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18 He is unstabler than the face of the water; his part in [the] earth be cursed, and go he not by the way of vineries. (He is more unstable than the face, or the surface, of the water; let his portion be cursed in the land, and go he not by the way of the vineyards.)

19 Pass he to a full great heat from the waters of snows, and the sin of him till to hells. (Like a great heat taketh away the waters of the snow, so let Sheol, or the grave, take him away.)

20 Mercy forget him; his sweetness be (for) a worm; be he not in mind, but be he all-broken as an unfruitful tree. (The womb shall forget him; let his sweetness be for a worm; let him be forgotten, and all-broken, like an unfruitful tree.)

21 For he fed (not) the barren, and her that childeth not, and he did not well to the widow.

22 He drew down strong men in his strength; and when he standeth in great state/in prosperity, he shall not believe to his life. (He drew down the strong with his strength; and yet, though he standeth in great state/in prosperity, he shall not have any hope for his life.)

23 God gave to him a place of penance, and he misuseth that into pride; soothly the eyes of God be beholding in the ways of that man (truly God’s eyes behold the ways of such people).

24 They be raised up at a little while, and they shall not stand; and they shall be made low as all vile things, and they shall be taken away; and as the highnesses of ears of corn they shall be all-broken. (They shall be raised up for a little while, but they shall not stand; then they shall be made low like all vile things, and they shall be taken away; and they shall be all-broken like the tops of the ears of corn.)

25 That if it is not so, who may reprove me, that I lied, and have put forth follily my words before God? (And if this is not so, then who shall rebuke me, and say that I have lied, and have foolishly put forth my words before God?)

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