.
10 People sneer at me;
    they crowd around me and slap my face.
11 God has handed me over to evil people.
12 I was living in peace,
    but God took me by the throat
    and battered me and crushed me.
God uses me for target practice
13     and shoots arrows at me from every side—
    arrows that pierce and wound me;
    and even then he shows no pity.
14 He wounds me again and again;
    he attacks like a soldier gone mad with hate.

15 I mourn and wear clothes made of sackcloth,
    and I sit here in the dust defeated.
16 I have cried until my face is red,
    and my eyes are swollen and circled with shadows,
17     but I am not guilty of any violence,
    and my prayer to God is sincere.

18 O Earth, don't hide the wrongs done to me!
Don't let my call for justice be silenced!
19 (C)There is someone in heaven
    to stand up for me and take my side.
20 My friends scorn me;
    my eyes pour out tears to God.
21 I want someone to plead with God for me,
    as one pleads for a friend.
22 My years are passing now,
    and I walk the road of no return.

17 The end of my life is near. I can hardly breathe;
    there is nothing left for me but the grave.
I watch how bitterly everyone mocks me.
I am being honest, God. Accept my word.
    There is no one else to support what I say.
You have closed their minds to reason;
    don't let them triumph over me now.
In the old proverb someone betrays his friends for money,
    and his children suffer for it.[g]
And now people use this proverb against me;
    they come and spit in my face.
My grief has almost made me blind;
    my arms and legs are as thin as shadows.
Those who claim to be honest are shocked,
    and they all condemn me as godless.
Those who claim to be respectable
    are more and more convinced they are right.
10 But if all of them came and stood before me,
    I would not find even one of them wise.

11 My days have passed; my plans have failed;
    my hope is gone.
12 But my friends say night is daylight;
    they say that light is near,
    but I know I remain in darkness.
13 My only hope is the world of the dead,
    where I will lie down to sleep in the dark.
14 I will call the grave my father,
    and the worms that eat me
    I will call my mother and my sisters.
15 Where is there any hope for me?
    Who sees any?
16 Hope will not go with me[h]
    when I go down to the world of the dead.

18 1-2 Job, can't people like you ever be quiet?
    If you stopped to listen, we could talk to you.
What makes you think we are as stupid as cattle?
You are only hurting yourself with your anger.
    Will the earth be deserted because you are angry?
    Will God move mountains to satisfy you?

(D)The light of the wicked will still be put out;
    its flame will never burn again.
The lamp in their tents will be darkened.
Their steps were firm, but now they stumble;
    they fall—victims of their own advice.
They walk into a net, and their feet are caught;
    a trap catches their heels and holds them.
10 On the ground a snare is hidden;
    a trap has been set in their path.

11 All around them terror is waiting;
    it follows them at every step.
12 They used to be rich, but now they go hungry;
    disaster stands and waits at their side.
13 A deadly disease spreads over their bodies
    and causes their arms and legs to rot.
14 They are torn from the tents where they lived secure,
    and are dragged off to face King Death.
15 Now anyone may live in their tents—[i]
    after sulfur is sprinkled to disinfect them![j]
16 Their roots and branches are withered and dry.
17 Their fame is ended at home and abroad;
    no one remembers them any more.
18 They will be driven out of the land of the living,
    driven from light into darkness.
19 They have no descendants, no survivors.
20 From east to west, all who hear of their fate
    shudder and tremble with fear.
21 That is the fate of evil people,
    the fate of those who care nothing for God.

19 1-2 Why do you keep tormenting me with words?
Time after time you insult me
    and show no shame for the way you abuse me.
Even if I have done wrong,
    how does that hurt you?
You think you are better than I am,
    and regard my troubles as proof of my guilt.
Can't you see it is God who has done this?
    He has set a trap to catch me.
I protest his violence,
    but no one is listening;
    no one hears my cry for justice.
God has blocked the way, and I can't get through;
    he has hidden my path in darkness.
He has taken away all my wealth
    and destroyed my reputation.
10 He batters me from every side.
He uproots my hope
    and leaves me to wither and die.
11 God is angry and rages against me;
    he treats me like his worst enemy.
12 He sends his army to attack me;
    they dig trenches and lay siege to my tent.

13 God has made my own family forsake me;
    I am a stranger to those who knew me;
14     my relatives and friends are gone.
15 Those who were guests in my house have forgotten me;
    my servant women treat me like a stranger and a foreigner.
16 When I call a servant, he doesn't answer—
    even when I beg him to help me.
17 My wife can't stand the smell of my breath,
    and my own brothers won't come near me.
18 Children despise me and laugh when they see me.
19 (E)My closest friends look at me with disgust;
    those I loved most have turned against me.
20 My skin hangs loose on my bones;
    I have barely escaped with my life.[k]
21 You are my friends! Take pity on me!
    The hand of God has struck me down.
22 Why must you persecute me the way God does?
    Haven't you tormented me enough?

23 How I wish that someone would remember my words
    and record them in a book!
24 Or with a chisel carve my words in stone
    and write them so that they would last forever.[l]

25 But I know there is someone in heaven
    who will come at last to my defense.
26 Even after my skin is eaten by disease,
    while still in this body[m] I will see God.[n]
27 I will see him with my own eyes,
    and he will not be a stranger.

My courage failed because you said,
28     “How can we torment him?”
    You looked for some excuse to attack me.
29 But now, be afraid of the sword—
    the sword that brings God's wrath on sin,
    so that you will know there is one who judges.[o]

20 1-2 Job, you upset me. Now I'm impatient to answer.
    What you have said is an insult,
    but I know how to reply to you.

Surely you know that from ancient times,
    when we humans were first placed on earth,
    no wicked people have been happy for long.
They may grow great, towering to the sky,
    so great that their heads reach the clouds,
    but they will be blown away like dust.
Those who used to know them
    will wonder where they have gone.
(F)They will vanish like a dream, like a vision at night,
    and never be seen again.
The wicked will disappear from the place where they used to live;
10     and their children will make good what they stole from the poor.
11 Their bodies used to be young and vigorous,
    but soon they will turn to dust.

12-13 Evil tastes so good to them
    that they keep some in their mouths to enjoy its flavor.
14 But in their stomachs the food turns bitter,
    as bitter as any poison could be.
15 The wicked vomit up the wealth they stole;
    God takes it back, even out of their stomachs.
16 What the evil people swallow is like poison;
    it kills them like the bite of a deadly snake.
17 They will not live to see rivers of olive oil[p]
    or streams that flow with milk and honey.
18 They will have to give up all they have worked for;
    they will have no chance to enjoy their wealth,
19     because they oppressed and neglected the poor
    and seized houses someone else had built.
20 Their greed is never satisfied.
21 When they eat, there is nothing left over,
    but now their prosperity comes to an end.
22 At the height of their success
    all the weight of misery will crush them.
23 Let them eat all they want!
    God will punish them in fury and anger.
24 (G)When they try to escape from an iron sword,
    a bronze bow will shoot them down.
25 Arrows stick through their bodies;
    the shiny points drip with their blood,
    and terror grips their hearts.
26 Everything they have saved is destroyed;
    a fire not lit by human hands
    burns them and all their family.
27 Heaven reveals their sin,
    and the earth gives testimony against them.
28 All their wealth will be destroyed
    in the flood of God's anger.

29 This is the fate of wicked people,
    the fate that God assigns to them.

21 1-2 Listen to what I am saying;
    that is all the comfort I ask from you.
Give me a chance to speak and then,
    when I am through, sneer if you like.

My quarrel is not with mortals;
    I have good reason to be impatient.
Look at me. Isn't that enough
    to make you stare in shocked silence?
When I think of what has happened to me,
    I am stunned, and I tremble and shake.

Why does God let evil people live,
    let them grow old and prosper?
They have children and grandchildren,
    and live to watch them all grow up.
God does not bring disaster on their homes;
    they never have to live in terror.
10 Yes, all their cattle breed
    and give birth without trouble.
11 Their children run and play like lambs
12     and dance to the music of harps and flutes.
13 They live out their lives in peace
    and quietly die without suffering.

14 The wicked tell God to leave them alone;
    they don't want to know his will for their lives.
15 They think there is no need to serve God
    nor any advantage in praying to him.
16 They claim they succeed by their own strength,
    but their way of thinking I can't accept.

17 Was a wicked person's light ever put out?
    Did one of them ever meet with disaster?
Did God ever punish the wicked in anger
18     and blow them away like straw in the wind,
    or like dust carried away in a storm?

19 You claim God punishes a child for the sins of his father.
No! Let God punish the sinners themselves;
    let him show that he does it because of their sins.
20 Let sinners bear their own punishment;
    let them feel the wrath of Almighty God.
21 When our lives are over,
    do we really care whether our children are happy?
22 Can anyone teach God,
    who judges even those in high places?

23-24 Some people stay healthy till the day they die;
    they die happy and at ease,
    their bodies well-nourished.
25 Others have no happiness at all;
    they live and die with bitter hearts.
26 But all alike die and are buried;
    they all are covered with worms.

27 I know what spiteful thoughts you have.
28 You ask, “Where are the homes of great people now,
    those who practiced evil?”

29 Haven't you talked with people who travel?
    Don't you know the reports they bring back?
30 On the day God is angry and punishes,
    it is the wicked who are always spared.
31 There is no one to accuse the wicked
    or pay them back for all they have done.
32 When they are carried to the graveyard,
    to their well-guarded tombs,
33     thousands join the funeral procession,
    and even the earth lies gently on their bodies.

34 And you! You try to comfort me with nonsense!
    Every answer you give is a lie!


  1. Job 15:23 One ancient translation vultures; Hebrew where is he?
  2. Job 15:23 One ancient translation are waiting; Hebrew he wanders.
  3. Job 15:29 One ancient translation shadows; Hebrew unclear.
  4. Job 15:30 One ancient translation blossoms; Hebrew mouth.
  5. Job 15:32 Some ancient translations wither; Hebrew be filled.
  6. Job 16:8 Verses 7-8 in Hebrew are unclear.
  7. Job 17:5 someone … suffer for it; or someone entertains his friends while his children go hungry.
  8. Job 17:16 One ancient translation with me; Hebrew unclear.
  9. Job 18:15 Now anyone may live in their tents; Hebrew unclear.
  10. Job 18:15 Sulfur was used in the ancient world as a disinfectant and to clean rooms that had contained corpses.
  11. Job 19:20 Verse 20 in Hebrew is unclear.
  12. Job 19:24 last forever; or be on record.
  13. Job 19:26 while still in this body; or although not in this body.
  14. Job 19:26 Verse 26 in Hebrew is unclear.
  15. Job 19:29 one who judges; or a judgment.
  16. Job 20:17 Probable text They will … oil; Hebrew unclear.

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