Greek Esther 9:26
This is why people call these days Purim—on account of the lots, which are called purim in the Hebrew language. Mordecai established the festival on the basis of the contents of this letter, on the basis of what the Jews suffered because of all these events, and on the basis of how it all turned out for them.
Therefore these days were called ‘Purim’, because of the lots (for in their language this is the word that means ‘lots’). And so, because of what was written in this letter, and because of what they had experienced in this affair and what had befallen them, Mordecai established this festival,
Therefore these days were called “Purim,” because of the lots (for in their language this is the word that means “lots”). And so, because of what was written in this letter and because of what they had experienced in this affair and what had befallen them, Mordecai established this festival,
Therefore they called these days Purim, after the term Pur. And therefore, because of all that was written in this letter, and of what they had faced in this matter, and of what had befallen them,
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